HHS Burwell (Vince Foster dumpster diver) reverses – ‘We could have done better with Ebola’ UPDATE

UPDATE: JOSH EARNEST at today’s presser: (For video, click on link). There, now I feel much better.

There are a number of steps we have taken. And I think the people can be encouraged that the federal government is demonstrating the kind of tenacious adaptive response that’s required to deal with this situation.

Earlier today I posted Second Texas Hospital worker comes down with Ebola. When I saw Dumpster Diver political hack Burwell out on the trail to discuss Ebola, well, I had to take a ride and give the back story on why we have much to worry about. From an earlier post on October 4, 2014. Now she tells us “we could have done more?”

DHHS Sylvia Burwell (Vince Foster’s dumpster diver), tell us no worries over Ebola

Free Beacon:

In July 1995, Burwell (then Sylvia Mathews) was one of several key aides questioned by the Senate Whitewater Committee regarding the death of deputy White House counsel Vince Foster.

Under questioning, Sylvia Mathews and her colleagues denied impeding a police investigation into Foster’s death after his body was found in a northern Virginia park. According to the New York Times, Mathews testified “in laborious detail about what she had found in Mr. Foster’s garbage on the night he died.”

Republicans on the committee found it significant, however, that Ms. Mathews had also managed to retrieve a special bag of garbage containing classified and sensitive papers that was usually destroyed by the Secret Service. The contents of that bag were never examined by anyone to see if Mr. Foster had left anything in it that might shed light on his state of mind.

Ms. Mathews said that she got the bag from the Secret Service and began looking briefly through it, when she discovered that it contained all of the classified garbage from the West Wing.

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com …

HHS Secretary: “We Could Have Done Much Better” Containing Ebola


23 Responses to “HHS Burwell (Vince Foster dumpster diver) reverses – ‘We could have done better with Ebola’ UPDATE”

  1. geeez2014 Says:

    since when did BUNGLING become the definition of TENACIOUS?


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    So, the government admits it could have done more to prevent this and we are supposed to feel better because the government will adapt now that it is too late? Why do I not feel better…

    Liked by 3 people

  3. the unit Says:

    Perhaps a bit off thread, but anyway…left understands spanking.
    Public spanking, Arabian style. Snopes will probably deny its true.

    Liked by 2 people

    • zip Says:

      If you email them (the snopes lie-enabler couple – apropos snooping) they’ll most likely send a format email you back to you and tell you to search it out – meaning if they don’t deem it note worth (because it doesn’t fit their ‘world view’ or the Agenda) they won’t even bother to ‘tolerate’ your inquiry. That’s what I found, when I ask them about some that was ‘heart touching for the normal person’ and they had no comment whether it was true or not. Just dismissed it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • the unit Says:

        Yeah I won’t bother zip. I could care less what they say. Even if photoshopped its still the overall mindset of that bunch since somewhere about 732 AD. I didn’t check the exact date mind you. UT

        Liked by 2 people

      • the unit Says:

        I probably should have said I COULDN’T care less. Also should have signed TU , not UT. 🙂
        Although I did graduate from U. of Tenn. many, many… years ago. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • zip Says:

        I’m glad to see that other ‘smart people’ have nano seconds of lapsing brilliance! More proof of the neg affects of ChemTrails.
        Some in my family still ‘root’ for the UT Vols (having lived in TN, now in GA).

        Liked by 1 person

      • the unit Says:

        Yeah, I be in conservative in NW Florida now for nearly forty years. Of course got fooled by Mornin’ Joe back yonder a few years. Well ’til his staffer’s head got split.
        Heck I even went one semester to MS State back almost when football ratings started. That semester the class for college algebra was filled when I tried to sign up, had to take football algebra. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. the unit Says:

    Maybe Duncan lied. But from what I read where he signed in and did triage, folks there didn’t know Liberia was a West African nation. Huh?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Petermc3 Says:

    While Vince Foster was not the only person to reach room temperature courtesy of the Clintons he is thought to be possibly the only but definetly the last person, male that is, to have had an affair with the puta in a pants suit.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. zip Says:

    Having people ‘waking up’ to all of this (the lies vs the truth of it) is one thing, ‘what’ to do about it another. These collective implants are like parasites that need to be flushed out of the system. As soon as that happens the body can start repairing the damage. We need “Para – Flusher’s to the rescue!”

    Liked by 1 person

  7. comradematrix Says:

    Good one. The Foster connection is worth noting. And it strikes me that there is no part of this administration that is without ineptness and deception. Its almost like they rounded up an army of dangerous dunces to put in every key position. No doubt this was by design make Zero the “smartest man in the room” almost all the time. On the upside, at the rate they’re handling Ebola there may be no need for the death panels.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Mustang Says:

    Oh yeah, sign me up! I believe everything the government tells me. It is only just begun, I’m afraid.

    Liked by 2 people

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