Sunday Respite – JJ Cale ‘Feels Like Rain’

I was feeling some JJ Cale. I stumbled upon this last night. Through the years more of his back burner stuff that really never made it out is finding its way to YouTube.

It seems more like the late ’60s again. The election season is off to a wild and crazy start. Democrat convention and all. It’s going to be some year don’t you think?

Here is a second chance to catch yesterday’s post full of nonsense and what not…

Anyway, here we go.

The Producer notes:

From the Hold on Baby EP, not released on any album, or compilation. Added some pictures of his modded guitar he used in the past, which now ‘is somewhere in a closet’ according to Cale

A few links to fellow bloggers who toil in the swamp for us. One or two may catch your fancy.


Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

The NIght Wind


Pirates Cove

Giant California Waves Finally Blamed On ‘Climate Change’

Tacky Raccoons – Really a couple of offbeat neat tunes this week.

Saturday Matinee – Gogol Bordello, S.M.N. & GJS

The Daley Gator

Good news about New York House seat formerly held by Freak Boy?

The Tactical Hermit

Know Your Military History: Operation Barras (SAS Hostage Rescue)

The Vermont Folk Troth

The VA’s Role In Illegal Immigrant Health Care Has Veterans Groups And Legislators Up In Arms — Renegade Tribune

Searching History – Our own intrepid Mustang’s blog.

Red River Campaign, 1864

Not of This World

January 6th with Katelyn Mervar

That’s all she wrote – Have a wonderful day.