24 GOP Vote to keep Transgender, sex assignment surgery in the military

Twenty-four Republicans banded together on Thursday to defeat an amendment which would have ended former President Barack Obama’s 2016 policy of funding “gender-reassignment” surgery for soldiers who want to live as members of the opposite sex.

Bradley Manning

The July 13 vote saw Democrats vote in lockstep to defeat the amendment, despite the national unpopularity of the transgender ideology. They were joined by 24 Republicans who broke with their party to assist the Democrats to defeat the amendment, without any visible objections by the GOP’s business-focused leadership. Individual vote tally roll call HERE

Mustang gives us his thoughts today:

Obama’s Tranny Plan

Justin Amash is a US Congressman serving Michigan’s third district.  He is among the youngest members of serve in Congress and a first-generation Palestinian Arab of Greek Orthodox descent.  This probably explains why Congressman Amash opposes suspension of Barack Obama’s plan to destroy the US military … the plan to validate and accept transgender recruits into the Armed Forces, and offer to them life-time medical care for life.  This is exactly what we need in America: taxpayer funded hormone treatments, expensive surgeries, and lots of bed rest while normal people are in the field training for combat.

Let’s review: Obama’s Tranny Plan (OTP) is an ideology that holds that a person’s legal sex should be determined by their self-declared “gender identity,” not by their male or female body.  The ideology also says the federal government should force Americans to accept the “gender identity” claims made by each person, regardless of scientific data about genetics, biology and the variety of normal behavior and appearances shown by normal equal-and-complementary women and men.

The OTP also demands dignity and respect to transsexuals in community showers, and sleeping spaces.  This is fine —we can respect gender confused persons while they maintain their status as civilians— and then we do not have to worry about hurting their feelings while in a community shower.

One must ask, “What was Obama thinking?”

Well, if Obama was thinking at all, he was thinking about destroying the military.  One cannot have military readiness if priority spending is allocated to transgender social engineering at the expense of combat readiness.  A soldier will not risk his own life to save someone who he despises; units lacking esprit de corps fail in combat.  It only makes sense, then, that Secretary of Defense James Mattis has suspended Obama’s ludicrous plans while the Department of Defense reviews the short-term and long-term implications of OTP.

Rethinking OTP is not enough; they should be shelved entirely because, if implemented, the OTP will cost the American taxpayer more than $3.7 billion over ten years.  Meanwhile, American government is not addressing tens of thousands of homeless and starving Americans, military veterans are routinely denied proper medical care from combat-related wounds and injuries, social security recipients are denied sufficient increases in their annuities to maintain pace with the cost of living, and the government denies Medicare benefits to the elderly in order that we can take care of children of single parents.  One final thought: if the Pentagon ultimately approves OTP, it will inspire mutant-gender activists to place greater pressures on idiotic judges and spineless politicians to impose farcical rules on civic groups, schools, universities, and in the workplace.

This brings us back to Congressman Amash, a Republican.  Why is he supporting the Obama Tranny Plan?  The engine of a member of congress is fueled by popular opinion, and on this issue, polls indicate that a large majority of the American people reject the absurd progressive notion that a man can be a woman simply because he feels like one. Again, let’s evaluate Amash based on who he is and what he believes: he is Palestinian Arab.  Do Palestinian-Arab’s want to see the United States of America with a strong, efficient military?

I think not.

More info at  Breitbart

24 Responses to “24 GOP Vote to keep Transgender, sex assignment surgery in the military”

  1. PA National Guard Called for 2nd Time Tour in Middle East | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] 24 GOP Vote to keep Transgender, sex assignment surgery in the military […]


  2. The Weekly Headlines 23 July 2017. – Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] 24 GOP Vote to keep Transgender, sex assignment surgery in the military […]


  3. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] 24 GOP Vote to keep Transgender, sex assignment surgery in the military […]

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mustang Says:

    If you loved this article, you’ll be positively giddy over the Army’s New Plan

    Liked by 1 person

  5. teelee2013 Says:

    I hope someone in Washington wakes the heck up soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Imp Says:

    As usual Mustang I’d expect nothing less from your ‘pen’. This latest move from the deranged leftists, disgusts me.
    Not only as a Vet but as an American who respects those in uniform.
    I find the idea to even be considered totally revolting and insane . It’ll take one man like Matis to have us all, including the various heads of the branches of the service to breathe a sigh of relief , to flat out oppose this knowing that the military belongs to men and those women ( of which it’s too late for us to hunt that dog ) who know they’re just that …. born and identify as biological men and women . Not psychologically unfit eunuchs who dream of cross dressing or men who worry about what pair of high heels they should wear today on the flight line or while falling in for the basic training recruits on the parade field for their daily exercises!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Steve Dennis Says:

    Between this and the failed Obamacare repeal it is pretty clear the Republican can talk a good game when they cannot do anything about it but lack the courage to act when they can.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Hootin' Anni Says:

    They’re pushing for eliminated the gender on a birth certificate? How absurd!!
    Okay, I must admit this transgender thing is just something I cannot fathom wanting to go through surgery and hormone therapy [for myself]…but in the post there is mention of military personnel out in the field and who would not want to protect those they despise?—-or implying so. But coming from a military family I know about such things as Code RED, prejudices, rank, etc….without being a transgender! There is wasteful spending in the government, period. It’s not just this subject.

    Tho I do understand the point conveyed.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Adrienne Says:

    It’s not just the military paying out the wazoo for all this nonsense. I know a girl right here in little ol’ Post Falls who is turning herself into a “man.” She just had her breasts lopped off and is planning more surgery for the nether regions. The only way this could possibly be paid for is Medicaid. Exactly why are the taxpayers responsible for the cost of pandering to this persons psychosis?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. hocuspocus13 Says:

    As for me…a Woman

    And yes I can prove that beyond a ponderance of a doubt 👸

    I do not want “male luggage” in my

    Dressing room

    Ladies room

    and for heaven’s sake

    My shower


    Liked by 2 people

  11. the unit Says:

    “It’s Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile” didn’t work very well either.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Simply Linda Says:

    One word….RINOS. I am disgusted by both parties, they obviously do not care for the American people and our men and women in uniform…only in it for themselves. Disgusted, the word of the day, wink.

    Liked by 1 person

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