New Zealand buys back 10,000 ‘banned’ guns first month


This is what a knee-jerk reaction will get you to a shooting. A similar effort is working our way. You know the drill. You will read and hear “Assault Rifles” but that is the classic fake news. It is and will be most semi-automatics. They don’t even know the difference.

Following attacks on two Christchurch mosques, New Zealand’s parliament voted overwhelmingly to ban most semi-automatic weapons along with certain kinds of ammunition and large-capacity magazines.

Yes the dreaded semi-automatic. Ask any of our Presidential candidates the same question now, and I would guess few could answer what a semi is.

In simplest terms, “semi-automatic” refers to any firearm designed to fire one bullet with one trigger squeeze, then automatically reload the chamber with a cartridge from a magazine and be ready to fire again.

The term applies to a whole range of modern firearms, from hunting and target rifles all the way up to so-called black rifles that look like what a soldier would carry. Gun control arguments often focus on the black rifles, but the differences between those and any other semi-automatic rifle often are only cosmetic. Semi-automatic guns all largely operate the same way. These guns are commonly owned and include hunting rifles. Many handguns are similar.

More than 10,000 firearms were purchased by the New Zealand government in the first month of a “no questions asked” plan to buy back newly banned weapons, TheGuardian reports. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern pushed through legislation that banned military and semi-automatic weapons after an Australian white supremacist killed 51 people in Christchurch mosques earlier this year.


There are between 1.2 and 1.5 million now-prohibited weapons in New Zealand, according to some estimates. Gun owners have until Dec. 20 to sell back or hand in their weapons or face jail sentences of between two to five years.

Considering the current population of New Zealand is about 4,791,634 last I checked, I would say New Zealand is quickly joining it’s neighbor Australia which has banned most guns.

Australia rolled out the National Firearms Agreement, which banned the possession of automatic and semiautomatic firearms in all but “exceptional circumstances.” About 640,000 guns were surrendered through a gun buyback program and another 60,000 were turned in to authorities for free in 1996 and 1997.

Sources:Daily Beast and NPR

They might have considered what happened in Venezuela in 2012.

Venezuela bans private gun ownership – BBC News


Other than that, all is well in the swamp.

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71 Responses to “New Zealand buys back 10,000 ‘banned’ guns first month”

  1. Barry Says:

    There are between 1.2 and 1.5 million now-prohibited weapons in New Zealand.” Wrong.

    Firstly, it is estimated that there are between 1.2 and 1.5 guns in New Zealand. The number of guns that were Category A and have now been reclassified is uncertain, but is thought to be in the tens of thousands. Some estimates go as high as 50 thousand. Guns aren’t licensed so there is no certainty over how many guns are in the country. There are approximately 250,000 licensed gun owners, so that means the average gun owner owns approximately 5 guns. At the end of the buyback period, the average gun owner will still have 4 or five guns. Out of our population of 4.75 million, 4.5 million do not own guns.

    Secondly, the guns have not been banned outright. They have been reclassified so that an endorsement is required on a firearms licence in order to own and use one. Where there is a legitimate reason for using the so called “banned” guns, such as in pest control, then an endorsement can be obtained.

    Thirdly, it is not a “no questions” buyback. To be eligible for compensation for guns handed in, the gun owner must have a valid firearms licence, and the gun must be of a type that was legally owned before the law change. This does not apply to ammunition or gun components. Simultaneously there is an amnesty which is indeed “no questions”. It applies to any form of weapon, including guns of any kind, but no compensation is available under this scheme.

    Fourthly, 10,000 guns were not handed in during the first month. 10,000 items were handed in including guns, ammunition and components. If I recall correctly, less than half of the items handed in were guns.

    Fifthly, Jacinda Ardern did not “push through” legislation. She doesn’t have that power. She’s the leader of a minority coalition government, and gun control is outside the scope of the coalition agreement. It required the support of all parties to get through to being law. At its final reading in Parliament, it was passed by 120 votes to 1.

