50 year old Trans Man Competes in Teenage Girls Swim Competition

Can a society sink any lower? A 50 year old man now identifies as a teenage girl and must be accommodated in a swim competition? With girls as young as 13. Even worse, the outrage was next to nil for those adults in attendance. The sad commentary is that one teenage girl did not get the opportunity to compete. Where were the parents and why did they not remove their child from the meet? What have we come to?
Here is Rebel News take on it. The following is taken from their tweet and then the interview.
A 50-year-old man ‘identifying’ as teenage girl competes in swim competition, uses girls’ changeroom Nicholas Cepeda ‘transitioned’ several years after puberty… so why is this dude being accommodated?
Why isn’t he swimming in the ‘Other’ category, as per World Aquatics regulations? There was perversity in the pool at the East Bayfield Community Centre in Barrie, Ont., last weekend. This was the venue for the Trojan Cup swimming competition. And guess who dropped by for a dip in the pool? That would be none other than Nicholas Cepeda, a.k.a., “Melody Wiseheart.”
We first got wind of Cepeda back in October when he competed at a swim meet in Markham, Ont. We were tipped off by concerned parents that this 50-year-old biological man prefers to compete with teenage girls, some as young as 13! And incredibly, everyone from the Barrie Trojans Swim Club to Swim Ontario to Swim Canada seems to be perfectly fine with this gender-bending grifter breaking the rules.
But why? Consider that the sport’s governing body, World Aquatics, introduced regulations earlier this year stating that male swimmers who “transitioned” after puberty cannot swim with females. Cepeda indeed “transitioned” several years after puberty… so why is this dude being accommodated?
Why isn’t he swimming in the “Other” category, as per World Aquatics regulations? Alas, welcome to Blackface’s Canada in 2023, where transanity is actually celebrated by the woke elites. And another thing: our fears were confirmed that Cepeda does not change and shower in the male or even the family change rooms. Nope, we witnessed this guy going into the girls’ changeroom/showers.
It was equal parts egregious, outrageous and downright gross. But not apparently to the people in Canada’s swimming community. Catering to Cepeda’s fetish is yet another example of diversity, equity, and inclusion – even though it’s really misogyny, if anything.
And get this: the Karen’s who run the East Bayfield Community Centre were offended by OUR presence at the venue! They demanded that we leave the premises for… having the temerity to practice journalism? (We did not leave, as we were not violating any rules.) That prompted them to call the cops! It was surreal.
Oh, and after his swim, we did catch Cepeda leaving the community centre. We wanted to ask him how he has the utter audacity to identify as a teenage girl, and then shower and swim with real teenage girls.
His response? Cepeda transitioned from a swimmer to a sprinter and ran to his car in the parking lot. What a coward. Yet, shame on the swimming authorities for letting this creep break World Aquatic rules. Indeed, what is the use of having a rulebook if nobody is going to enforce it?

Back in 2019 Bunk posted what was happening here on our home front:

This from Mr. Nadler:

“Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports. Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out,” Nadler said in his opening statement.

234 House Democrats- all but one, and Two Republicans think this is a swell idea.


The worst of the swamp.

36 Responses to “50 year old Trans Man Competes in Teenage Girls Swim Competition”

  1. Baysider Says:

    Lots of comments here about how we can’t accept this crap. I agree. But the left is SO skilled at name calling, doxxing, getting people fired and defunded, that they have created the atmosphere of fear the need for their coming police state.


  2. The Night Wind Says:

    This is a real travesty; but it’s hard to feel sorry for the Feminists complaining about this: they didn’t care about lowering standards to push men out of positions like policing, emergency management, or the military just because a man might be better physically. They were even trying to shove their ways into male sports anyway they could. NOW that it’s happening to them they want to squawk.

    If I were a Governor, and a Bill came up to ban troons from women’s sports and female spaces, I’d make the Feminists crawl to me before I signed it. I’d make them renounce all of their support for gender-based Affirmative Action, for women’s studies departments in schools, and so on until they ate crow in front of the Media and everybody.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I find little fault with your objections regarding the military intrusion in some positions they simply don’t belong. Considering that we are thousands short at this point the past best leave the past behind.
      I think your are a bit harsh regarding women needing to crawl. Heck, women didn’t vote til 1920.
      Opportunities for professional women were severely restricted.
      As to this topic, it was title 9 that even made equality in sport competition available. I am so sorry I missed that, but I did enjoy the girls rifle team in high school.


    • Mustang Says:

      Despite all the noise and the efforts of DACOWITS, no feminist wanted to join the military, police, or fire departments. What these silver-spoon types wanted was to demean the “less feminine” women by aligning them with lesbians … and the women who bought into this suffered significant physical injury as a result of the Bush Wars. Some women went on the record, noting that after these women experienced permanent injuries, the V.A. and DoD would walk away from them and leave them to suffer with limited healthcare support. That turned out to be accurate, as well. But it wasn’t the feminists who suffered. Nope. They would never lower themselves to “serve.” Similarly, the feminists were okay with FGM, too.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I would have better left you do the responding to the comment..
        As for me, I was stuck with half court basketball.. women only ran half the court. I of course was defense so I never threw a ball in a hoop in four years.
        But our girls rifle team were state champs… the boys team? Not so hot.. so it all worked out.


