OSHA gets into the act, weapons drawn, raids brass ammo plant

Intimidation is the order of the day by this out of control government. After BLM, Bundy and Bunkerville, anything goes. This time OSHA is on the move.

Another raid handled with weapons drawn, this time on a company that recycles brass for ammo. This from OSHA. Now we know why each agency needs so much ammo. Just a couple of reminders:  EPA to ban lead bullets – will end sportsman shooting, Last U.S. lead ammo company shut down by EPA about what the agenda is less we forget. Here we go with the latest. Fed Safety Inspection: Drawn Guns, Confiscated Cell Phones

Critics of the way federal agencies in Montana handled a recent raid on a company that recycles brass for ammunition are calling for an investigation.

Government officials have declined to respond to allegations that armed officers with weapons drawn locked up USA Brass employees, confiscated their cell phones and otherwise violated their rights.

He explained that although USA Brass “had been subject to some civil enforcement action for workplace safety by OSHA, the company had completely remedied any such problems and had been given a clean bill of health by OSHA.”

So the “raid” apparently was unrelated, Marbut said.

“Because a warrant was served on USA Brass, anyone would wonder if there were some particularly egregious activity going on there, and what the federal foreknowledge of that activity might be. Because of the overwhelming armed force used by federal officials to mount this raid, that suggests expected resistance or some sort of ongoing, violent criminal conduct at USA Brass. Your investigation should disclose whether or not these suppositions, spawned by the tactics of the raid, are correct or incorrect. This, in turn, should offer some perspective about whether or not the level of force and intimidation used was warranted,” Marbut wrote.

Popular gun rights writer David Codrea noted at noted in his Examiner.com blog that he “warned back in 2009 that Obama’s pick to head the [federal job safety] agency, David Michaels, was strongly anti-gun and committed to using regulatory schemes to get his way.”

Why such apparent sweeping and coordinated law enforcement action is considered a justifiable and standard practice against American citizens and businesses is a fair question. Without a record of criminal activities and resistance meriting deployments backed by lethal force capabilities, an audit team with a warrant would seem more than adequate in the case of an established company that proudly bills itself an “industry leader.”

To protect against lead contamination, USA Brass had installed filters and added training. The company had passed a subsequent inspection before officers from the Environmental Protection Agency and FBI arrived, apparently with guns drawn.

The story has spread on the Internet among bloggers and Second Amendment advocates. A blog called Defensive Handguns described the raid this way: “Obama’s storm troopers raided USA Brass in Bozeman.”

And at Firearms Talk was the comment:”More excuses to go after the ammunition in one way or another.”

Read more at WND

The Case for a Little Sedition | National Review Online is a wonderfully written post, and looks at Civil Disobedience.

 Prudential measures do not solve questions of principle. So where does that leave us with our judgment of the Nevada insurrection? Perhaps with an understanding that while Mr. Bundy’s stand should not be construed as a general template for civic action, it is nonetheless the case that, in measured doses, a little sedition is an excellent thing.  — Kevin D. Williamson is roving correspondent for National Review


14 Responses to “OSHA gets into the act, weapons drawn, raids brass ammo plant”

  1. Court rules EPA cannot regulate lead bullets | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] OSHA gets into the act, weapons drawn, raids brass ammo plant […]


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    Should we surprised at anything done under and by the Obama regime?

    And on we go — into serfdom.


  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    Since when does OSHA have weapons?! When did this happen? It is going to get very ugly, or should I say even uglier, before Barack Obama’s time in office is over. These are very scary times!


  4. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    If this trend continues, meter maids will be replaced by SWAT teams.


  5. Angel Says:

    Intimidation is the order of the day by this out of control government. And they did away with NYPD surveillance of mosques etc!..sick sick world my dear friend………..


  6. Gunny G Says:

    Reblogged this on CLINGERS… BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN ! and commented:


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