Warning: Brace Yourself For What’s Coming in 2024 – Victor Davis Hanson

More Americans are coming to the conclusion that the next election may indeed determine the fate of the United States. In an unforgettable talk, we hear the unvarnished opinion of what is at stake, and how those who have so much at stake with the status quo, have it all on the line and the lengths to which they will go to maintain the status quo. One not to be missed, and a transcript link of the full video is included here as well. Here is part of it.

Conservative historian and professor Victor Davis Hanson has released a new video and it is basically a warning for America.

The essence of Hanson’s message is a reminder of how far the left went to stop Trump last time and that people should be prepared for them to do anything this time.

It’s an ominous warning but it’s important to think ahead and be mentally prepared for anything, because that’s what is on the table.

A report at The Gateway Pundit summarized his comments with: “The essence of Hanson’s message is a reminder of how far the left went to stop Trump last time and that people should be prepared for them to do anything this time.”

His comments include: “They look at Trump as a vampire and they put a stake in his heart but they’re afraid that that stake could come out any time. That he’s undying and they’re afraid of him. They are terrified of him.”

He explained, “They are terrified of him because they think he’s smarter this time and he has just cause to really get angry because of what they did to him. They can write all of The Atlantic Monthly and New Yorker clever, glib little essays about ‘Donald Trump is a threat to democracy,’ and their little Molly Ball in Time Magazine essays how clever and brilliant they were with their cabals and conspiracies to get rid of him.

“But deep down inside they know that if the right ever did that to Barack Obama or Joe Biden, they could have really made something out of the fact that Barack Obama had a hot mic expose where he told the president of Russia, ‘You tell Vladimir that I will be flexible on missile defense.’

That’s the security of the United States of America. ‘If he gives me space in my last election.’ Putin did do that. That’s an impeachable offense if a phone call to Ukraine is. So they understand that, the right could have done that to them, and they understand now the right probably will do that to them for their own survival, and they are scared.”

Hanson noted, “They’re saying that if a MAGA candidate wins, and they win the House and Senate, they’re cooked because they’re going to get special prosecutors and go after the Biden family like they’ve never gone after anybody.”

He turned blunt, “You’re never going to see anything like what they’re going to do in 2024.”

And he charged that Democrats simply cannot run on their record, so their only pitch to Americans is a “hate-Trump” ideology.

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The full video below .Real Clear Politics provides a transcript.

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