    Unlike in the United States, gun ownership has never been a “right” in NZ. You need a reason to own a gun, and self defence is not a valid reason. In fact, carrying any weapon for self defence, be it a gun, a knife, a baseball bat or a screwdriver, is illegal. So even if all guns had been banned outright, which they are not, it would in no way infringe on our right to gun ownership. We’ve never had such a right.

    Comparing the situation in New Zealand to that in America is like comparing chalk and cheese. Front line police in NZ are not armed, although they do have access to weapons if required and with their supervisor’s permission. While I’m in favour of our gun laws, and certainly don’t want to see our police armed, I wouldn’t for a moment presume our laws might be appropriate for the United States. Our respective histories and social structures are very different, and should not be compared. For starters, how long would a front line police officer survive in the US if he/she was unarmed?


  2. New Zealand buys back 10,000 ‘banned’ guns first month — BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! – 17GEN4 Says:

    […] New Zealand buys back 10,000 ‘banned’ guns first month — BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comr… […]


  3. invertedlogicblog Says:

    I really hope such legislation is never passed in theU.S. However, if Beto has his way we are all

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Kid Says:

    There is actually legislation with the term “Bullet Buttons” in it when they are trying to refer to Magazine Release. Isn’t it wonderful to be surrounded by morons in government.


  5. Steve Dennis Says:

    I often wonder how many of the elected Democrats know what a semi-automatic weapon is and how many gun control advocate voters do. If semi-autos were banned that would ban just about every gun made today and I think that most of the politicians know that but they are relying on the ignorance of their base. It is pretty scary when the people calling to destroy a constitutional right have no idea what they are talking about.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. thetinfoilhatsociety Says:

    I dispute this. When 8chan was still around I read several posts from people who supposedly lived in N. Zealand and they said the govt collected about 1000 weapons nationwide in the first month, and a bunch of those were from confiscation. Per these two guys, very very few people turned any guns in.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. geeez2014 Says:

    george227,…why the nasty rhetoric? This is so typical; The good people on the Right here are willing to discuss and you, like Leftwing politicians (and I don’t know or care what your politics are so you don’t have to even elaborate) in Congress, just want to name call and fight. Do YOU think that gets us anywhere? Trump’s trying, but do YOU think Pelosi will let HIM have a win? NEVER EVER. So stop it. Nobody’s FEARFUL, nobody’s SCARED….We just understand that it’s ONLY the bad guys who now have guns, for example, in New Zealand and Venezuela, not the good people who only have them for hunting or extreme cases like burglaries, etc. If that makes YOU less scared, you need to do a bit more thinking.

    “Jihadists are Fascists, not bleeding-heart liberals!!” Actually, no… It’s Anti-Fa , leftists who won’t allow any speech that doesn’t echo their own thinking and hurt police and burn buildings who actually ARE fascists, aren’t they.. “THINK LIKE WE DO OR ELSE” If that isn’t fascism, I don’t know what is.

    “Conservatives = hate.” I don’t have the time or will to address this….but thanks for showing us you don’t REALLY want to answer the question you asked above: “How can we do something together?” My answer would be “Not your way.”

    I sincerely hope we can obey the laws already in the books, but the Left gets outraged for some reason.
    Linda, above, is right. God forbid the Red Flag Law happens…..lf it does, we’d all better be very careful either not to tell anybody you have a gun or at least not tick off your neighbor.

    Liked by 1 person

    • george227 Says:

      You can talk and post all you want, but the mad mass killers are almost ALL hateful and mentally-diseased conservatives. Buford Furrow will get mad if you call him a liberal.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        Oh my no. Please check out the Virginia Tech, the Dayton killer’s posts, Columbine, the Aurora Theater, Newton, and other shootings ..and tell Steve Scalise your thoughts. Time to stop this bickering, it’s not getting anybody anywhere. SO, you’re wrong, but be happy. i’m done, so attack again if it makes you even more happy to call people names, go right ahead!

