Insurance companies – perhaps not the evils in this??

The story no one is talking about. Insurance companies continue to support Medicaid and Medicare. These two are losers for Doctors and Hospitals.The reimbursement rates do not begin to cover the cost of services provided. Thus, private insurance companies are forced into contracts with Docs and Hospitals that cover these losers.

So now they want to bleed these nasties more?  Benchmarks to meet or the  “Public Option kicks in? Your dreaming. They will go out of business. But that is what you want anyway. Truth be told.

The average profit margin for health insurers last year clocked in at an anemic 2.2%. Far below what normally stockholders would tolerate. While Democrats in Congress have spent months demonizing insurers as greedy villainous monsters, from Barack Obama to Nancy Pelosi to Alan Grayson, the American media stood mute rather than report on the extent of this supposed greed.  Why?  It’s not as if these companies don’t have annual reports, or that business media haven’t tracked their performance.  The publicly-traded companies have their bottom lines exposed for all to see, and yet the media has steadfastly whistled and looked askance rather than inform people about the extent of their demonic, villainous, greedy, filthy lucre.