Soros Set to Take Control of Second Largest Chain of Radio Stations: ‘This is Scary’

Soros loves to create chaos, and taking over the media is the perfect conduit to continue the strife here in the U.S. There was a time when when the F.C.C. would not allow the same company to own more that one media outlet in a market but those days are over. Earlier he went after 18 Spanish speaking radio stations. How many carry conservative talk programs.

Here we go with the story from the NY Post:

George Soros is poised to take a massive stake in the nation’s second-largest radio company, which owns more than 220 stations nationwide, according to court filings and sources close to the situation.

The left-leaning billionaire’s Soros Fund Management has bought up $400 million of debt in Audacy — the No. 2 US radio broadcaster behind iHeartMedia with stations including New York’s WFAN and 1010 WINS, as well as Los Angeles-based KROQ, according to bankruptcy filings.

Last summer, a fund linked to Soros joined a consortium of former lenders who paid $350 million for bankrupt Vice Media — an outlet that at its peak was once valued at $6 billion.

A judge in Manhattan federal bankruptcy court ruled that Soros Fund Management and Fortress Investment Group represented the best option to take the Brooklyn-based company out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Sources think it could effect the election coming up. “This is scary,” 

Read more

This isn’t his first foray:

Soros bought 18 (Jun 9 2022) A major media deal supported by Democratic fundraisers to recover lost ground among Hispanics by purchasing Spanish-language radio stations around the United States is stirring up opposition in Miami, where Cuban exiles describe it as an attempt to stifle conservative and anti-Communist voices.

The Latino Media Network, a startup founded by two political strategists who worked for President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, reached a $60 million deal to acquire 18 AM and FM stations in ten U.S. cities from Televisa/Univision.

A previous post told the story:

FCC Pro-Censorship Radical Gigi Sohn Commissioner Hearing Held

One of the most important positions is up for approval. The FCC is set to pick up two new commissioners. A Marxist and Soros supported and could be deadly for what is left of media and free speech. The issue of Net Neutrality is on the line.

In addition to Alvaro Bedoya, the George Soros linked, pro-illegal immigration professor that Biden has selected as his nominee for FTC commissioner, the Biden administration also wants the pro-censorship radical Gigi Sohn to serve on the Federal Communications Committee (FCC).

With jurisdiction over internet and telecoms policy, the FCC is an increasingly important arm of the federal government. During the Trump administration, it was at the center of the President’s efforts to fight back against Big Tech censorship.

Gigi Sohn was the co-founder and CEO of the leftist advocacy group Public Knowledge, which recently called on cable and satellite providers to drop the conservative One America News Network. She doesn’t care much for Fox either. Where do they find all of these Marxists who wish to remove Free Speech?

We are picking up where Obama left off and it isn’t taking any eight years to get there.

Here in the waning days of Obama the coup de grace 

FCC Approves Foreign Takeover of U.S. Broadcasters

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on September 29th did something worse than give up control of the Internet. They voted unanimously to put America’s entire broadcast industry on the fast track to a foreign takeover by Chinese, Russian or Muslim Brotherhood front corporations.

This new FCC rule gives foreign interests the long sought-after tools they need to shape U.S. public opinion and to censor the opposition.

Roll on over to Bunkerville gold posted in 2014:

FCC: The long sordid attempt to take over the news media since day one

Best of the swamp today.

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45 Responses to “Soros Set to Take Control of Second Largest Chain of Radio Stations: ‘This is Scary’”

  1. Soros Set to Take Control of Second Largest Chain of Radio Stations | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Compatiots | Vermont Folk Troth Says:

    […] Soros Set to Take Control of Second Largest Chain of Radio Stations | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Gu… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    LA’s KROQ has been Rock’n Roll for YEARS……..since that’s part of his package, if Soros keeps music playing, I’m fine with that. (except imagine how they slant the news minutes?!)

    Other than that, I don’t trust the hideous man for anything…..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. peter3nj Says:

    Here in NY conservative billionaire John Catsimatidis rescued 770 WABC , considered the country’s flagship AM station, from lefties several years back. It’s rumored Catsimatidis may try to stop further Soro’s groups from taking over any more conservative AM stations. Cross your fingers.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Baysider Says:

    This is definitely a gambit to re-shape the narrative that is seeing Hispanics ‘re-think’ their position on the Democrat’s plantation. And THEY are the coming demographic. The Dem party can dump the blacks if they can pull Hispanics into the fold and re-capture the Alamo and Florida.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. nrringlee Says:

    Air America was one such experiment in Progressive New Left talk radio. The marketplace killed it.


  6. Mustang Says:

    You’re right to signal a warning.  It is about censorship but taken over a different route than what many under-thoughtful people might imagine.  It isn’t censorship by telling people they may not express a point of view; it’s censorship because soon, there won’t be a podium from which to speak.

    Thirty years ago, a college professor and I prepared an Op-Ed about American education.  It was well written, within the required length, and written so that most people could understand the key points.  It was also well-sourced.  We sent this jewel to the Washington Post.  Their “education editor” rejected it because he disagreed with our propositions.  In our view, this was censorship — but it has been that way in this country for a very long time.

    WaPo didn’t keep us from expressing our opinion, they kept us from expressing it in their media outlet.  If Soros owns 220 radio stations, then he can control the narrative and the entire dialogue.  To keep Soros from purchasing those 220 outlets would also be a form of censorship.  Here again, the system we embrace is our worst enemy.

