I.R.S and Lois Lerner going after the American Legion

What is becoming clear is that the IRS is becoming a tool of this regime to intimidate. Lois Lerner is back in the news. She heads up the jurisdiction of Exempt Organizations. No wonder she took the “Fifth.” Despicable that the IRS is going after our veterans. But then again, we know how Obama feels about our military. Harassment pure and simple. These associations have no time for this nonsense. And Lois knows it.

Via Daily Caller:

The Internal Revenue Service is targeting the veterans’ organization the American Legion, and a U.S. senator believes that Lois Lerner — a key figure in the IRS scandal – is to blame.

“The IRS now requires American Legion posts to maintain dates of service and character of service records for all members… The penalty for not having the required proof of eligibility is, apparently, $1,000 per day,” the American Legion stated.

The American Legion was referring to a 13-part section of Part 4, Chapter 76 of  the Internal Revenue Manual pertaining to “veterans’ organizations.”

The section falls under “Exempt Organizations Examination Guidelines,” which is  the jurisdiction of Exempt Organizations head Lois Lerner, who apologized for  improperly targeting tea party groups and tried to plead the Fifth Amendment in  a congressional hearing.

“On the heels of Americans’ anger over revelations that the IRS intentionally  targeted certain groups, it has been brought to my attention that the IRS is now  turning their sights toward our nation’s veterans,” Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran  said. “The IRS seems to be auditing veteran service organizations by requiring  private member  military service forms.”

“If a post is unable or not willing to turn over this personal  information, it’s  possible they could face a fine of $1,000 per day,” Moran continued.

“The American Legion has recently learned of the so-called IRS ‘audit manual’ and is concerned that portions of it attempt to amend statutes passed by Congress and approved by the president,” American Legion legal counsel Philip Onderdonk, Jr. told The Daily Caller.

Keep reading…

IRS counsel Wilkins met Obama two days before targeting Conservatives

This just might get interesting. According to Fox news, the Senate has been investigating the IRS scandal as well as the House with Dem Baucus heading up his side of the aisle. Under the radar, with little notice, Baucus it is reported, will have much on this within a month to six weeks. So this fellow Wilkins defended old-time pal Jeremiah Wright Pro Bono. Well, well, well. So here we go:

Embattled IRS chief counsel met with Obama 2 days before agency changed  targeting criteria

The Obama appointee implicated in congressional testimony in the IRS  targeting scandal met with President Obama in the White House two days before  offering his colleagues a new set of advice on how to scrutinize tea party and  conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status.

IRS chief counsel William Wilkins, who was named in House Oversight testimony  by retiring IRS agent Carter Hull as one of his supervisors in the improper  targeting of conservative groups, met with Obama in the Roosevelt Room of the White  House on April 23, 2012.

Wilkins, who is one of only two Obama appointees at the IRS, is a former lobbyist with the firm  WilmerHale,  where he spent his time “counseling nonprofit organizations, business entities,  and investment funds on tax compliance, business transactions, and government  investigations.” At the firm, Wilkins defended Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Chicago-based United Church of Christ from a 2008 investigation into whether  Wright violated his church’s nonprofit status by speaking in favor of Obama.  Wilkins successfully defended Wright’s church pro bono.
More at the Daily Caller

Lois Lerner Sued Christian Coalition- Largest FEC Action in History

The arrogance of power. Lois Lerner Sued Christian Coalition In Largest FEC Action in History –

So simply, Lois was up to her old tricks it turns out. How many more have had audits? “I have not done anything wrong.” So she takes the Fifth yesterday. Her buddies remain arrogant to the core.  Defiant to the core.Here we go:

Under the direction of Lois Lerner, the Federal Election Commission sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s. She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles. She lost her case. Lerner even asked one conservative during the case if Pat Robertson prayed over him. (Sound familiar?)

