Welcome to the Matrix

I imagine right now you feel a bit like Alice, tumbling down the rabbit hole……. I think this sums up the week. Do we take the red pill? Or the blue pill?


46 Responses to “Welcome to the Matrix”

  1. comradematrix Says:

    Love Morpheus. “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.” applies to our times. Amazing the damage of this stooge of a president and a feckless congress.

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  2. Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

    The Matrix is one of my favorite movies. Just the first one – the plots of the second and third movies were pretty craptastic.

    There’s a line by Agent Smith (awesome character and Hugo Weaving is an awesome actor!) that I just love. He’s describing the machine’s first Matrix. It was meant to be a paradise were no one suffered, but it didn’t work. No one accepted that world.

    Agent Smith says that some believed the machines (soulless entities) didn’t have the ‘language’ to describe humans’ perfect world. Smith disagreed. He believed that humans’ defined their reality through suffering and misery; that without it, our minds would not accept the world the machines created as a ‘real world.’ Our minds kept trying to ‘wake up’ from, what we thought, was a dream.

    I think the reason it could never happen is a combination of both. No entity without a soul could ever create humans’ perfect world. However, with evil in the world and our human nature (that is part of us and cannot be changed) – I don’t think there could ever be a paradise on earth.

    It’s a nice dream…. 🙂

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    • bunkerville Says:

      I enjoyed the film a lot. It was food for thought. I have delved into Sci Fi for many years. Good analysis and appreciated. We can only hope in the next life.

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    • petermc3 Says:

      Remember this anti-drug jingle from the late 60’s?
      Pot pot smoke some pot,
      Forget who you are and be what you’re not,
      Higher higher I want to get high,
      Don’t give it up until you give it a try.
      Matrix schmatrix, don’t bogard that joint my friend, pass it over to me…

      Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        One way to look at it! Some say its an analogy to Plato’s Cave. Pick your fun! 🙂 Remember Reefer Madness? We sure have come a long way baby.

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      • petermc3 Says:

        The best of all was Groove Tube. This is a must see for those of our generation.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        I have to laugh because of my mom. She was always so rabidly against marijuana! Then, when i was getting my migraines so bad – and especially after my migraine-induced stroke – she actually suggested marijuana might help my headaches. I almost fell over!! Then she read an article that said marijuana was proving to aid dogs with pain. She would do almost anything to help her sweet Beauregard with the pain in his hind legs.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        I know of some song by the Kinks Don’t Bogart That Joint. Only it wasn’t a song they ever recorded. It was just something they ad-libbed at a concert – or something like that. Then fans kept asking for the song and requesting it from radio stations. Became something of an Urban Legend.

        Bogart, or Bogard, means to hog or take an unfair share of something; to be a bully or use force; or to act or move in a tough or aggressive way. The origin is from the actor Humphrey Bogart. Which I always wondered and now I know for sure. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • petermc3 Says:

        The group was The Fraternity Of Man. And yes, I do have the original 45rpm 😎

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    • LadyRavenSDC Says:

      Well, to add to this. Possibly by now anyone (here anyway) who reads what I have to say has “some” idea that I am not a nutcase.
      I have been (since I quit blogging) beefing up on chemtrails.
      Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo they say.
      Yeah. I have and I am.
      Bunkerville – I am pretty sure it was you a couple of years ago who sent me/posted a link on all the experimentation our gov has done on the people thru the years.
      Well, I am here to tell you it goes on today.
      Lithium is a favorite used in spraying.
      Gov says – hey we are “only” doing weather modification! “Geoengineering.”
      Lithium? Really?
      As if that isn’t bad enough?????
      So, for what it’s worth (and I have plenty of videos and bookmarks including NASA scientist admitting to it/you might be interested to know Hawaii has just about managed to get it stopped in their state) how does one control a populace?
      Zombiefacation works just about fine.
      And with that – I will go back to my own little funny farm.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Well, Lady R, for what’s it worth, I don’t think you are nuts. 🙂

        As I was writing my comment, I was thinking that machines haven’t enslaved us. We are slaves, but our own fellow humans have enslaved us. Not just our fellow humans, but the very people we elected to serve us, take it upon themselves to control us and make our decisions for us. We are worse to ourselves than machines ever could be!

