Sunday Respite – ‘Looking for the Summer’

My friends down Fort Myers way in Florida, tell me it was expected yesterday to hit 106, so they clearly are no longer looking for the summer!

Here in my neck of the woods, it’s just unsettled after a couple of gorgeous 70’s.

Anyway, summer is bearing down and I am ready.

Here is Chris Rea in “Looking for the Summer.” Not my favorite video of his songs, but favorite version.

If you missed yesterday’s post of nonsense and general mayhem, here is your second chance.

Let’s get started:

I’ll throw in a couple of links of fellow bloggers who toil in the swamp for us. A couple of them may catch your fancy.

Pirate’s Cove – Speaking of Florida

Sea Levels Will SOON! Be At Doom Level In South Florida Or Something

Tacky Raccoons – Great picks this week if your into the Blues scene. A bit of toe tapping too,

Saturday Matinee – Steve Arvey & Stumpy Joe Sweckard, Sean Webster & the Dead Lines, and Kid Anderson w/ Frankie Ramos

Vermont Folk Troth –

The elites are hoarding the American Dream — spiked

Conservative Tree House – Sundance is on it….this Crypto thing is moving along.

Watch This Legislative Issue Closely and Monitor the “UniParty” Voices

That’s all she wrote. Have a wonderful day.

5 Responses to “Sunday Respite – ‘Looking for the Summer’”

  1. Baysider Says:

    A nice trip. We’re having lovely spring weather. And you reminded me I have to turn my garden water off. The first watering of the season.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Lucky you! Few of those really highs and lows… and a garden to boot! 🙂


      • Baysider Says:

        My “garden” is an extra wide side yard setback in the middle third of the 150-ft deep property. Plus every place I can cram a fruit tree or pot, once I ran out of yard space. It’s an apartment building after all. 🙂 And believe me, I know I’m lucky! Fresh herbs are a daily pleasure. Year ago I talked to my husband about developing a small retirement “community” so we could garden and raise chickens, maybe even a cow, and bees. CCR’s are a bear!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Terri D. Says:

    Summer arrived a couple of weeks ago, here in central FL. We haven’t hit 106 yet, however! Your old stomping grounds are a couple of hours south of me. I enjoyed the song and thought the video was quite nice.

    Liked by 1 person

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