Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI?

Monica Crowley has written a wonderful piece that places the focus of the latest Clinton scandal on Bill Clinton. Teneo Holdings. Now that is a name of a company one wants to keep an eye on. Its claim on the company webpage is “Integrated Counsel for a Borderless World.” I bet it turns out the connection point for much of the nefarious activities of the Clinton Cabal and the other shadowy figure in this drama known as Huma Abedin. More on her tomorrow and Teneo. A fairly long piece but a must read. Here we go with the Crowley piece:

Several weeks ago, I wrote a column titled “Is Bill Clinton in the FBI crosshairs?” That question appears to be increasingly relevant because of the emergence of another, more central one:

Was Hillary Clinton’s unsecure, private email server set up by her husband’s top political operative in order to turbocharge their own political and financial interests?

Justin Cooper may hold the answer.

The server for her private domain name,, and the foundation-run shared an email network and a physical location in New York while she was secretary, both under Mr. Clinton’s auspices. It was Mr. Cooper who, according to archived Internet records, registered both and, which was used by top Clinton Foundation personnel.

Mr. Cooper is a central player in the shadowy worlds of Bill and Hillary Clinton — serving as Mr. Clinton’s top aide since 2015, when his predecessor, former right-hand man and “surrogate son” Doug Band, resigned from the Clinton Foundation — yet he has largely escaped notice.

Mr. Cooper served as a coordinator between the overlapping worlds of Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Clinton and the foundation. He is a top fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation. He is also a senior adviser to Teneo, founded by Mr. Band and whose clients — such as Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical and Bank of America — certainly gained access to the former president, the secretary of state and their vast international network. At one point, Mr. Clinton was given a contract with Teneo for his rainmaking efforts worth $3.5 million.

More at Washington Times


22 Responses to “Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI?”

  1. Thousands of Docs discovered showing ‘pay to play’ between State Dept and Clinton Foundation | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] suggesting the intersection of the Clinton’s machinations. Yesterday we looked at Justin Cooper. Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? Today we look at Douglas Band. Both worked for Bill Clinton in a similar capacity as Huma Abedin […]


  2. Huma Abedin, Bill Clinton’s Butt boy Band’s new Emails will take them down? | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] suggesting the intersection of the Clinton’s machinations. Yesterday we looked at Justin Cooper. Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? Today we look at Douglas Band. Both worked for Bill Clinton in a similar capacity as Huma Abedin […]


  3. Bill Clinton gets man freed from Iranian jail, money flows to the Foundation | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Earlier posts I opined that the second of the two FBI investigations, that being the investigation of the Clinton’s and their Foundation was the more likely to snag them. Here we have a prime example, Teneo Holdings, Band and Cooper- two of Bill’s body men are knee-deep in the scam. By the way, Huma Abedin was on the payroll of Teneo and that too is under investigation. Earlier posts: Will Bill Clinton’s Butt Boys Cooper and Band take down the Clinton Empire? and Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? . […]


  4. Mystery woman Muslim Huma Abedin. Gatekeeper to Hillary Clinton | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] big problem. Will Bill Clinton’s Butt Boys Cooper and Band take down the Clinton Empire? and Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI?. Keep in mind there are two FBI investigations. It is the FBI investigation of the Foundations that […]


  5. My Article Read (4-29-2016) (4-30-2016) – My Daily Musing | franciscansonthemountains Says:

    […] Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? […]


  6. My Article Read (4-29-2016) (4-30-2016) – My Daily Musing – Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. My Article Read (4-29-2016) (4-30-2016) – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? […]

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mustang Says:

    No problem; she’ll pardon him.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Will Bill Clinton’s Butt Boys Cooper and Band take down the Clinton Empire? | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] the intersection of the Clinton’s machinations. Yesterday we looked at Justin Cooper. Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI? Today we look at Douglas Band. Both worked for Bill Clinton in a similar capacity as Huma Abedin […]


  10. Steve Dennis Says:

    I have no doubt the Clinton Foundation is a shady operation but this is a twist on it. Maybe this is why Hillary isn’t worried about it…

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Actually there are two separate investigations. I think in the end, the provable one will be on Bill. Very complicated but the paper trail is a mile long. This Teneo business was a money laundering operation put together by his two butt boys.


  11. the unit Says:

    Uh-Oh, those pesky crosshairs again. Too bad Patton not doing the aiming. He would have/might have won an Olympic medal but committee said one bullet missed the target. He said that bullet went through a target hole made by a previous bullet. I believe Patton. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    Doesn’t matter which one of them is in the FBI attention deficit system right now … The sad truth is that if Hillardy becomes the president we are peobably going to see the first two-headed (dual) presidency in the History of the Nation … and I am not ready for that. One time around with Clintonism was quite enough for me thank you … especially after NAFTA got signed and started destroying The American Industrial Base and shipping good paying jobs to cheap labor markets across the boundless seas.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      There are two investigations going on with the Clintons. Not much coverage on the second, but I do believe they will catch them on the foundation corruption. Maybe she may get off with the server, but Bill is another matter.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. petermc3 Says:

    Interesting but, as we think we know by now as evidenced by Hillary’s lack of an orange pant suit, the Clinton’s, their entire dirty operations and their operatives are protected by the same government purportedly interested in bringing them to justice. Their nefarious and scandalous behavior is so downplayed or ignored by all media outlets that the Clintons themselves, unencumbered by any FBI activity over these past several years, will once again be running their empire from the Oval Office come January, 2017 and will bring to a close all investigations of their activities. They may very well succeed in destroying what still resembles law and order in this country after having the table set for them by the Manchurian.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Agreed. But I am not as sanguine that nothing will spill out from members of the FBI. We might not get an indictment, but sooner or later the squeals will be heard from the underlings. If Trump accomplishes nothing more, a bit of light on their actions just might happen.


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