Obama and his Blood Lust: Sends troops to kill in Sudan

Obama Sends U.S. Combat Troops To Uganda To Help Kill Rebel Leader, and only the beginning. He really is starting to get a taste for this apparently. Another war- Kinetic action, more dead. Our earlier post: Obama waives prohibition on child soldiers: While Michelle is worried about our kids and their exercise and caloric intake, her husband dearest signs an  Executive Order   for Africa to send their kids to war. Typical Progressive logic.

“In order for the Sudan to continue to receive funding from the US there were stipulations. They needed to stop recruiting child soldiers for the Southern Ugandan Army. However, because so much of their forces are made up of the innocent they were not able to comply on time. But no worries, instead of cutting their funding or putting pressure on the southern army, the President has taken it upon himself to waive the sanctions against countries using child soldiers”.

 “I hereby determine that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application to Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, and Yemen of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA”. So children, it’s off to war you go.

LRA leader, Joseph Kony– fellow, you are on Obama’s hit list, and he indeed has one. Let me see if I have this straight. Obama now picks and chooses who he kills on his own. I think I am catching on now. Every0ne happy now with the drone kills? Pick and choose. 

 ABC News:

Two days ago President Obama authorized the deployment to Uganda of approximately 100 combat-equipped U.S. forces to help regional forces “remove from the battlefield” – meaning capture or kill – Lord’s Resistance Army leader Joseph Kony and senior leaders of the LRA.

The forces will deploy beginning with a small group and grow over the next month to 100. They will ultimately go to Uganda, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with the permission of those countries. Not Kenya? That’s right. we have your Marxist cousin Odinga set up there. Who is killing Christians.

The president made this announcement in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Friday afternoon, saying that “deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa.”

He said that “although the U.S. forces are combat-equipped, they will only be providing information, advice, and assistance to partner nation forces, and they will not themselves engage LRA forces unless necessary for self-defense.”

The president said that for more than two decades the LRA has been responsible for having “murdered, raped, and kidnapped tens of thousands of men, women, and children in central Africa” and continues to “commit atrocities across the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and South Sudan that have a disproportionate impact on regional security.”

H/T:Weasel Zippers

25 Responses to “Obama and his Blood Lust: Sends troops to kill in Sudan”

  1. Drumbeat Starts for more ‘engagement’ in the Sudan « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] post. Now apparently, things are heating up to start us moving more men and armaments to the Sudan. Obama and his blood lust- sends troops to kill in Sudan. Has anyone heard anything about the soldiers and munitions sent to […]


  2. Cheryl Says:

    The other shoe dropped on this story at World Net Daily today, describing Soros’ connection to Ugandan oil. http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=356321 Aaron Klein writes the full story there. If anyone had any doubts about who is pulling the strings in this government, this would be yet another piece of evidence. Our military being used at the convenience of Soros to prop up his oil business is….just grand isn’t it?? The LRA has been doing this for what…20 years or something? Anyway, the global left is now using our military to promote Soros’ doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect,” out of the UN, straight into our government policies now. We can’t defend ourselves or our own national interest, but we sure as heck can defend the rest of the world at Soros’ pleasure for his investments. Hmmmmm…..


    • bunkerville Says:

      I guess we all suspected something. I hope our Barrister reads the link so he understands why we depise Obama.


    • Chakam Says:


      Thank you so much for that link to WND! I wondered, as I’m sure many of us did, what the connection was and why were we really going into Uganda. Now it makes sense.


  3. D Charles Says:

    Though I questioIn the importance now for the US to put any military in that region, i think your item and comments by others are ignoring some factors that are important. Sure you do not like Obama and your after a bashing excercise, that is fine by me – BUT, do not forget three areas that almost certainly are the reasons why it was chosen to go in.

    The LRA is currently THE most brutal terrorist/militia in Africa. It is a quasi-Christian theocratic-run bit of nastiness that plagues the areas, recruits children and thrives on rape as a weapon.

    It is not a civil war as mentioned by a number of you, it is cross-border and wants to create a theocratic state.

    Lastly, it is a terrorist organisation that is involved in arms-smuggling.