These actions landed her at the IRS where she used the same tactics against conservatives and Christians – only on a much larger scale. 500 conservative and Christian groups were illegally targeted by the Obama IRS during her tenure. For twenty-seven months the Obama IRS refused to approve any Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status. At the same time the Obama IRS approved dozens of progressive applications.

The Weekly Standard has more on Lois Lerner’s history of inappropriate religious inquiries

Lerner was appointed head of the FEC’s enforcement division in 1986  and stayed in that position until 2001. In the late 1990s, the FEC  launched an onerous investigation of the Christian Coalition, ultimately costing the organization  hundreds of thousands of dollars and countless hours in lost work. The  investigation was notable because the FEC alleged that the  Christian Coalition was coordinating issue advocacy expenditures with a  number of candidates for office. Aside from lacking proof this was  happening, it was an open question whether the FEC had the  authority to bring these charges.

H/T:Gateway Pundit

Obama’s half brother illegal scam foundation- IRS approval in one month

When I saw the Drudge header IRS official Lerner approved exemption for Obama brother’s charity and that Obama’s half-brother got not-profit status in a month, I recalled I had done a couple of posts on this fine fellow. What the post doesn’t state that it was illegal in the State of Virginia. Not only that the IRS made it retroactive for three years.

The New York Post also reported that the foundation was not registered in Virginia at the time the article was written in May, despite a Virginia legal requirement that an organization register before soliciting donations in that state.

“Since one of the Obama Foundation’s founders and directors, Mr. Alton R. Baysden, stated publicly in May 2011 that the foundation had not even applied for tax-exempt status, it is inconceivable that the IRS can now claim that the status was granted in June 2011, retroactive to 2008,” Ken Boehm, the head of the National Legal and Policy Center, told WND.

GuideStar.org, the private website that posts for public view IRS documents regarding nonprofit organizations, said for the Barack H. Obama Foundation no audited financial statements were available.
Read more: Influence of Obama’s brother Abongo felt in Washington WND

Obama’s scam artist brother runs for Governor of Kenya

.. then let’s go down memory lane. Obama’s brother gets special tax treatment. Wander over for full coverage of the family tree. .

Malik Obama – a half-brother of Barack Obama – is running for a governor’s position in the country’s nationwide elections on Monday, though he said he’s not sure what impact his relationship to the American president has on his campaign.


President Obama’s half-brother, who runs a foundation that collects funds in the United States, was able to get approval of a tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service in an unheard-of time period of only a month, records reveal.

Barack Obama’s half-brother Abongo Malik Obama, also known as “Roy” Obama, appears to have received the sudden IRS approval to operate as a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization in only 30 days. The result was made retroactive for three years.

The Barack H. Obama Foundation, (Check out the link) which runs out of a commercial mail drop in Arlington, Va., has solicited tax-deductible contributions on the Internet since 2008.

The Foundation’s guiding principle:

The common denominator in all that the Foundation undertakes is the inherent belief that no man can truly enjoy the riches he has reaped if his neighbor suffers.


Smoking Gun: IRS gave out illegal info on Conservative Groups

It has been reported by numerous individuals that they came under investigation after becoming involved in Conservative causes. Audits became the potential outcome. Looking for the smoking gun?   News Alert brings us this:

After receiving the unapproved applications, ProPublica tried to determine why they had been sent. In emails, IRS spokespeople said ProPublica shouldn’t have received them.

“It has come to our attention that you are in receipt of application materials of organizations that have not been recognized by the IRS as tax-exempt,” wrote one spokeswoman, Michelle Eldridge. She cited a law saying that publishing unauthorized returns or return information was a felony punishable by a fine of up to $5,000 and imprisonment of up to five years, or both.

The same IRS office that deliberately targeted [1] conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year [2].

The IRS did not respond to requests Monday following up about that release, and whether it had determined how the applications were sent to ProPublica.

 In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We made six [2] of those [3] public, after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were newsworthy.)  More at  Propublica