Will the World Stop Development to Save the Planet?


Will China and India be willing to forgo the future amenities of electricity to save the planet? Will Africa forgo economic development? All of this for the mirage of global warming? Air conditioning saves lives in India. Millions suffer.

Will Western nations be able to convince Indians to forgo air conditioning (while they sit in their airconed rooms) to “save the planet?”



While we give up our cars.


Anyway, an excerpt from the article:

Naresh Tatavet, a personal driver in Delhi, is among those who’ve had enough. This month, he bought his young family their first AC, calling it one of the biggest financial investments he’s ever made — on par with purchasing a motorbike. In his neighbourhood, after somebody purchases an AC, “we bring them sweets to celebrate.”

Whatever happens in Washington, Brussels and other faraway places, Tatavet is sure of one thing: His family won’t go back. He can no longer watch his baby throw up from the heat. “I don’t want to wake up drenched in sweat anymore,” he said.

The more we think of it the more we are coming to realize that this isn’t a “climate war” rather it is a war between rich and poor nations.

Read more

This brought my thoughts back to the WEF meeting in Davos this last January.


What Schwab, Gates, Soros want for us? We will be denied heat, food, electricity, forced to eat bugs…while the master class would live frivolously: Greenpeace Accuses Davos Summit VIPs Of “Hypocrisy” Over Private Jet Use


Kerry shared:

It’s pretty extraordinary, that we a select group of human beings because of whatever touched us at some point in our lives, are able to sit in a room and come together and actually talk about saving the planet.  And it’s so almost extraterrestrial to think about quote saving the planet.”

He goes on to say that what most people think about Kerry and others:

Most people think you’re just a crazy, treehugging, lefty, liberal, do-gooder, whatever…”

Yes, I believe he’s right about that.John Kerry, who was selected by  President Joe Biden to serve as climate envoy, owns six homes, two yachts, 12 cars, and a private jet.

Masters of the Universe




Just in case we wonder about Manchin. You see, he managed to find his way there too.

How could I end a post without out a few words from our savant John Kerry?


John Kerry: ‘There would have been no Paris Accord if there had been penalties

“So that is a serious form of enforcement, if you will, compliance. But there is no penalty for it, obviously, but if there had been a penalty, we wouldn’t have been able to get an agreement.”

On December 14, 2015 I posted this and see if you can follow his logic.



The best of the swamp.

No Jobs for Americans, But Plenty of Foreign Worker Visas

 I had been reading that we were giving out more H-1B visas than at anytime before. While I am unable to find the source document listing the number of  worker visas– of which there are numerous types, this particular H-1B stands out. Ten Billion in contracts for American workers from India? The immigration and Nationality act passed in the ’90′s spawned the H-1B visa. U.S. firms can import “temporary” foreign workers for high skilled jobs such as those in the science and engineering fields. The idea was that to remain competitive, companies could import these foreign workers when Americans could not be found for the jobs. That was the idea.

To give you an idea of the scale of visa abuse, Microsoft laid off 5,800 American workers in the last two years. During that same time period they also received 2,355 H-1B visas. They no doubt saved a bundle. Microsoft is not alone. They are just an example.

The high-tech industry in the United States “lost” 245,000 jobs last year. At the same time, more than 100,000 H-1B visas were issued. The same government that issued these visas are the same ones that cannot find money for a Tier 5 extension. They borrowed nearly $900 billion to “stimulate” an economy. The economy remains in shambles. This is the same government that champions amnesty, with accompanying chain migration. This is the same government that despite the aforementioned failures, continue to issue foreign work visas hand over fist.

So America is being hit from all sides. High skilled labor is shipped in, and low skill labor just walks in. Caught in the middle is the American worker, not wanted by American companies (or those posing as American companies), or the American government for that matter.

The H-1B visa typically lasts three years, although it can be extended to six. If a company wishes to sponsor the imported worker for permanent residence, the visa can be extended indefinitely. Even those that come over on student visas can land an H-1B visa and potentially remain in the United States indefinitely.

The former Commerce Minster of India, Kamal Nath, has dubbed the H-1B visa the “outsourcing visa.” What he meant was that companies import cheap labor, not to compliment the American workforce, but to replace it. Once these worker s have been trained in the United States, they return to their native countries, and take the jobs they had in the United States with them. In other words, the jobs were never intended for Americans. .