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        We are slaves for a fact, but Laura, we The People have done it to ourselves. We are talking a little over 500 people in DC vs how many millions of Americans? Talk about sleeping thru the revolution!
        And just as surely as I know who bottom line is responsible – I know we The People must, and can, get us out of this but it will require a lot of each of us. I know we can, I know we can, ……..

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      • bunkerville Says:

        Too many have taken the the blue pill, as I commented to Comrade Matrix.


      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        Bunkerville – I watch a whole lot of videos. I find they don’t lie (unless manipulated of course) – and my mind absolutely boggles at those all but obsessed with the blue pill way. Very disheartening.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Oh, we absolutely did it to ourselves!! Too many are still doing it!

        Slowly, but, most assuredly, surely, we are becoming aware and we are fixing things. I had a fiery discussion with my sister about how Trump is a catalyst. I don’t believe Trump, himself, will be able to change very many things. I do believe that electing Trump will be the catalyst our Country needs to begin the long, hard journey to fixing what’s wrong with the way our government works.

        The actual system, the way things are done in D.C. is wrong on many levels. We must change this in order for our Country to work the way its supposed to work.

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      • bunkerville Says:

        Trump took the Red pill…… and you know what happens when you take the red pill. Unhinged at times but…..

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Hahahaha….oh, Bunker, you do make me laugh! Thanks!!!!

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        I am having such a hard time getting my head around Trump. When I look at older interviews – his “admiration” for HillBill and Hussein Obama – I just have my doubts.
        What I do know – we cannot, must not, depend on him alone for the change needed.
        A few months back I ranted at every video I saw of him, extorting him to forget the campaign trail and to instead march, right then, on Washington. Can you imagine if he had done that?
        So, we get Orlando/Pulse. NOW would have been a good time.
        Instead we get a lot of promises – and – Obama’s CVE Program.
        Not sure when that started but it sounds as if the push is now ON and the bad guys are – who else – We, the People!.

        “The FBI is trying to investigate terrorist threats but is hamstrung by this Countering Violent Extremism program. The name, Countering Violent Extremism, was carefully chosen in order to suggest that there is no particular ideology causing the threat. “Countering Violent Extremism” could require investigators to focus on extremist right-wingers — and, in fact, does. “Countering Violent Extremism” is carefully chosen in order to suggest that no particular ideology is causing the threat. Any kind of “extremism” (such as in right-wing groups) that could lead to violence, will be investigated. “

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        ‘Countering Violent Extremism’ well isn’t that convenient. Except what other terrorist threats do we have except from islamic extremism, hmmmm? There isn’t any other terrorism except islamic terrorism. I won’t even qualify it and say islamic extremist terrorism. it’s just islamic terrorism. Islam should be wiped from the face of the earth.

        Trump? Do I love Trump? No, he is brash and extreme – lol – and definitely not PC – which I do love! However, I believe that if we elect anyone but him, our Country has no chance. We will not survive. We have to put America first; we have to put our citizens first; we have to put our workers first; we have to put our businesses first; we have to put our interests first. We have to do this to the detriment of everyone else. America first and everyone else second.

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        “We have to do this to the detriment of everyone else. America first and everyone else second”
        Jeeze! No PC awards for you Laura!
        Such a trueism I have heard many times – You can’t love/take care of anyone else if you can’t love/take care of yourself first.
        Put another way – how can you give someone food from your table if there is no food on your table! And that is damn close to where we are.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        I loathe political correctness! 😉

        This Country was created to secure the blessings of liberty for the People of the States who established the Country and their posterity. The Country was created for no other reason.

        We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

        People have perverted the reason for our government’s existence. It’s way past time we corrected that.

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        “This Country was created to secure the blessings of liberty for the People of the States who established the Country and their posterity. The Country was created for no other reason.”
        Beautifully said.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Thank you, but I ‘borrowed’ it, lol. Read it today in someone’s comment on another site.

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        Still holds true and passing along wisdom is a great thing.
        I am currently spreading something that came from either here or CTH/can’t remember where to credit –
        “My favorite definition of a Conspiracy Theorist is this: Someone who does not believe the statements of KNOWN LIARS.”
        Don’t ya just love it.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Yes, I do love it. You know what else I love? Days off. That’s the only reason I’m able to make so many comments today, lol. Usually I just have enough time to read and maybe make one comment. Today, I get to read my favorite blogs and make as many comments as I want. Hehe, I’m actually a little giddy. 🙂

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      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks to Obama I have all the time in the world. Early retirement thanks to Obamacare as he destroys out healthcare system


      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        I don’t know if I should be happy or sad for you Bunker. Early retirement sounds nice, but maybe you didn’t want to retire yet. 😦

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      • bunkerville Says:

        True. I didn’t.


