Guns? So just what is it you are proposing?

This is a different kind of video for a Saturday. The left screeches that something has to be done about guns after the recent violence. This riff done over at MSNBC should bring a chuckle. When pressed on exactly what should be done, the wandering spin begins.

National Review’s Charles C. W. Cooke gently makes the same point by pressing Mark Halperin and then Mika Brzezinski to explain their policy ideas when both demand action. The result is the same in both cases — they fume, they growl about Congress, but they have no proposals of their own (via the Free Beacon and Jazz):

A worthwhile read  as well as a tip of the hat goes to  Hot Air

17 Responses to “Guns? So just what is it you are proposing?”

  1. Steve Dennis Says:

    Yeah, “passion” is the answer!

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  2. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.

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  3. alec Says:

    We know what they refuse to say. And why do they refuse to say it? Because many Americans would stand up and take notice if they knew the real plan. So instead we have to listen over and over again for the need for “passion” and “outrage” and “feeling” and “doing something” over thinking, and discussing, and planning.

    Charles Cooke did a good job showing up the cynicism.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Peter Lynxs Says:

    Watch this hoping for clarity? Ha!! The only clarity is that this insane argument is going around in circles yet more more and people are dying…when will something actually be done??

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      When everyone locks and loads. It works swell in the rural area from whence I came. 40minutes for a cop just doesn’t do it.

      Liked by 3 people

      • petermc3 Says:

        My father lived in a little town outside of Beaumont, Texas, called China. If and when the sheriff might show up one had a mlnlmum of a half hour wait. As I have commented before, my father (may he ret in peace) was in Patton’s 3rd Army that met the Soviets at the Elbe River in 1945. He did not and would never put his life in the hands of Deputy Dawg.
        Ever wonder what is the response time for the swat teams to respond to the elites cry for help in their gated communities? I would hazard to guess “in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”

        Liked by 2 people

    • alec Says:

      Ah but who benefits from the people dying? When they stop benefiting, the dying will stop too.


  5. petermc3 Says:

    Hey Bunker, I watched this live yesterday. We were treated to the usual delight of seeing the lefty tool Mark Halpren being a lefty tool , Mika B. with her deer in the headlights look once again looking and sounding like a retarded fourth grader while Joe sat on the fence as always. Nothing new here.

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