Saturday Passel of Potpourri – November Beginnings


Politics are top this week. Add animals, kids.. Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings and travelers have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two.

It’s the wind up of the election season. A couple of takes on the important political action this week. Lots of animals this week too.


Note: Tweets come and go. If there is no image twitter has taken it down for whatever reason.

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Good Morning!



We will start out with usual Deep Thoughts by VP Kamala Harris





Our usual Deep Thoughts by President Joe Biden

First Deep Thought: Packaged Goods




Deep thoughts by Senate Candidate John Fetterman



Deep thoughts by Joy Reid.





The week in review-





Time for Bunkerville Prime

Last Saturday we had an interesting video on the squid or otherwise known as the Octopus. Octopuses have shown high levels of intelligence, and the ability to use trial-and-error problem-solving.  Meet Heidi.

Second chance to catch yesterday’s post: 

Biden Warns: ‘It Will Be Days Until We Know the Results of the Election’

Wishing you a wonderful day.

13 Responses to “Saturday Passel of Potpourri – November Beginnings”

  1. Sunday Respite – Peacefully | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Passel of Potpourri – November Beginnings… […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Adynatonal Hot Links – Tacky Raccoons Says:

    […] Pineapples. [h/t Bunkerville] […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Terri D. Says:

    The Darwins were great! Crazy octopus video. Always love the cats & dogs! Thanks, Bunk!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Baysider Says:

    Love the animals! That look on the cat’s face at the end of the ‘drawing’ lesson is perfect – and one I know well. 🙂 The pineapple harvest and curb laying videos telegraph another message of what we in advanced, industrial society take for granted. Those activities here would likely involve PETROLEUM power. The concrete finishing is very clever, but obviously they have a tool for it, so it must be common ‘there.’ A pleasure to watch such a skilled team.

    This follows up a few weeks ago when you raised the issue of the government closing the snow crab harvest this season with NO harvesting allowed. We speculated here. I buy my salmon from one of 2 fisherman who both fish the waters of the Bering Strait personally. Today at the farmer’s market I spoke with one. He only does salmon, and the other crabbing boats in his waters do king, blue — everything but snow. The snow are farther away from their Dutch Harbor base. So he did not have personal knowledge.

    I told him we read 2 or 3 years ago about the record snow crab baby batch which predicted a bumper harvest about now. He had an interesting speculation about what happened. While it could be an ‘environmental’ thing, the CHINESE are massive fishing poachers in the Strait. They have huge vessels – while my guy’s is 38 feet. They run nets for 5 miles. Our fisherman are limited to 900 feet. They overfish the Strait and poach in American fishing grounds.

    What do we do about it? Even 500 miles out the Coast Guard will interdict. They run flyovers on the straits and spot the trawlers, then radio location to the fleet and a Coast Guard boat will stop and board them, inspect and once confirmed they confiscate the catch.

    Where does that go? It’s not like you can just put them back. The Coast Guard sells them on the American market, as he put it, “to the same customers we are marketing to” which of course waters down their trade. They use the money from the sale to help fund the Coast Guard. But it still results in the ‘overfishing’ we all hear about. I’ve not read every article on the subject, but I have never read about the Chinese problem. Why not? We used to hear all about the Japanese overfishing/whaling in the past.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Interesting tidbit and update. When I read they fell off the Mariana Cliff … that was more than a bit much. I will keep my eye out. Something happened. Though I wonder if they just have not been found..


  5. Linda Says:

    Great ones, Bunk…and for the record, I love sloths. GRIN

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Silverfiddle Says:

    Why are the two angriest, most bitter and joyless people on TV named Joy?

    The guy carting the sloth out of the road was lucky (or maybe he knew what he was doing, he was holding it from behind). Despite their slow and friendly appearance, sloths can tear you up if you get close or put hands on them. I saw plenty in the jungle when I was stationed overseas.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Sure beats me how these people remain on TV…Joy really stretched on Inflation.. Interesting about the Sloths… there are plenty of clips of folks getting them out of the road. I will keep that in mind. 🙂


  7. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic:
    Just saw the cutest TV ad:
    African American man (is that racist? While his penis wasn’t visible it was evident he was born a negroid male breeder.) is on the phone shopping for life insurance. The next scene has his white wife ( even a blind man-oops- human could see it was a female breeder though not necessarily by birth.) Increasingly every day corporate america is embracing the duality of transsexuality coupled with miscegenation when it can. It doesn’t get any better.


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