Biden Agrees to Debate – So What is in the ‘Magic Elixir’ that Brings Him Back to Live?

There’s no evidence to suggest Biden is actually on any drugs, legal or otherwise. But purely hypothetically: Would Adderall really do what Giuliani (and by implication, Trump) claims? What kind of miracle drugs does Trump think Biden would need here? 

This was a story Slate put out last time around in 2020. At the time Trump had suggested that Biden should be required to take a drug test. Here tis:

Hypothetically, Would Adderall Turn Joe Biden Into a Debate Whiz?

A pharmacist on President Trump’s bizarre theory.

Heather Schwedel: How would a drug like Adderall affect someone’s debate performances?

Michael T. Swanoski: Adderall is a stimulant that’s often prescribed for attention deficit disorder. So Adderall potentially could increase your attentiveness if you’re feeling drowsy or if you’re fatigued. But it doesn’t increase cognition per se. It doesn’t improve thinking, but it provides a boost similar to what you’d get from a cup of coffee—a little more pronounced, but not increasing cognition in any way. It wouldn’t have an effect on your acetylcholine, which is the chemical that’s connected with clear thoughts, thinking through a difficult task, and high-level thinking.

What other kind of drugs would take a person from sleepy to wide awake, so to speak?

There’s been a push in marketing nutritional supplements that are touted for improving brain health or memory. They make vague claims of brain enhancer or memory enhancer without really getting too specific, because they’re not allowed to make claims that they can’t back up. But there’ve certainly been cases of students using stimulants to help, maybe if they’ve got a big exam, to make them more alert potentially. People are purchasing these products with the hope that they’ll help them with giving them a competitive edge, perhaps in their job or whatever they need to think about.

The there is that white powder that mysteriously shows up at the White House from time to time.

Back to the story at hand. The debates”

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020,” Biden said before the first cut. “And since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate.”

“Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again,” he said before the third cut. “Well make my day, pal … I’ll even debate you twice. So let’s pick the dates, Donald. I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.”


Speculation begins. 

So in the end, Biden concedes to Trump and will do a couple debates. The only question is why? And why June. Is it a last ditch stand to see if he can get through one and if not dump him at the convention?

One thing is for sure, CNN will have given him the questions long before the night of the debate.

Here is Biden taking a victory lap as the big man on campus.



Michael Tyler, the campaign communications director, said the president did “not mince words.”

Biden-Harris Campaign Communications Director Michael Tyler joins Morning Joe to discuss the president laying out terms for presidential debates.


“I mean listen, the president himself did not mince words, right? He said that he beat Donald Trump twice in 2020. Donald Trump hasn’t debated since, the president is happy to debate. He’s happy to do it twice,”

Tyler told “Morning Joe” Wednesday. “He thinks we should do it sooner rather than later so the American people can see the stark choice that’s in front of them in this election. We should do it in June after Donald Trump’s criminal trial is likely to conclude and the president returns from the G-7 Summit and we should have a second debate in September way ahead of when early voting begins again so the Americans people can hear from both candidates before they go cast their ballots.”


Well we are off. Good Luck. The best of the swamp.