Bloomberg to restrict Pain Killers at Hospitals

While laying fallow these many days with who knows what illness, I looked forward to my returning debut as a blogger, healthy enough to be able to find some news that may have gone under the radar. So here we go. A story that sums up all that we are fighting for. The government loses its senses, and morphs into a dictatorship. Here is a prime example why we must not allow, cannot allow any form of restriction on our guns, and Ammo. Yes Ammo. Let me get to the point. If a non-physician can dictate the amount of pain medication one can receive, just think what we have in store for gun control, Obamacare, any of our freedoms. So I give you Mr. Bloomberg, who heralded the banished Big Gulp, now moving on to pain medication.

“The city hospitals we control,” he said Friday in
response to critics, “so … we’re going to do it and we’re urging all of
the other hospitals to do it, voluntary guidelines. Somebody
said, oh, somebody wrote, ‘Oh then maybe there won’t be enough
painkillers for the poor who use the emergency rooms as their primary
care doctor.’

According to Bloomberg, the over prescribing of
painkillers has led to a rise in violent crimes as well, as no-goods
have been hanging around pharmacies to ambush patients.

“You see there’s a lot more hold-ups of pharmacies, people getting held up as
they walk out of pharmacies. What are they all about? They’re not trying
to steal your shaving cream or toothpaste at the point of a gun. They
want these drugs.”

Of course, the city could allow people to carry
guns to defend themselves, but that would be too easy and would allow
people to be responsible for themselves.

Much better to ban medicine. Besides, where’s the fun of electing a liberal mayor if you
can’t leave sick people writhing in agony? Soda Head

Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a total control freak. NYT reports:

Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Bunkerville: God, Guns, Guts Comrades