SEC Ruling Requires Companies to Tell Shareholders if Climate Laws Are Bad for Business

Oh this will help the business climate. Another nail in the coffin for sending American companies overseas. Driving down stock prices helps everone’s pension plan.

A new ruling by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) would require corporations to inform their shareholders of the business risks and potential impacts of climate change legislation, environmental regulation, and international climate treaties. The ruling marks the first time the SEC has required companies to make such information available to shareholders.

“Ultimately what this points to is, hopefully, companies looking at their own portfolios of internal investments and internal stranded capital and assets and rearranging so that they are less addicted to oil and less involved in dirty technology and more involved in clean technology,” Davies said.
“That’s the goal here, full disclosure of those vulnerabilities and or advantages for other companies,” Davies continued. “Maybe this helps to level that, at least in investors’ minds and then we get to a more sane economy that makes the right choices.”

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