Once Upon a Time

By Mustang

Once upon a time, a kingdom became a Republic, and the Republic became an Empire, and then the Empire collapsed.  It took a little over 1,100 years to accomplish all that, but the end was sure, and no one was prepared for that future event until it arrived suddenly and unannounced.  Some say that Rome never died a natural death.  Others claim that it was a suicide.  People drank poisoned Kool-Aid for well over 1,000 years.  Suicide appears to be the correct analogy.  Let’s briefly discuss what happened —

The Fall of Rome“The Fall of Rome” by Always Curious is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

  • The very barbarians whom the Romans assimilated to share their power with began to attack the state and ultimately, by chipping away at its institutions, caused Rome to implode.

  • Arable land became a scarce resource. People starved, increased taxes drove millions into the poor house, the tax base eventually collapsed, and the only people who benefitted from Roman society were the rich and politically elite.

  • The people grew distrustful of and unhappy with Rome’s institutions (government, courts, the military).  They initiated several civil wars, all of which Rome’s government brutally defeated, which led to people becoming increasingly and psychologically more anti-Roman.

  • The decline of Rome, some argue, was the natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness.  Prosperity accelerated moral decay, the decay weakened the supporting mechanisms, and the edifice collapsed upon itself.

  • Some even blame Christianity for the fall of Rome, preferring cruel religions based on murder and mayhem to love and tolerance.

But wait … are we actually discussing Rome or a more modern Republic?  We could be discussing the United States of America (or any other western society) if we simply substitute “barbarian” with “progressive,” and/or the attempt to assimilate people who are culturally anti-western.  Suppose we also replace “limited arable land” with our insane over-emphasis on the environment (at the expense of agricultural production), if we then carry forward widespread unhappiness, moral decay, and blaming Christians for the immorality of the politically elite — then yes. In that case, we could be discussing the USA.

How will Western civilization end?  How will America be destroyed?  Hmmm.

30 Responses to “Once Upon a Time”

  1. Baysider Says:

    To develop this thought: “The very barbarians whom the Romans assimilated to share their power with began to attack the state” I owe a nuanced perspective to Professor Kenneth Harl’s course Rome and the Barbarians. In the early years Rome gradually assimilated one neighbor after another peacefully. First in Italy, then Spain – sort of.

    Societal bonds in the early Roman Republic cemented the various social classes, as well as Italian allies, into a wider Roman Republic, the Res Publica. The way they went about this brought them into the fold with buy-in to Rome’s principles, to share in the fraternity of ideals, privileges and protection of Rome. This went on well for some time.

    The Germans were the most ferocious barbarians they encountered. But there was trade and interaction with them. The provinces developed more distinct and different from the original republic as a result of immigration, trade, and military service by the barbarians. (Eventually, most of Rome’s fighters were foreigners in the army for the opportunity it offered them.)

    Then the letting in of ‘refugees’ fleeing from other barbarians pressing into Europe from the Asia Steppes. These did not share or have a background that made them natural allies with a republic, but by then it was empire anyway, proffering the twin magnets of power and wealth.

    I agree with your post. Just adding details that are all too familiar to our own history.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Adding to Mustang and his comments, as I recall the textbooks referred to them as the “angry hordes that descended” Sounds rather familiar. We may have more in common with the hordes from the South. They seem to just want our stuff not necessarily kill us. What we are getting now remind me more of the Trojan horse thing… without the horse. Thanks for the reminder.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. peter3nj Says:

    Hang ten!!!!🏄‍♀️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. John Says:

    America was destroyed many years ago — all that everybody is waiting for right now is the final collapse.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. geeez2014 Says:

    MEANWHILE, I just this second got an email saying EMERGENCY WEATHER ALERT FOR LOS ANGELES! WHAT? (it’s gorgeous blue skies (again) today…it’s boring, frankly, so it got my attention!)…..I got worried, opened the thing, and it’s a HIGH SURF WARNING. So, I guess I’m not taking board out today (Smile…)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Baysider Says:

      High surf warning?? I went to MagicSeaweed and they didn’t have it. 🙂 Reminds me of the summer my stepson visited from Seattle. The news and weather came on the TV. We heard him laughing his head off. What was so funny? “The surf report!” I don’t think he realized how many surfboards are tucked into garages all over town.


  5. geeez2014 Says:

    It’s horrible that nobody’s arguing with you, Mustang……..but how can we?
    YOu know Mr. Z warned of the fall of Rome being repeated HERE 25 years ago….I used to argue with him about it, angry and surprised he’d say that.

