Somali Muslim legislator votes for Insurance benefits for terrorist families

This piece of work makes the headlines once again. I am talking about Somali Muslim woman Ithan Omar who just voted that terrorists who get killed in the act should not be denied insurance benefits. But my memory recalled an earlier post that I have not seen any follow up regarding:“Historic” Minnesota Muslim primary winner marries brother, already married 

So we have a 33-year-old Somali who gets herself over here to Minnesota. Already married with three kids, decides to add her brother as a husband even though it is immigration fraud as well as bigamy and whatever marrying your brother is. I leave that to you. Then what do you know, now wins the primary of the DFL whatever party that is, but apparently the same as Muslim Congressman Ellison, to the State Legislature. Congrats America. She is celebrated by the Star Tribune with the headline ‘Relentless’ Ilhan Omar sealed historic win in Minnesota legislative battle. No mention of the illegal activity and anyway, who cares.

But let’s get back to the latest:  

She burst on the scene last August when she upset a 44-year incumbent Democrat in the Minnesota state primary elections to become the nation’s first female Muslim state legislator.

lhan Omar, the 34-year-old community organizer who came to America as a refugee from Somalia, was touted by Democrats as a model success story.

“From a refugee camp to the State Capitol with intelligence and insight,” beamed former Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak, who endorsed Omar. “This is a wonderful story to tell as Americans, and a great source of pride for the state of Minnesota’s open arms.”

But on Thursday Omar made her mark in another way.

She was one of only two members of the Minnesota State House to vote against a bill that would allow life insurance companies to deny payouts to the beneficiaries of terrorists who die in violent attacks on Americans.

More atWND

21 Responses to “Somali Muslim legislator votes for Insurance benefits for terrorist families”

  1. Mogadishu House Rep Ilhan Omar Attempt to Shame Elliot Abrams Backfires | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Not to be missed: Somali Muslim legislator votes for Insurance benefits for terrorist families […]


  2. teelee2013 Says:

    Shaking my head. How have we come to this?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    Once again I am without words but thank you for posting this.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. JOHN'S PLACE Says:

    I had reblogged this and then I went to the Minnesota State Legislature page looking for the referenced bill and I only found 24 pieces of legislation from Ms. Omar on that page and none of them referenced what is being discussed here. Can anyone provide me with the Number of the Bill so that I can research it a little farther? Was Ms. Omar the originator of the bill or did she just only vote on it … does anyone know? This would be a bomb shell of a story if I could find out where the Bill came from and what the number on it is and then I could read it for myself.


  5. JOHN'S PLACE Says:

    Reblogged this on John's Place and commented:
    As I was reading this piece only one thought kept running through my mind … “People are bound to take care of their own, aren’t they?” The other two thoughts that ran through my mind were, “You get what you vote for so do not complain if you are dissatisfied…” and “I am so happy that Bunkerville brought this interesting piece to light.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Mustang Says:

    Kind of reshapes the concept of stupid, doesn’t it? If politicians always speak to their constituents, who is this nimrod speaking to? The march to take over our democratic system by electing terrorists to state and federal offices has long begun. This woman is unqualified for dog catcher let alone state representative, but then I’m not from Minnesota, I’m not black, and I’m not stupid.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      You strike out on all three… they now have their feet well inside our walls… We have warned, yet the Progs trot out these terrorists as something to embrace. I don’t get it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      The more I think of this, the more perplexed I become about the direction of our country. Perhaps we should begin with a grass roots movement designed to give Minnesota back to Canada, with our sincerest apologies …


  7. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
    Deport them all. This is a willful attempt to subvert our way of life. If they are not stopped now, at the incipient stages, the leftists will twist everything to further destroy everything. What goes through that woman’s head? She openly is in support of terrorists. The very people trying to destroy the nation. Pull her citizenship and throw her the hell out!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. petermac3 Says:

    What about benefits or the Somali pirates? Are they not people too, huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Just Simply Linda Says:

    sigh…just gets weirder and weirder, doesn’t it? I’m telling, give an inch, they will take a mile sort of thing.

    Liked by 1 person

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