Eric Holder use private email for ‘Fast and Furious’?

Curious isn’t it? Recall Lisa Jackson and her “Richard Windsor” email handle?According to a recent survey of government employees

High-level federal executives routinely use personal email for business, in likely violation of the Federal Records Act. That’s according to a recent survey of federal employees.

In other words who cares about the Federal Records Act and so much for the most transparent government ever.

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Not sure what other reason for the redaction, replaced with ‘Attorney General’.

Via Sharyl Attkisson:

As to whether Holder himself ever used personal email for government business, the Justice Department isn’t saying. A spokesman did not respond to requests for information about Holder’s email practices.

In Justice Department emails turned over in a federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, Holder’s email name is redacted with no explanation. It’s unknown whether the redactions conceal use of an email address that does not belong to an official government account.

Fast and Furious-related emails between Holder and his wife Sharon Malone, and his mother, are currently being withheld under executive privilege invoked by President Obama.

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H/T: Weasel Zippers