Texas Gov Says “NO” to Removing the Border Wire Ordered by the Supremes; 14 States Give Assistance

“In total, 14 states—Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, & Wyoming have stepped up to support Texas’ efforts and deployed personnel and resources to secure the border.” 

Last week an appeals court reversed a lower court ruling and now permits the water barrier buoys to remain that divide Mexico and the U.S.

Governor Greg Abbott  invoked Texas’ Constitutional authority to defend itself against the lawless Biden Regime.


Abbott escalated his fight against Joe Biden on Wednesday after the US Supreme Court sided with the Biden Regime and allowed Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed on the Texas-Mexico border.

Full statement from Abbott:


“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday evening vowed to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling on razor wire at the southern border.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.” Ken Paxton said.

H/T: Gateway pundit

So according to Paxton “the temporary order” – allows this action by the Feds. This implies further litigation. This decision was based on answering an injunction.  One would think that an issue with the magnitude concerning our border would be given a full hearing with oral arguments with case law presented. A decision would be reached with the a majority and minority position written. After all no bigger decision is being made and precedent set.

It would be great if some legal beagles would opine. Just to have the Supreme court present some ruling on an injunction with a vote and no reasoning given? A “temporary order is just that.” But I didn’t get any law degree.

What is an injunction in the Supreme court?
An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action. There are three types of injunctions: Permanent injunctions, Temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions. Temporary restraining orders (TRO) and preliminary injunctions are equitable in nature.

A win last week.

Texas’ floating U.S-Mexico border barrier can remain, court rules in reversal

A federal appeals court on last wednesday reversed an order requiring Texas to move a floating barrier on the Rio Grande that drew backlash from Mexico — the latest development in legal battles between the Biden administration and Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott over control of migration at the border.

In December, a divided panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had sided with a federal district judge in Texas who said the buoys must be moved. On Wednesday, the court vacated the panel’s 2-1 ruling after a majority of its 17 active judges voted to rehear the case.

The series of linked, concrete-anchored buoys stretches roughly the length of three soccer fields. The state installed it along the international border with Mexico between the Texas border city of Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

Keep reading

UPDATE: Pirate’s Cove finds that Texas has come up with a sliver of an opening of the court ruling…it doesn’t say they can’t put up wire– Read more 

Kingston Trio – The Alamo

Back in the day the Kingston Trio gave us this song.  The border issue needs to get settled and quickly. Someone could get very upset and its a dangerous situation of all concerned. The Migrants, and the soldiers on both sides. As our fearless President often says, “It’s not joke.”

The Deep Swamp never disappoints.


In a statement, Paxton said the federal justices’ decision passes the matter back to the 5th Circuit appeals court, where arguments are scheduled Feb. 7. Paxton filed the appeal after U.S. District Judge Alia Moses of Del Rio found in November that Texas did not present sufficient evidence to demonstrate that federal agents cutting the wires violates state law.
