Obama wants to take your guns if you visit the wrong websites

When scouting out the internet, best not to have a fat finger and hit the wrong website. Fortunately, Obama will be gone in a few months. Just in time. First we had shelter in place. Americans apparently will willingly huddle in their homes. Now the next effort will be to restrict one’s gun rights if one visits the wrong website. Is this really where we want to go? Both sound like this is good for us doesn’t it? By the way, Mr. President, the reason that we are buying guns like crazy is because we know you want our guns.

President Obama suggested the equivalent of a no-fly list for guns on Wednesday, saying that people who are suspected of being terrorist sympathizers should be denied the right to bear arms even if they are not convicted or accused of a crime.

“We’ve got people who we know have been on ISIL websites living here in the United States, U.S. citizens,” Obama said during a PBS NewsHour appearance, using an acronym for the Islamic State terror group. “And we’re allowed to put them on the no-fly list when it comes to airlines, but because of the National Rifle Association I cannot prohibit them from buying a gun.”

When asked why he wants to restrict gun access for all owners, rather than just bad actors, President Barack Obama said, “It’s just not true. …There have been more guns sold since I’ve been president than just about any time in U.S. history.”

He spoke at a town hall in Elkhart, Indiana, in June. President Barack Obama’s statement came in response to an audience member who asked why he supported policies to restrict firearm access for law-abiding citizens.

“Why then do you and Hillary want to control and restrict and limit gun manufacturers, gun owners, and the responsible use of guns and ammunition to the rest of us, the good guys, instead of holding the bad guys responsible for their actions?” the man asked.

The man pointed out that Chicago, Obama’s former home town, has some of the highest levels of gun violence in the nation despite its stringent gun laws.

More Free Beacon

23 Responses to “Obama wants to take your guns if you visit the wrong websites”

  1. My Article Read (6-4-2016) – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Obama wants to take your guns if you visit the wrong websites […]


  2. geeez2014 Says:

    Bunkerville, you’re WordPress, too….I’m finding mine so slow the last day and a half…are you, too? Doing a post, everything I do takes a long time to load all of a sudden…just wondering if it’s WP or me. Thanks for any info.


  3. Mustang Says:

    Have I mentioned lately that Obama is a douche?


  4. Steve Dennis Says:

    If they are ISIS supporters why are they not being arrested? Just saying…


  5. Sparky Says:

    The man who calls himself Obama is a racist Marxist that hates America. Another like-minded racist, Valerie Jarrett, is the real President. PotUS Dinglebarry is just a puppet in golf pants. They are all truly evil, unprincipled, nasty, yuck, pooey people and need to get saved.
    I’m so tired of this ‘protected’ class dictating to us what they think is proper, while we the unprotected, keep them in their ivory towers. They make the laws THAT THEY DO NOT KEEP but we must do so or suffer the consequences. It’s time for a real change.
    Well, good thing we have Christ. Nothing can take away His love for us.
    Hope your day is blessed.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. petermc3 Says:

    Common sense laws: A contradiction in terms. And speaking of common sense, enforce our immigration laws and the Islamic sympathyzer not allowed into the country in the first place can’t buy any guns, period! Go back to Kenya and take your KFC eating ghetto wife and mother in law with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Always On Watch Says:

    He can’t be gone soon enough!

    Liked by 2 people

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