    I enjoyed appearing on Ed’s radio show a few years ago, but I have no idea how influential his platform was (or is now).  I’m sure he has some way of measuring his program’s effectiveness.  AOW also had an internet radio program called The Gathering Storm.  Her struggles with health issues, her own, and her husband’s, caused her to step away.  Too bad …


  7. The Night Wind Says:

     Let’s not forget though that Obama accomplished this with a Republican-controlled Congress. They also gave Obama the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act which essentially repealed laws against Government agencies setting up their own propaganda departments. Earlier, the GOP Congress give Clinton the Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996 which laid the groundwork for all of these hostile takeovers, media monopolies and ‘public-private’ censorship. Bush went on from there to conscript the Tech Lords into creating media surveillance apparatuses in exchange for fat government contracts. The FCC hasn’t been run by a non-industry insider since Reagan’s last appointee retired in 1993.

     Somehow, I don’t think that we can count very much on Republican politicians to promote a free and competitive press; especially since Koch, Murdoch, and Musk benefit from the Status Quo too.


    • bunkerville Says:


      In reply to Mustang

      It seemed until the time of the Obama regime, the FCC was careful that no one entity could control the news in any one market.

      For the first time foreign entities could own our sources of news as well. For the first time the intent was to control what was said.

      But here is now it works… one by one the independents are bought out, become unprofitable and then the mergers and eventually one if the ‘big guy’ steps in.

      Same with what is/did happening to healthcare and hospitals. 

      It will be the downfall of us all. They and government will set the course of our lives.


    • bunkerville Says:

      NW Agree. Points made. But there were never the mergers that have since occured.


      • The Night Wind Says:

         The mergers weren’t happening under Clinton and Bush; but those two did repeal laws against cross-ownership of media stocks. That made the mergers possible because financial octopuses like Soros and BlackRock had controlling interest in several media firms at once and made takeovers easy.

        This still happens BTW. BlackRock currently owns 8% of NewsCorp (Fox); 7% of Disney; 7% of Time-Warner (ABC); 6% of Comcast; and 5% of GE (NBC). Warren Buffet has 15% of Paramount Global (CBS).

        Liked by 1 person

  8. peter3nj Says:

    This country will never rebound from the Obamalinsky administration in fact their man Biden will be passing the torch to his next acolyte in 2024. In the two special elections this past Tuesday the deaf people of NY and PA were the harbingers of what is to come in November. Sooner rather than later there may not be a “Radio Free America.” “We have met the enemy and they are us”…Pogo.
    It’s time to retire the profile on the wall of “Che’ “ and replace it with “Barry!”

    Liked by 1 person

  9. markone1blog Says:

    I don’t know about you, but I am more attuned to the message rather than the station or the messenger. If a talk show host starts singing Biden love tunes (not that I have had that happen), then I find another source of information.

    So Soros sinks money into radio hardware and starts blasting out a left-wing message. All he will have accomplished is driving his audience to his competitors. In this day, since almost everyone has an app for that, you don’t have to be in range of a station to listen to it. To that point, when I drive to Dallas to pick up my son, I listen to a Houston news station all the way there and back.

    Liked by 1 person

    • markone1blog Says:

      By the way, Houston to Dallas is a 400+ mile drive with many hills along the way as you near Central Texas.

      Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      These talk folks have to make a living…and us older folks can track them down. But more importantly, the intent is really to stifle speech in the end.

      Take the local newspapers. The local reporters doing original stories are gone…now massed produced info is what one gets.

      I see your point, but I don’t think it bodes well. The one off podcasts are for the dedicated confirmed listener IMO.

      Liked by 1 person

      • markone1blog Says:

        When I listen across an app, I rarely listen to a podcast. In fact, I think that I only listened to one podcast (and that was one generated by a radio personality).

        For the most part, when I listen to a radio app, I listen to live radio (just without the dropping out due to being in a valley or behind a big set of skyscrapers).


      • Ed Bonderenka Says:

        The question is then:
        Do you listen to me live or on the podcast? 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    • Baysider Says:

      BUNK PLZ REMOVE THIS COMMENT UNDER MY NAME. REPOSTING HERE: very frustrating, the autofill no longer fills my screen name and I have re-do it every time. 

      It may not start blasting a left-wing message. A clever propagandist would stack a few truths then slip in a red herring here and there to gradually re-shape the message. Much as is happening in many Christian churches that started this way and now are lurching this way. Good point about listening on apps. EV drivers have a hard time with AM and I’ve read many new cars aren’t even going to carry it. We’re getting news in new ways. 

      Liked by 1 person

      • markone1blog Says:

        Since WordPress seems to be malfunctioning for you, too, it just threw me for a loop. I was responding to a comment on my own blog (using the bell icon to access the comment) and the comment — which I think was about two hours old — disappeared.

        More often WordPress seems to be glitching like this.


      • bunkerville Says:

        They changed the format for me, in the comment section, looking more like a post. Block format in WP


    • bunkerville Says:

      Spot on. Thanks for stopping by.


  10. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Support your local independent conservative radio station and it’s advertisers.
    Here in SE Michigan, it’s WAAM 1600, 92.7.

    On a similar note, Salem recently sold Regnery, long a conservative publisher, to Skyhorse Publishing that also owns Simon and Shuster.

    Liked by 1 person

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