PA transgendered Sec of Health focusing on LGBT, Trannny on COVID data collection



Dr. Richard/Rachael Levine, transgendered Health Secretary strikes again in Pennsylvania. Last week I posted how she/he had forced nursing homes to take COVID patients.

The news comes as Levine, the nation’s first openly transgender health secretary, comes under fire over the department’s handling of nursing homes — particularly a March guidance that essentially instructed senior living facilities to accept patients who were diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Unhinged PA Gov Wolf and Sec of Health Levine Devastate Nursing Homes

It gets even better this week. Not content that Nursing homes and hospitals are up to their eyeballs taking care of sick patients, she will have them go through all of the medical records and try and figure out if they are LGBTQ … add how many additional letters you need. Go figure. Priorities my dear… will some one tell her/him? For what purpose Dr. Levine? How happy should the LGBT community be that she is having people tracing their contacts? Going through their medical records?

Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) office this week announced that the state’s health department, under transgender Health Secretary Rachel Levine, is focusing on gender identity and sexual orientation or expression in the state’s collection of coronavirus data.

“Governor Tom Wolf today took another step in his commitment to fair treatment and inclusion of LGBTQ Pennsylvanians by announcing ways the community will be counted in COVID-19 data,” his office announced on Wednesday.


According to the announcement, the Department of Health “will be conducting extensive case histories investigations as part of contact tracing on those who test positive for the virus” as individual counties begin moving from the red phase to yellow. As a result, the department will work with Sara Alert, described as a “new data collection platform,” and has requested a “system modification to the platform to collect sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data”:

The department has also requested from the eHealth Authority Board that the state’s six health information organizations work to capture sexual orientation and gender identity or expression data from electronic health records that can then be used by health care providers to report their COVID-19 data to the department.

The release also touts the Wolf administration’s commitment to working with organizations that are devoted to “non-discriminatory practices.”

The news comes as Levine, the nation’s first openly transgender health secretary, comes under fire over the department’s handling of nursing homes — particularly a March guidance that essentially instructed senior living facilities to accept patients who were diagnosed with the coronavirus.

The guidance stated:

Nursing care facilities must continue to accept new admissions and receive readmissions for current residents who have been discharged from the hospital who are stable to alleviate the increasing burden in the acute care settings. This may include stable patients who have had the COVID-19 virus.

Nearly 70 percent of the state’s coronavirus-related deaths — 2,896 of 4,218 — are connected to nursing home facilities.

It was revealed this week that Levine removed his 95-year-old mother from such a facility during the pandemic.

Sound improves when she answers the questions.

Meet the Transgender Doctor Leading Pennsylvania’s COVID-19 Response


Rachel Levine


Meanwhile, Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro (D) announced that he is opening criminal investigations into several nursing homes, as coronavirus deaths in care facilities soar. All the while, Wolf’s administration is, perplexingly, placing a special emphasis on gender identity and sexual orientation or expression in the state’s collection of coronavirus data.

According to the state’s health department data, 12,677 nursing home or personal care facility residents have tested positive for the coronavirus, and 2,896 have died as a result.

Roughly 1.8 million Pennsylvanians have filed jobless claims since the start of the pandemic.

More at  Breitbart

Other than this all is well in my PA swamp.

33 Responses to “PA transgendered Sec of Health focusing on LGBT, Trannny on COVID data collection”

  1. PA Health Secretary says no Church but fine to march | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] PA transgendered Sec of Health focusing on LGBT, Trannny on COVID data collection […]


  2. markone1blog Says:

    I hope you don’t mind being linked to my post on Putting a little method to the Democrat madness. You come in with a supporting role about halfway through.


  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    This is going to reach a breaking point soon. People are already tiring of everything being closed and when they realize these radicals are just using this to push their agenda I think people will really start to get vocal. They are going to push this too far.


  4. markone1blog Says:

    Mind you, I don’t want to go anywhere near a Pennsylvania nursing home or hospital. Still, when all of this is over, do you think Democrats might keep this going for those of us who identify as XYZ (instead of LGBTwhatever)?

    I have been told my wife deserves the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      A good way to start mail in ballots which PA just did…. I could sign up so future ballots would be sent so as the years go by they will keep them coming no matter where I live or am under ground.


