Jesse Jackson’s mood problem: Knew of $1 M Senate seat offer

Jesse and his so called mood disorder reminded me of a little something that happened at the Blago trial. So here is a bit of a redo from a couple of years ago…Chicago sure isn’t what it use to be Jesse? Chickens coming home to roost? Might this be a bit of a problem for you?  The MSM and even the Dems goes on and on that Jesse needs to tell more about his condition. I suggest they want him out-of-the-way so they can run another candidate for the seat. They want this story buried, who knows how high it goes.They care not one whit about him.

Here’s a bombshell from today’s chapter of the Blago trial:

Jackson Jr. knew of $1M Senate seat offer, prosecutors say

A supporter of U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. told the Democratic congressman in 2008 that he would raise $1 million in return for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich naming Jackson to the U.S. Senate, a federal prosecutor said today.

The allegation, made on a busy day at Blagojevich’s federal corruption trial, was the first time authorities publicly suggested Jackson was aware of efforts by his allies to swap campaign cash for his appointment to the Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama.

Luckily for Jesse Jacko Jr, he belongs to a party that doesn’t frown upon this sort of thing.

Thanks to Founding Bloggers

10 Responses to “Jesse Jackson’s mood problem: Knew of $1 M Senate seat offer”

  1. Z Says:

    Jesse Jr is a big liberal with mental problems? How can they TELL? 🙂
    Of course, if he really does, I’m extremely sorry for him because that’s so difficult, but I couldn’t help being a little flippant; I mean REALLY??! Ya, it sounds like he became ill at a pretty opportune time. Your last sentence is perfection.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I would have a mood too if I thought the slammer might be ahead of me.. If obama is involved who knows what the outcome.


  2. TexasFred Says:

    Democrats in general have a *mood* problem… They are delusional, they are foolish, they are trying every way imaginable
    to destroy this nation…

    And the GOP isn’t that much better… Dem Kite at best!


  3. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    I’m not surprised that Jessie Jr. has problems. He has been used and manipulated by his father and his father’s powerful friends all his life. I’m not even sure the poor kid is even literate. I doesn’t soud literate when I have heard him speak. His father must be so proud. It doesn’t say much for the people that elected him, either.


  4. Kurt Silverfiddle Says:

    This is the stinking liberal democrat sewer of corruption Barack Obama crawled out of. Is it any wonder why his administration has done what it’s done?

    Barack Obama is Richard Nixon without the personality.


    • bunkerville Says:

      As I recall, there was considerable speculation that Obama knew about what was going down. The sewer moved east as you so aptly stated.


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