        Liked by 1 person

    • george227 Says:

      What do you mean by “my way”? I abhor violence, especially from SCARED and fearful folk who have been mowing down the Decent Folk.

      My way is to make sure gun owners stop killing the rest of us with background checks and licensing..


  8. dave drake Says:

    George @ 12:25pm – as a test, show up at the next AntiFa protest and wear a MAGA hat and shirt. Update us on the results on how well you’re treated and how peaceful the experience is.

    “Conservatives = hate.” Typical platitude.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. peter3nj Says:

    With hammers becoming increasingly a weapon of choice I’m bringing my toolbox 🧰down to the local constabulary. Maybe they’ll give me a hundred bucks for it. Buybacks- what a concept….🛠⛏🔪⛏🔨


    • george227 Says:

      Some really deep thought may reveal hammers are made for construction, and guns are only made to KILL.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        And more “deep thought” may remind some of us that American kids have got guns for 12 yr old birthdays for years and nobody shot up a school or a large shopping mall. America’s afraid to look at the root cause…it’s not down the barrel of any gun. I personally hate guns. I wish nobody had any. But, my “deep thought” allows me to clearly see how taking mine away is not going to take the 10 which some gang member here in downtown LA has, and then who’s vulnerable? And no, I don’t actually have one.

        Liked by 1 person

      • dave drake Says:

        A hammer is a tool, same for a firearm. How either one is used rests with the person using it.

        “Criminals prefer unarmed victims.”

        Liked by 1 person

  10. peter3nj Says:

    We’ll keep our guns, you move to New Zealand or Tasmania or Australia…if they’ll have you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • george227 Says:

      This is MY country. I volunteered for the War of My Generation and am a Vietnam Vet. I am not SCARED, like those poor folk in Middle America.


      • Mustang Says:

        Lieutenant Calley was a Vietnam veteran, too … and no surprise, a Democrat. Glad to see that you served your country… and thank you. Now, were you a Vietnam War Veteran, or a Vietnam Era Veteran? What branch of service did you serve in? What in-country units did you serve with, and in what capacity? How many tours? Since you claim to be a veteran, inquiring minds want to know …

        By your infantile writing, I’m surprised at your claim of 75 years of longevity; I would have thought no more than 15 or 18 years. No, not a put down. It’s just the way teenagers communicate. Low on factual understanding, high on personal invective. Also, you may be shocked to learn that conservatives support the original intent of our founding fathers, while liberals now incorporate Leninism and Stalinism into their party’s platform. By the way, both of these leftists were keen on taking guns away from their citizens). Many of those people, no longer able to hunt for food, starved to death. Conservatives are not “far right,” no matter what your Soros talking points tell you. Now of course, we don’t blame you for your attitudes, no matter how poorly formed they are. You probably can’t help it. Leftism is a serious psychotic abnormality, you know. You might look into getting professional help … before you go bananas and hurt someone.

        Liked by 1 person

      • george227 Says:

        Can you fit in any more innuendo?

        I was taken from my assignment serving Test Pilot School, Special Projects and NASA at the Air Force Flight Test Center to help organize, equip, test, deploy, and operate the Electronic Battlefield. We were the 553d Reconnaissance Wing, unarmed electronic reconnaissance over the Trail and the battlefields. We lost 22 of us unarmed electronic technicians, but that does not count to those who were not there.


      • Mustang Says:

        Well, I do have to say that being an Air Force test pilot demanded a hell of a lot of flight experience —which I would have thought was wasted in an EC-121. I’m guessing those guys moving supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail didn’t much appreciate having their pictures taken. So, thanks again for serving.

        By the way, the oath you took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States is still binding. Are the interests of the Constitution best served by stripping Americans from their unalienable right to own firearms? The issue of “gun control” belongs to the states and I am happy for state legislatures to decide what those laws should be. We call this federalism.