  5. Linda Says:

    ick, ugh. Gosh, I want that wig he is wearing. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

  6. peter3nj Says:

    Could the western world ever have been preoccupied with the rights of those embracing and practicing sexual perversions from homosexuality, lesbianism, transsexualism and pedophilia during the Spanish Flu epidemic? Hardly. But today we have parades honoring the perverse with little or no concern for those unsuspecting seniors sent to their death by government alphabet officials in Pennsylvania. In a desensitized world of two mommies and two daddies nothing can shock us; can it?

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Forget the nursing homes… let us focus on this issue…. as said before “what difference does it make?”

      Liked by 1 person

      • peter3nj Says:

        The difference is that the left is sacrosanct and above reproach. And speaking of Waldo, where has Cuomo slinked off to?

        Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      So glad the Toronto LGBT film festival found this news worthy and linked to the post…


    • Mustang Says:

      Peter’s right … Levine is a pervert and so too are all those alphabet soup queers. Personally, I don’t give a damn if they mate with snakes, I just don’t want to hear about it … and if I do have to endure hearing about it, then don’t be surprised if I come across as something less than empathetic. That would be because I’m not. Levine is a freak of nature, as are all those morons Peter identified. The sooner we all develop the ability to recognize a perverted freak when we see one, the better.

      Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Meanwhile we here in the “nursing home”– retirement community – we are talking months of lockdown ahead…. so far we don’t have COVID here so thats a good thing.. Meanwhile those poor souls are alone, are isolated from family and friends….. with months remaining. No sympathy here having sent so many to their deaths.

        Liked by 4 people

      • Mustang Says:

        Right, Bunks … where are those stalwart advocates of the aged, the AARP? Oh right, making money on insurance scams.

        Liked by 5 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        I just figured out why they shipped the patients to the nursing homes… recall hospitals were getting $37,000 for the DRG Covid… so it was a flat fee… nothing to gain every thing to lose keeping them around… I couldn’t figure the deal

        Liked by 2 people

      • Ed Bonderenka Says:

        “I just figured out why they shipped the patients to the nursing homes”
        To lower their pension costs….

        Liked by 1 person

  7. kidme37 Says:

    It becomes easier to understand why 50% of em commit suicide.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. PA transgendered Sec of Health focusing on LGBT, Trannny on COVID data collection — BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! – LGBT Toronto Film Festival Says:

    […] via PA transgendered Sec of Health focusing on LGBT, Trannny on COVID data collection — BUNKERVILLE | … […]


  9. Bill Heffner Says:

    I am baffled by this whole LGBTQ+ “movement” in it’s entirety. They claim that the phenomenon must be accepted based on the idea that one is “born that way,” and yet they also pronounce they they are and should be “proud of” their status as LGBTQ+ persons. They have parades about their pride in being LGBTQ+.

    Well, I was born to be tall, but I’m not proud of being tall. I was born with hazel eyes. Proud? No, I just have hazel eyes. Why does someone have parades to flaunt the pride in having been born they way they are?

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Sadly, it becomes the focus of their lives and they forget what the focus should be… living a happy life and fulfilling their job requirements.


      • Bill Heffner Says:

        Yes. This is the problem of “identity politics.” People become focused on WHAT they are rather than on WHO they are. It is extraordinarily shallow thinking.

        Liked by 1 person

    • peter3nj Says:

      Ditto BH, I’ve always taken pride in being disliked for whom I am physically and personality wise while my body parts remain unaltered surgically …except for the broken bones on both the athletic field and due to my clumsiness.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. hocuspocus13 Says:

    The State of PA is in disarray and confusion due to its leaders
    To look busy and competent PA decides to focus on LBGT and Trans to CoVid
    What a mess…
    They should copy or at least take a lesson on what FLA Gov DeSantis did
    As the State of Florida is open organized and has a grip!

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Mustang Says:

    If PA AG Josh Shapiro is opening an investigation into several nursing homes, he need only walk down the hall to the Health Secretary’s office, or perhaps the governor’s office to begin … should be the shortest investigation in the state’s history. On the other hand, if Josh is your typical Democrat cover-our-ass politician, it could take years, or until the cows come home. Of course, shifting blame onto others is always an option.

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Josh needs to look at the 6000 exemptions handed out and the 16000 requests refused.. I wandered through the list…. some landscapers and roofers got them some didn’t for a starter… I am still going through the list

      Liked by 1 person

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