A one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year.

It looks like it pays not to work too hard. A minimum wage one parent family makes out so much better than the “middle class”. The full article runs more scenarios which make it even more advantageous. Note that at $60K, no health insurance is included. Include that, and it would be better to stay in bed. The original article appeared in National Review online.

UPDATE. The original links are now broken, but you can find the complete sources and article here:


I caught this over at Mark Levin’s place: comes from Wyatt Emerich of The Cleveland Current. In what is sure to inspire some serious ire among all those who once believed Ronald Reagan that it was the USSR that was the “Evil Empire”, Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and comes to the stunning (and verifiable) conclusion that “a one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year (minimum wage) has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year.” And that excludes benefits from Supplemental Security Income disability checks. America is now a country which punishes those middle-class people who not only try to work hard, but avoid scamming the system. Not surprisingly, it is not only the richest and most audacious thieves that prosper – it is also the penny scammers at the very bottom of the economic ladder that rip off the middle class each and every day, courtesy of the world’s most generous entitlement system. Perhaps if Reagan were alive today, he would wish to modify the object of his once legendary remark.

From Emmerich:

More data here: More at Mark Levin   If the $60K  itemized line dosn’t appear on you computer, click on the link to Mark’s site. For more, click on Durden’s “Answer” after the link

Tonight’s stunning financial piece de resistance

The Head Of A Household Of Four Making Minimum Wage Has More Disposable Income Than A Family Making $60,000 A Year

Now where it gets plainly out of control is if one throws in Supplemental Security Income.

SSI pays $8,088 per year for each “disabled” family member. A person can be deemed “disabled” if thy are totally lacking in the cultural and educational skills needed to be employable in the workforce.

If you add $24,262 a year for three disability checks, the lowest paid welfare family would now have far more take-home income than the $60,000-a-year family.

More at Mark Levin 

For more, click on Durden’s “Answer” after the link


6 Responses to “A one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year has more disposable income than a family making $60,000 a year.”

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  2. Poverty rate highest in years, yet it is richer to be poor « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Post: One parent of three making $14,000 a year has mmore disposable income than a family making $60,000 a… Emmerich analyzes disposable income and economic benefits among several key income classes and […]


  3. Why is anyone against the health care reform? - Page 10 - Sherdog Mixed Martial Arts Forums Says:

    […] an example of a person I know it's truthfully a coincidence that the numbers came out very similar. A one-parent family of three making $14,500 a year has more disposable income than a family making $… If a person's insurance must cover a dependant until the age 26 why can't he claim them on their […]


  4. Sunday Hunt For Links – Cooper’s Hawk Edition | Political Realities Says:

    […] Bunkerville reports that a family making $14,500 a year has more disposable income than one might imagine. […]


  5. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Isn’t that just great. More collateral damage from centralized planning and wealth redistribution. This sucks!

    BTW please see this Atlas Shrugs article. It will blow your mind. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/06/-obama-tells-egyptian-foreign-minister-i-am-a-muslim-stealth-coup-on-the-white-house.html


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