Biden Mumbles, Wanders About During Morehouse Graduation Address

In one of the classic examples of Biden’s odd behavior, Biden finds his way to Morehouse College to try to shill for some votes. His steady decline is apparent as he wanders around on the stage with his helpers far from his side. However, he was coherent enough to give the usual black pablum the Democrats are noted that comes around every four years during election time. This time however, the Dems have new BFFs coming in to America via the “asylum” route. How will it play this time around is the question.

Biden notes that students there have to “be 10 times better than anybody else just to get a fair shot” and that Republicans are not accepting of Black people. But of course.

“They don’t see you in the future of America. But they’re wrong,” Biden offers. And of course, Biden took a swipe at Georgia’s election laws at one point in his speech, reviving a misleading claim that voters are banned from receiving food and water while in line at polling places.

“Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election. What in the hell is that all about?” Biden said.

The world notices. 

Joe Biden Sunday morning delivered the 2024 Morehouse College commencement address in Atlanta, Georgia.

US President Joe Biden was blasted online following “incoherent pandering” at a graduation ceremony on Sunday at Morehouse College in Atlanta. The 81-year-old received an honorary degree from the college located in Atlanta and conducted a speech. X users roasted The oldest-ever sitting president after his early exit from Morehouse’s ceremony.

“Biden bails on the rest of the ceremony after he finishes his incoherent pandering at Morehouse College,” wrote RNC Research. University students protested Biden’s appearance during the graduation ceremony as many turned their backs on him.

One of the students at the ceremony, DeAngelo Fletcher, believed the President’s appearance was to appeal to young black voters. “I think it’s kind of insulting that our star alumnus is Dr. King, but Biden has been on a tirade in the Middle East. Bringing him here, especially during an election year to get the young Black vote especially, it’s kind of insulting,” he said. He would later go on call for Israel to impose an “immediate” cease-fire. He also endorsed a two-state solution as “the only solution.”


The special potion given apparently wore off after his tirade about how terrible blacks have it.

It’s hard to believe that we might get four more years of this nonsense.

The best of the swamp.