    And a healthy country does not include young men throwing flags away or college girls saying “America shouldn’t say it’s exceptional because it’s NOT”! Meanwhile, they sit in expensive restaurants with their parents taking life for granted until they suffer the consequences of what they’ve been taught. “SURPRISE!”

    How’s a country survive THIS? I heard today there was a school where the principal encouraged kids to wear RED WHITE AND BLUE to commemorate 9/11…but a staff member told them not to because it might hurt some feelings…might intimidate.
    Gad, I could write here forever but who wants to read this?!! 🙂
    Thanks, MUSTANG…Let’s hope and pray we are ALL WRONG about our wonderful country and what’s happening…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mustang Says:

      We’re being held captive to a system that never worked quite well enough after 1828, and we’ve been in a steady decline ever since. No average American had anything to do with the Civil War; no one person in Atlanta had much say in the Spanish-American War. No streetcar driver was ever consulted about either world war. No one asked me for my thoughts on Vietnam or the Middle East. We the people don’t start wars; we only have to deal with their consequences. Similarly, no one is asking you about unemployment, responses to Covid, or the southern border. We don’t count. Just like the citizens of Rome never counted. So then, given the absolute idiots who ARE running this country, and all the previous information, what is likely to happen at some future time? My advice is to stock up now on Halal food, appropriate Islamic mufti, and if you pray to God on high, do it silently, to yourself, in Spanish.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. bunkerville Says:

    We have the federal trade commission,investigating the McDonalds ice cream machines, OHSA medical mandates and the CDC giving out free rent and who knows what else, as well as all other departments now giving out high commands, it must be getting close.

    Liked by 2 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      The left has mobilized its big guns in support of Newsome. If-or should we say when- he survives (steals) the recall
      It will send out the signal to the left that they are unstoppable. In our perverted nation a black man can be characterized as the poster boy for white racism. Upon VP Chuckles ascending to the throne the puppet masters will remain. There’s really no reason for replacing her since a corrupt empty pantsuit faux negro woman can carry on the charade, the destructive insanity as well as can a corrupt senile empty suit of a soon to be octogenarian man.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. kidme37 Says:

    Now that the feds now without a doubt they are above the law it shouldn’t be too much longer.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes, now federal agencies make mandates… and the courts? Always they can find a marxist somewhere.

      Liked by 1 person

      • kidme37 Says:

        Imagine if this had been put into the Constitution – “Congress shall make no law applicable to the citizens of the USA that does not equally apply to them, nor make any law applying to them without equally applying the citizens”.

        Not that it would matter at this point but it may have been useful up to now.
        And knowing how much the founders knew that government was little more than corrupt, self-serving bastards, it’s hard to believe that wasn’t put in there in the first place.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I do think many of the founders understood the limitations and durability of our Republic…they did the best they could but unless we remained a Christian nation with a moral compass we would be doomed.


      • kidme37 Says:

        Our culture (freedom) absolutely requires moral participation from the vast majority, whether that comes from religion or people who simply value “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.
        We are well on the way to undermining that with an invading horde of immigrants who neither understand American culture or who would support it if they did.
        Imagine the #1 mandate of the federal gov is National Security, and this is not only what they do the worst job at they are actually working for the enemy beside.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Kid.. sometimes to make sense of it I take to the tin foil and wonder if all those UFO’s flying around are simply playing a chess game with us… people that I knew to be intelligent and smart have become infected with ignorance.. You explain it otherwise.

        Liked by 1 person

      • kidme37 Says:

        “people that I knew to be intelligent and smart have become infected with ignorance”

        That’s my experience lately.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mustang Says:

        Ignorance is the foundation of every success in the so-called progressive movement.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Linda Says:

    How will Western civilization end? How will America be destroyed? From within. Plainly put. Way to many fence sitters and Christians who are turning the cheek. There I said it.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. peter3nj Says:

    Well said. Is it a valid assumption none of which is taught any longer any more than the old axiom history repeats itself.

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I know at my age I am about done….. they will restrict care under the guise that medicare and SS is broke not mentioning that it was my money in the first place and they stole it for decades… I calculated some years ago that had the same amount been invested I would be close to a millionaire… starting at age 14! People forget the employer matches what we contribute.

      Liked by 2 people

      • kidme37 Says:

        IF SS hadn’t been stolen (by LBJ) and put into the general fund to steal, it would be a very rich program for those who participated without any danger of being underfunded.
        Government controlled healthcare is all about phasing out those on SS and stealing the rest of the money.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      There is NO teaching going on inside our public schools; only brainwashing, with an emphasis on getting our future generations to the point where they accept the idea that government is better suited to making all the important decisions in their miserable lives. Public schools will guarantee adolescence through their 75th year or whenever they reach senility, whichever comes first.

      Liked by 2 people

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