Illegals from 75 different countries exploiting our porous border – new report

Here is a must read so two posts today. I thought my earlier one was beyond the pale. So now we are being flooded with every kind of illegal riff raff. Does anyone really think there are no terrorists among them? Earlier:

illegal Aliens are really the Americans – Real Americans are confused

Boule was trying to make some tortured point about how Central Americans are more native to this continent than white Americans are, which of course is taken as brilliant and genius by fellow MSNBC moron Melissa Harris Perry.This one confirms out worst fears. Meanwhile our Congress goes home, and Obama plays.

LUBBOCK, Texas — A leaked intelligence analysis from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals the exact numbers of illegal immigrants entering and attempting to enter the U.S. from more than 75 different countries. The report was obtained by a trusted source within the CBP agency who leaked the document and spoke with Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity. The report is labeled as “Unclassified//For Official Use Only” and indicates that the data should be handled as “Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU).”

Among the significant revelations are that individuals from nations currently suffering from the world’s largest Ebola outbreak have been caught attempting to sneak across the porous U.S. border into the interior of the United States. At least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the current Ebola outbreak have either turned themselves in or been caught attempting to illegally enter the U.S. by U.S. authorities between January 2014 and July 2014.

Here is a link to the data:Darby CBP Leak Numbers Globe

Twenty-eight individuals from Pakistan were caught attempting to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 211 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.

Thirteen Egyptians were caught trying to sneak into the U.S. this year alone, with another 168 either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.

Four individuals from Yemen were caught attempting to sneak into the U.S. by Border Patrol agents in 2014 alone, with another 34 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught attempting to sneak through official ports of entry. Yemen is not the only nation with individuals who pose terror risks to the U.S. that the report indicates travel from. The failed nation of Somalia, known as a hotbed of Islamic terror activity, was also referenced in the report. Four individuals from Somalia were caught trying to sneak into the U.S. by Border Patrol agents in 2014. Another 290 either turned themselves in or were caught attempting to sneak in at official ports of entry. This reporter previously covered the issue of illegal immigration into the U.S. from Somalia and other nations in the Horn of Africa.

H/T: Breitbart and the rest of the story.

14 Responses to “Illegals from 75 different countries exploiting our porous border – new report”

  1. Petermc3 Says:

    If you believe there are a mere eleven million illegals in the country I have a bridge to sell you. In New York City classes are taught in about 125 different languages. Only 75 countries penetrating our borders? Until Mexico is treated like the enemy to our sovereignty that it is, until our elected officials from president on down are treated like the enemies to our sovereignty that they are the fight is lost.


  2. gds44 Says:

    Reblogged this on Gds44's Blog.


  3. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    What about the ones who didn’t turn themselves in or weren’t caught? This administration has comitted treason and they will get away with it. Sickening!


  4. zip Says:

    Bunker isn’t that part of the Alinsky’s Rules, keep the people ‘confused’ – not understanding – while you push and accelerate the agenda forward? Confusion is rectified by ‘truthful facts’ and reality – the Regime is purposely causing chaos to bring down the Nation. When that fact is established people will realize that when Dept. of the ‘Homeland’ (reminds me of USSR) UnSecurity corrals them up and say’s ‘We’re taking you to a resort for your safety.’ They’ll know that’s a lie!


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