Hillary’s IT company: ‘Highly likely’ a full backup of device exists

When ABC starts bearing down on the Hildebeast, one has to know the it is getting warmer for the old gal. Her joke about Snap Chat erasing her comment is even more ludicrous. A joke? We shall see who laughs last. Here we go:

Platte River Networks, the Denver-based cybersecurity firm Hillary Clinton hired in 2013 to maintain her old email server, says it is “highly likely” a full backup of the device was made and that the thousands of emails Clinton deleted may still exist, ABC News is reporting.

Clinton hired Platte River to manage her email set-up after she left the State Department in Feb. 2013. Prior to that, the server resided in the basement of her Chappaqua, N.Y. home. It was managed by an IT worker hired by the State Department from Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

It is still not clear why exactly Clinton hired Platte River. Many have speculated that it was a response to the March 2013 hack of the email account of Sidney Blumenthal, a longtime Clinton friend.

A spokesman for the Defense Security Service, an arm of the Defense Department, told TheDCNF that Platte River “is not cleared” to have access to classified material. Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, who chairs the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, said that the finding “raises serious questions” about how secure Clinton’s server was.


Read more: Daily Caller

Other posts of interest:

Hillary’s IT man worked for State Dept, Company without security clearance

Hillary’s tech company was sued for ‘Illegally accessing database’

Hillary’s little home server used a spam filtering service with access to classified stuff

19 Responses to “Hillary’s IT company: ‘Highly likely’ a full backup of device exists”

  1. Mustang Says:

    I’m wondering if we’re asking the wrong people about Hilrod’s server. Instead of her IT guy, maybe we should query her gynecologist. Just a thought. I mean, it’s gotta be somewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    Unless that device crashes, there is some of that going around in the IRS. I get the feeling it is going to spread to the State Department as well…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. mcnorman Says:

    Squirrel, nothing here…yup, that is it. Nothing to see here unless you dare peek and call them out.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. silverfiddle Says:

    Great news, but I remain skeptical. If the federales were really serious about this, they would have raided this company months ago and seized the servers and all backups.

    For heavens sake, Obama’s federales conducted not one, but two SWAT raids on Gibson guitars over a dispute about imported wood!

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Good reminder about Gibson. Still, it is hard to believe that someone somewhere might decide to sing. Especially if Biden decides to get in the race.


      • silverfiddle Says:

        I’m hoping someone sings, but we’ve been here before, eagerly anticipating a well-deserved comeuppance for the corrupt Clintons, only to see them slip the handcuffs once again…

        Just as easily, the company could throw up their hands and insist that the drives are gone, simply gone…

        It worked for Lerner and the IRS.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        We have been waiting for decades. Of all of the scandals, this one as of now, looks like our best shot. I look with anticipation her testifying at the next Gowdy House hearing. I already booked it in my calendar.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        it’s not surprising to me that nobody’s come down on this company as they did Gibson; they hated Gibson; Gibson’s president gave money to (gasp!) BUSH!
        The Feds might be having to come down on Hillary but they’re going to soft sell it as long as they can…


  5. Brittius Says:

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