90 Percent of Population Growth Happened Outside the Cities

While we may have speculated the reason for the allowance of mass immigration of illegal foreigners into our country, speculate no more. Without them, many of the cities would continue to die, and of course would lose their clout in congress. The only cities most Americans have any interest in living in are in Florida and Texas we learn.

Rural America

Here is a story many of us had already figured out. Some good news to start off a holiday weekend.


There are 124 cities with a population over 200,000 in the U.S. According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s population estimates for last year, over 90% of the U.S. population growth last year took place outside of its 124 largest cities. About a third of those cities lost population last year.  The total growth in the population of cities with over 200,000 residents grew by .23%, less than half of what the U.S. grew last year.

Roughly a third of those that lost population were located in New York and California. The three largest cities in the U.S., New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, all lost population again in 2023. Between the three cities, over 700,000 people have left since the 2020 census. New York is by far the biggest loser at 546,000. That is about 6.2% of its 2020 population.


So, if Normal People flee your shitty city and state, no problem. All you have to do is open the border and make up the population loss with all those illegals. Sure, you only make your state worse, and an even bigger welfare state, but you won’t lose your political power to us MAGAtards.

Some Democrats are so stupid they feel virtuous putting up with violent crime, higher taxes, lower property values, and homeless encampments if it means showing us TrumpTards a thing or two.


Normal people are skedaddling to Normal America, where quality of life matters. And from our quiet, safe, friendly, tolerant, and clean Normal America, we can sit back and watch Blue America eat itself alive.

Chicago is hell, an urban nightmare where gas costs nearly $5.00 a gallon, there’s no place to park, it’s dirty, and you can sit at a stoplight for 20 minutes. There is nothing relaxing about that city. It’s pure stress.

Rural Indiana is bliss. Who cares if Walmart is 40 minutes away? When there’s no traffic, a drive can be a wonderful way to unwind. Everything about rural America is relaxing, clean, safe, and stress-free.

Normal People already live in the utopia Democrats claim to want. Where leftists govern, life is hell, and Normal People have had enough.

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For more details on the stats:

Real Clear Politics

This video was done two years ago. The first minutes gives the staggering history of the voting numbers lost by the Dems. (Make sure it starts at 0)

The best of rural America.