    Having said that, I question is it the right time to do so based on home economics and having so many miiltary personnel spread around. For me my are arguing cases that are political and not actually valid in an argument. You blame Obama (as usual) but it would have been the military and the State Department that would have wanted this, proposed and put up a case. Somehow I doubt that Barrack Obama or his White House Team woke up and said lets go to Uganda. Secondly, I see not comment pointing out that this group is as ugly as any other terrorist or theocratic-based militia and I really wonder if it was a Muslim and not a Christian based terror group that some of the above comments would have changed. One piece of work above even had to use the stupid “caliph” word, why?

    I do not like Obama and would rather see a GOP President but, as per usual, comments like “dictator”, “caliph”, meglamaniac and so on just make the arguments look stupid. The argument is about validity, economics, effectiveness and legality, nothing more. I noticed Newt thinks it is a mistake whilst former Presidential Candidate John McCain thinks it is logical and necessary.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Much of the resentment by many is the issue of somehow being dragged into conflicts around the world. Many for our own interest no doubt. That said, if something needs to be done, how about the British? We already screwed up Egypt and Libya in the name of something, now we are headed to these failed governments and their civil wars. If you note, one of my main issues was that Obama negated Congresional action in his exeutive order allowing children to become soldiers. Obama will be bashed until he leaves office. His affinity to reject our Constitution in untenable.


  4. Always On Watch Says:

    Obama is a megalomaniac for getting us involved in what’s going on in Uganda — or anywhere else in Africa, for that matter.


  5. Carol-Christian Soldier Says:

    our BEST sent to another ‘war’ –
    when are we in the US going to say – ENOUGH!



  6. spreadeagle72 Says:

    Maybe they’ll pick back up on this Monday. Personally I feel he’s just trying to get rid of his compitition and become Caliph. That’s what the Palestinians want anyway. Wonder what he’s going to do with Iran now that they have rared their head again. Maybe we’ll just go into Mexico. What a chump! Impeachment NOW? YES WE CAN!


    • bunkerville Says:

      They are telling us that there are only a couple of hundred of these guys, and these countries cannot solve the problem? That we have to do it? How absurd. Drones away.


  7. Steve Dennis Says:

    Obama has engaged US troops in yet another country’s civil war and yet those who supposedly oppose war remain silent and ignore this story. Where is the Congress on this and the war in Libya? Funny how the MSM doesn’t even bother to cover this, isn’t it?


  8. Chakam Says:

    Put this one up with Fast and Furious, and it seems clear to me this guy needs to be impeached. Seriously. However, seeing how he endorses and supports partial-birth abortions, why should I be surprised he also enjoys children being forced into fighting? This moron has some serious “daddy issues”.


    • bunkerville Says:

      What he said by his Executive order was to hell with Congress. Even though there was sstipulation against child soldiers, he simply waives it. Mark Levin took issue last night that the so called legislation to take this action, did not include this.


      • Chakam Says:

        This is going to bite him in the butt, later on. Just like Solyndra, and just like Fast and Furious. Oh, and the whole New Black Panther Party thing, too. I mean, could you imagine if GWB would have attended and spoke at a rally that the KKK was also in? Yikes! So what’s the difference?

        We need to continue to press in regarding Fast and Furious and Solyndra and this Uganda military action. These are going to be relevant.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Now we just lost a couple of our guys to the Drones. Who knows who he is killing.


  9. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    He does enjoy being a god, doesn’t he? It is time for the House to cut-off funds. I wonder if this was another order from the UN?


    • bunkerville Says:

      Jim, this is really bad. He is going to march his way across Africa and destablize all of it. Why didn’t Boehner say something if he knew two days ago? Instead he waits for the Friday dump.


      • Conservatives on Fire Says:

        These OWS protesters are anti- war among everything else. Maybe they will turn some their anger on Obama and then the MSM won’t be able to ignore what The One is doing. I am really getting frustrated, Bunker. Obama has become a dictator in the same way Chavez became a dictator. He needs to be stopped and I have to believe there is more our weak kneed Republicans in the House could do.


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