        I’ll just observe that in the absence of restrictions imposed on gun ownership/possession imposed in California, anyone at the Garlic festival legally carrying a firearm might have saved three innocent lives. Here’s a thought, since you seem to be genuinely concerned about the innocent loss of life, 3,602 Californians died in traffic accidents in 2017 for an overall fatality ratio of 9.1/100,000 in population —second highest in the nation. The homicide rate in California is far less than that. Maybe we ought to do something about so many murderous (licensed) drivers as a priority.

        Liked by 1 person

      • george227 Says:

        I told you I was an electronics tech. That EC-121R was a flying tube/transistor/integrated circuit electronic surveillance system. If you want snark, give it to the families of the 22 folk we lost.


      • dave drake Says:

        @ George 12:29pm, “This is MY country.” Hmmmmm, sounds awfully “Nationalist” to me. Where’s your bleeding heart in welcoming immigrants who just want to make a better life for themselves, George? Don’t you have compassion for the less fortunate? “YOUR” country? What a terribly racist thing to say.

        Go to a AntiFa protest in a MAGA cap and shirt and preach your tolerance to them, and like I said before, update all of us on the results of how they treat you.

        I’m done here feeding this butt-hurted Troll who comments just to “get a rise” out of others here. If “FREDO”, er – George – really felt strongly about his beliefs, he’d be blogging his pseudo-wisdom at his own site. I’m going to check on George’s alleged military service. I think he’s a Stolen Valor role-player.

        Liked by 1 person

      • george227 Says:

        Please do. Look up the 553 Recon Wing at Larry Westin’s website who hosts it for us. The 1st Wave site with my picture on it is down now, but my name is also on the website of a classified unit to which I did not belong.

        We earned two “Outstanding Unit Citations with Combat ‘V’ Device”

        If you want to look me up at Edwards AFB, I was Airman of the Month for October 1966 for the Air Force Flight Test Center, which includes other airstrips such as Groom Lake, what the goobers call Area 51.


      • Kid Says:

        Well, there are former military who have the libtard disease. Tulsi Gabbard for one. But you’re right, most of these clowns are just trying to get a rise or maybe some discipline they never received as a child. Best course of action is ignore. They hate that. Though I do get a laugh from a drive-by reply on rare occasion.

        I can only hope they wake up every day in pain expecting to hear DJT has been “arrested”. lol


      • george227 Says:

        “Though I do get a laugh from a drive-by reply on rare occasion.”
        No mature person would say such a puerile statement.


      • dave drake Says:

        @FREDO at 7:29pm – oooohhhhh hooooo – the website with your pic on it is “down”. Well, how convinient is that? 😀 😀 😀

        Yeah, I know how to verify Military Service and don’t need “your website referral” to do it.

        Groom Lake/A 51? That place doesn’t even officially exist. Now I know you’re living in your own matrix-make-believe.


      • george227 Says:

        Then look me up, Snarky.
        And what did you do?


      • george227 Says:

        Look it up in the internet archives, . . 1stwave

        I can prove I am real. Can you?


      • dave drake Says:

        FREDO @ 8:25 pm; Me? I’m a Russian Bot. Shocked you haven’t figured this out.


  11. peter3nj Says:

    I’d like to raise a red flag on Sleepy Joe’s wife sitting on their porch with her shotgun.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. george227 Says:

    Hello, I am George Kamburoff. The rest of us understand your love of those killing devices, but are concerned about people continuing to use them against the Decent Folk.

    I think the buyback is a good idea. Why don’t you? Please do not start with the Second Amendment, since most of you ignore the first phrase which puts it in perspective.

    I think we can live with gun owners who are registered and checked out. You need a license to drive a car, why not one to have a man-killer, whose only purpose it to KILL?

    I do not want to anger anyone, but we are REALLY at the end of our patience. How can we do something together?