      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        I’m so sorry, Bunker.

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      • petermc3 Says:

        Donald Trump. What can we say about him? As an ardent supporter since day one it is with great pains I am now inclined to state with almost 100% certainty that the free fall we are now seeing of Trump and his ever vanishing campaign is as orchestrated as is Obama’s destruction of all that us and was America. A highly intelligent,
        educated and successful man surrounded by a loving, intelligent, educated and successful family, surrounded by seasoned Washington insider campaigners cannot put together two cogent sentences never mind a paragraph without causing we his supporters to cringe with embarrassment for him. Either those around him can’t stop this or they are part of his pitiful bumbling. Shame on you Donald for either putting on a year long charade or being to blind to see what you are doing is throwing this election to the hag who will finish what Obama started. I again maintain: Hillary Clinton in 2016, Cory Booker or Chelsea Clinton in 2024 and the dissolution of the Republican Party somewhere in between.

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        Glad you replied on this petermc3. I think it was two posts ago you and Bunkerville both hinted of these thoughts and I meant to ask the two of you where you were coming from.
        I don’t know that I agree with you – thinking this way –
        We have spent the last how many years with politicians talk, talk, talking. Pretty words. Intelligent words/sentence structure.
        Almost to a one these people turned out to be either all talk or flat out liars.
        I don’t care if Trump can talk a good talk – I just want damn good action.
        Maybe I am misunderstanding you.
        Yes, polls are not up there for him but might it be the media suppressing those polls?
        He is still drawing huge crowds and still putting out the 2/3 a day rally efforts and the crowds have not diminished from what I see.
        Still – I would like to see him get off the trail right now and get his followers to march on DC.
        Burn the damn place down if necessary.
        THAT would be action.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Peter, I think you are believing the lies of the LSM. Trump will be the next president.

        Have you heard of the Conservative Tree House? It has kept me going through some tough times.


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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        CTH is a huge source of information – comment section maybe as good as Sundance’s pieces.
        Have you noticed Laura that there have been virtually no polls lately?
        I again think – numbers are being suppressed by MSM and Sundance isn’t going to throw cold water on the campaign.

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      • petermc3 Says:

        What really bothers me is that his seemingly incoherence of words are open season for the media and RINO’s to do exactly what they’re doing. What we say and how we say it is important especially when the left’s carefully constructed rhetoric composed almost completely of lies and hypocrisy is accepted by the great unwashed as true and positive due in part to the support of 99% of the media along with the gross ignorance, apathy and denial of the american public. I love Trump but he must come off as coherent in speech and message so that good may win out. He has no greater supporter than me but I am worried.

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      • LadyRavenSDC Says:

        “I love Trump but he must come off as coherent in speech and message so that good may win out.”
        We do expect a lot from those representing us. I certainly do.
        A sign in the office of his personnel – “Let Trump be Trump.”
        I’d just like to know why when Hussein Obama goes off teleprompter and sounds like an idiot – he/bad still wins.

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      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        Spent a lot of time thinking of the best way to respond. What I came up with is the Silent Majority. Trump has tapped into and won the support of the Silent Majority, Peter. These people come from all walks of life, they care about different issues, but they are responding to something Trump is championing. Something that other candidates – other members of government don’t care about. It’s the border, it’s immigration, it’s fair trade, it’s the military or non-interventionism. It’s something different for everyone, but they are issues our current government refuses to hear and obey us on.

        Hillary shouldn’t even be a candidate – she should be disqualified. I worry about fraud and illegal shenanigans.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Regarding your last comment. No, I think Trump is a wild card for sure. But it is the best of what is there now. So bite down on the raw hide and try and bear up.

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      • bunkerville Says:

        Lady Raven… We shall ride the rocket together…

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      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks indeed. We are all in the tin foil hat parade today. Why not. Might as well go out with a buzz!

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  3. Mustang Says:

    Either one will probably kill us … I vote for extending a middle index finger and saying, “This is for you fascists; this time I really mean it.”

    Liked by 3 people

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