Oregon Looking to be the First in Nation for State Wide Rent Control


For today’s flashback I chose the happenings of Oregon, soon to become the next Venezuela apparently. It was an easy one since this week there are two headline stories that you would have heard about if not for Russia Russia Russia. So let me get you up to speed. First the latest news then a few of memory posts from days gone by. While we hear about California, it is Oregon that is setting the pace car for a Marxist State. Complete with the support of Soros. Here we go:

As home and rental prices rise across the country, more and more locales are giving serious consideration to a policy long denounced by economists: rent control. That includes Oregon, which increasingly looks likely to become the first state in the country to adopt rent control statewide.

“We are long past the point when we should have passed meaningful tenant protections,” state House Speaker Tina Kotek (D–Portland) says to Willamette Week. “Clearly more needs to be done statewide to give renters more security and stability.”

Snip…. This is what happens:

A 2018 Stanford study of rent control in San Francisco found that the city’s supply of rental housing fell by 15 percent as owners converted their rent-controlled properties into pricier condos. Citywide rents went up, not down.

If you want housing to be more affordable, the thing you really want is more supply.

Indeed, in Portland—the largest city in Oregon—record apartment construction in the last two years has resulted in a fall in rents. According to the website Apartment List, year-over-year rents in Portland declined by 1.2 percent and are likely to keep falling.

ECONorthwest estimates that only 5 percent of buildings in Portland increased rents above what would be allowed by SB 608 in 2018. That compares to 25 percent of buildings in 2015 and 2016. More at Reason

Just this week I posted this:

Oregon Mandatory Universal Home Visits – Coming For Your Newborns

The ultimate intrusion by the government. Not just “at risk” babies, but every single baby born in Oregon.This is only the beginning. Next will come the determination of a safe home. I am sure guns will be next on the ban for any baby in a home. Ultimately government raised children. Not opt-out, three visits.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown introduced a new bill that will allow in-home inspections and ‘guidance’ of the families of newborn babies. It is another costly Big Brother initiative to butt into the lives of every family with a newborn in Oregon.


They describe it as an “emergency” to preserve “the public peace, health, and safety.”

And next?

Hmmm wonder who could be supporting all this nonsense in Oregon?

Oregon Governor gets Soros donation three days before refusing to send the National Guard to protect our borders

Governor Kate Brown

The Oregon RNC reported on Monday April 2nd, 2018, that the Oregon governor received a large donation from former Nazi collaborator and creepy billionaire George Soros –

Willamette Week is reporting that Governor Kate Brown has accepted “an unprecedented” campaign check from George Soros, a billionaire left-wing hedge-fund manager and campaign donor who resides in New York. This is Soros’ “first direct involvement” in Oregon.

“Kate Brown has consistently ignored problems facing everyday Oregonians and has instead used the office of Governor to make herself a national left-wing celebrity. Now, Brown is cashing in and taking big campaign donations from notorious leftist puppet master, billionaire George Soros,” stated Oregon Republican Chairman Bill Currier.

Creepy and sinister Soros may have gifted Governor Brown to encourage her to encourage Oregon to keep his voting machines in place too. Oregon is one of 16 states that use Soros related voting machines.

Its website includes a flow-chart that describes how the company has contributed to elections in the U.S. from 2006-2015 with “57,000 voting and counting machines deployed” and “35 million voters assisted.”

Among the “case studies” that Smartmatic lists on its website as examples of its work are Venezuela, where it has been facilitating elections since 2004 when it “won a bid to provide Venezuela with a reliable voting system.”

It also lists Cook County, Illinois as another success story, when in “in 2006, Smartmatic signed what at the moment was the largest election automation contract in US history.

More of Soros machines  at Daily Caller


Cliven Bundy case declared a mistrial, Misconduct by FBI, BLM

A lesson for all of us. This is what happens when a government goes out of control. Take a few minutes to view the video. Levoy Finicum slaughtered by the deep state. First the good news, then a refresher:

A federal judge declared a mistrial Wednesday in the case of a Nevada rancher accused of leading an armed standoff against the government in 2014, blaming prosecutors for withholding key evidence from defense lawyers, including records about the conduct of FBI and Bureau of Land Management agents.