    • Mustang Says:

      New Zealand has a population of around 4.5 million people. In 2018, there were around 260,000 reported crimes in that country, but an estimated one-third of all crimes go unreported, specifically those relating to sexual assault and domestic violence. Apparently, criminal activity is in decline in New Zealand since the turn of the century; “experts” claim that a better economy has more to do with this than better policing or more law-abiding citizens. Of those reported, police solve around 36% of crimes. Of all crimes, 42% are committed by Maori males. Half of those imprisoned in New Zealand are Maori. Given these facts, it would seem to me that the people of New Zealand would be better served in their safety and security by keeping their firearms. But hey, I’m not a New Zealander, so I don’t care what those people do.

      So, let’s look at the statistics for the worst cities in the United States. Little Rock, Arkansas has a population of 198,647; the overall crime rate there is 712 for every 100,000 people. Violent crimes equate to 1,415 annually; property crimes stand at 3,260 per 100,000 people. Since law enforcement can’t protect the citizens of Little Rock, should we deny citizens the right of self-defense? Stockton, California: 2,158 violent crimes per 100,000 people. Oakland, California: 703.8 violent crimes per 100,000. Kansas City: 774.8/100,000. Milwaukee, WI: 737.4/100,000. St. Louis, MO: 877.1/100,000. Baltimore, MD: 833.2/100,000. Detroit, MI: 803.5/100,000. Memphis, TN: 871.4/100,000. In Chicago, Illinois … a city with the toughest gun laws in the country, 2017 witnessed 653 murders, 1,762 rapes, 11,887 robberies, 15,435 assaults, 12,912 burglaries, 63,834 thefts, 11,578 auto-thefts, and 534 arsons. So, yes … let’s take guns away from law-abiding people and subject them to the whims of dangerous criminals in cities where seconds matter and the police are 20 to 60 minutes away.

      Liked by 1 person

      • peter3nj Says:

        Hey Mustang, surely we’ll feel safer when only the Cripps and Bloods are armed to the teeth. And let’s not forget MS-13 with their machetes. Red flags followed by the white flag….

        Liked by 3 people

      • george227 Says:

        I was almost killed one time by an idiot with a gun who was confused. You will not convince me to let anyone have a man-killer.

        And why do you “need” man-killer? Are you THAT SCARED???


    • bunkerville Says:

      George… I lived in rural America…police or any help was at least 30 to 40 minutes away. There was no 911 of any merit….. the only thing that kept the ‘hood from from taking a day trip up the interstate and wrecking hell on us was the 20 gauge semi automatic…. saved us more than once.
      Once they thought they thought they could take our bikes. No 9 buckshot did the trick..


      • george227 Says:

        I am 75 years old, and have NEVER been scare enough to “need” a gun outside of my service in the Vietnam War. I do not understand how others can be SO SCARED they put the lives of others in danger out of their FEAR.


      • bunkerville Says:

        I am happy for you George…. others are not so fortunate in not being concerned for one’s safety… I have been robbed twice.. once at a point of a gun, once by a knife…funny how it changes one’s view.


      • george227 Says:

        “… I have been robbed twice.. once at a point of a gun, once by a knife…funny how it changes one’s view.”

        I have to agree with that one, but having a gun raises the stakes to lethality.


      • bunkerville Says:

        We had to carry “mugging money”… that way they wouldn’t kill you… if they tried to rob you and you didn’t have ten bucks they were more likely to kill you… either way, I want the choice.
        Welcome to West Phila where I went to college at Penn…


      • george227 Says:

        I grew up almost as a feral kid in the Central Valley of California, farm country, back when we had family farms, not corporations owned by New Yorkers. I was never scared.


  13. Mustang Says:

    After the maniac stabbing in New South Wales yesterday where a man shouting “Allahu Akbar” knifed one woman and murdered another, they ought to consider banning kitchen knives, as well. Let’s see, what else can we add to banned materials? Hammers, screw drivers, tire irons, 2×4’s, baseball (or cricket) bats, and automobiles of any size. Maybe forks and spoons, too. And shovels and fying pans. Then everyone would be safer from the occasional lunatic.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Linda Says:

    And so it begins…sigh…I am getting concerned about the talk with President Trump supporting Red Flag laws…I guess he wants to commit political suicide.

    Liked by 1 person

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