The decision is the latest in a string of failed prosecutions in Nevada and Oregon against those who have opposed federal control of vast swaths of land in Western states.

Jurors got a glimpse of the claims when Ryan Bundy, who represented himself, spoke at opening statements about seeing government snipers and surveillance cameras positioned on hilltops surrounding his family home in the days before armed supporters answered his family’s calls for help.

Just a refresher:

Two camera angles of LaVoy Finicum shooting – Video

Finicum was shot three times in the back. He was an Arizona rancher who took part in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge takeover in Oregon.

Finicum was driving the truck that carried Ryan C. Bundy, 43, Ryan W. Payne, 32, Shawna Cox, 59, and Victoria Sharp, 18. In the Jeep behind them was driver Mark McConnell, 37, Brian D. Cavalier, 44, and Ammon Bundy, 40, the public face of the occupation. They were bound for a community meeting 100 miles north of the refuge in John Day.

Here is a video that I bet few have seen. For the first time we see not just the fuzzy unclear overhead police angle, but actually footage and words of those taken inside the Finicum car at the exact time of the police ambush. And really that is what one can only conclude if one watches this side-by-side clip of the two angles. Here tis:

Two camera angles of the LaVoy Finicum shooting demonstrate what tends to happen when people fail to prevent the government from becoming overgrown.


The Oregonian

Published on Mar 8, 2016

In a video shown at a Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office press conference today, the aerial FBI video of the LaVoy Finicum shooting has been synced with a cellphone video Shawna Cox recorded from within Finicum’s truck.

16 Responses to “Oregon Looking to be the First in Nation for State Wide Rent Control”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove Says:

    […] Bunkerville discusses Washington considering a statewide rent control […]


  2. petermc3 Says:

    I’m in agreement with all the replies here. The fools in charge from within are setting the table for those from across the desert and across the sea to come in unopposed, or welcomed rather, and strike the final deathblows to our grand experiment. There are too many to mention from the last two hundred years who saw or suspected that what is happening today would be inevitable.
    P.S.: Trump blinked. Nuff’ said.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      No Trojan horse required. First time I believe in history that a society welcomed in its own demise. Just a handful of us have an inkling of what is about to happen. Stunning. The strand inside our DNA for survival apparently has been corrupted.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang Says:

    Rules such as state-mandated rent controls are designed for one thing only: government control of the economy. In other words, communism. If this is what the people of Oregon want, fine … but don’t look to me to respect such people. They are one-cylinder thinkers and they will bring an end to the American Republic. Factor in all the other nonsense, such as sanctuary cities, brainwashing children in elementary school and focusing almost exclusively on the transgender agenda, and you come up with a doomsday solution for our beloved country … and if you think Oregon is bad, California is ten times worse. How did we ever get to become such a STUPID society?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Adrienne Says:

    Couldn’t agree more with Ed. The commie/marxist/libtards we are dealing with are enemies of God.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. geeez2014 Says:

    Sometimes I just want to say “Wake me up when we’re America again”….the Left has done such an astonishingly good job of screwing up the minds of American students so they LIKE these antiAmerican, ridiculous leftist plans that I don’t see a bit of hope. Except in God, and ….well………we’ll see.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Adrienne Says:

      And let me add further that the bi-sexual (read I’ll screw anything and everyone) governor of Oregon has ugly green (referred to in the biz as “ash) hair, nasty glasses, and unkempt eyebrows. Petty? Probably. But it feels so good to say it…

      Liked by 1 person

      • geeez2014 Says:

        Hi, Adrienne…made me smile! Have you seen the ‘bigwigs’ of San Francisco? Lesbian Police Chief, transgender everything else……..it’s like a freak show. ‘SURPRISE’!!
        Honestly, I laughed because I feel the same about ‘bi sexual’….i’m more pro HOMO sexual than BI sexual, it seems like homosexual has a bit more integrity! At least they’ve DECIDED 🙂

        Liked by 4 people

  6. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    This is not directed at anyone in particular here:
    We need revival in this land, a return to our Christian heritage.
    If you think anything but a change of heart will change the political landscape, you are at odds with the founders.
    These people in charge and the ones who put them in charge are selling their souls, their birthright, for a “mess of pottage”.
    And they have been blinded to the reality of the consequences.

    Liked by 4 people

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