      • Baysider Says:

        Bunk, you learned a greater skill.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Night Wind Says:

        Great points. Feminism was never about empowering women, it was always about disempowering men. When they flooded the workforce with women from the 70s onwards, the purpose was to create a labor surplus and depress wages. The Oligarchs could care less about women’s rights. There was an article yesterday that reported that we’ve reached a record number of stillbirths in America, and we finally hit bottom of the OECD nations in infant mortality. Female infertility rates are into double digits now, but not a peep out of feminist activists.


  3. Terri D. Says:

    God, help us please!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Baysider Says:

    Why can’t he just as easily identify as a 70-year old and retire on a full Canada pension? Really, what is the difference?

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      He wants/needs attention… and he sure has gotten it. That would be the benign answer… the other thought is less than pleasant


    • Mustang Says:

      Some people do crave attention, and it isn’t a new thing. People haven’t changed very much over the past two or three thousand years. Yes … some changes, but not much. There was a time when a 50-year-old who tried to bugger a teenage boy would wind up with a Bowie Knife shoved inside his chest. Oh, they’d look for the killer, but they’d never find him. On a positive note, that 50-year-old wouldn’t be plaguing other young boys. So, to rectify this issue, we just need to change “teenaged boy” to “teenaged girl.”

      James Woods on “X” was telling how an aging friend of his bemoans the fact that it is likely that this country’s pendulum won’t “swing back” in their lifetime. Yet, something can be done (and possibly must be done) to affect the pendulum’s swing. Only we must be the ones to take that mission on. Not accepting filth would be an excellent start; wiping the shit off our shoe would be another, and of course, making it look like an accident.

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        I caught that from James Woods.. I am so glad he is back in action after a hiatus… the old pendulum keeps getting higher in its arc and sooner or later it may just keep spinning. (Not bad from someone who just got back from the dentist and a root canal). !

        Liked by 1 person

  5. geeez2014 Says:

    It’s official. We are INSANE for accepting this crap.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Bill Heffner Says:

    I am of the last generation prior to Dr. Benjamin Spock, who taught the proper parenting raises kids to believe that feelings are real and cannot be changed any more than the shape of a telephone pole can.

    When I was upset over something that someone else did my parents told me, “You cannot control what other people do. What you can control is to what degree you are affected when they do it.” This did not come from some high powered psychologist. It came from a military officer and a housewife. It was common sense, common knowledge, knowledge that was simply part of growing up.

    Spock taught parents that feelings are real, that they cannot be changed by the person who feels them, and that reality must be altered to accommodate those feelings rather than the other way around. What he was advocating was applicable to raising children, but of course what you are taught as a child carries into adulthood. So we have generations of “adults” who think that their FEELINGS are reality and that they can and must control others and control the outside world to be consistent with the way they feel.

    And so we have a social and political milieu in which everyone is frantically trying to control everyone else because they cannot control themselves. They do not even know that it is possible to control themselves and believe that controlling others is their cause in life. How anyone can fail to see that is a recipe for chaos is completely beyond me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bill Heffner Says:

      The corollary to that is that if I can control everyone around me, then everyone around me can control me. If everyone is in control of everyone else, then no one is in control and chaos reigns.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      If we made a list of individuals who contributed substantially to the destruction of America, Benjamin Spock’s name would appear near the top of that list. But, in fairness, he has a lot of competition (including Zinn, Chomsky, Alinsky, Cloward, and Piven). Our country and society are unique. We profess to value ideas, even those that we disagree with. A free and fair exchange of ideas is fine — but only when the people exchanging those notions operate according to the same set of rules and the people hearing the arguments have the mental capacity to understand them, analyze them, and artfully respond to the propositions. Absent that, we are all at the mercy of snake-oil salesmen. Today, most citizens do not know who those men were or how the Democratic Party has fully implemented Cloward’s ideas or its effects.

      Solutions are sometimes simple. Any man who barges into the lady’s toilet, arguing that his penis is really a vagina, needs to have his ass kicked so severely that it will take a team of surgeons a whole day to put him back together again. Then, and only then, will we begin to effectively address our national stupidity.

      Liked by 4 people

  7. peter3nj Says:

    Should one feel we will survive the leftist ideology seeping into every quarter, check this out:
    As a former now retired this year NJ high school sports official I still receive these e-mails from the state. I sent this to one of Bunks readers)
    Along with penile endowed athletes playing on the girls teams we have this from our enlightened state officials. The NJSIAA (New Jersey State Interscholsstic Athlete Association) has set up a website for high school athletes parents to cope with game day stress-the parents game day stress! My parents came to my first little league game and I never saw them at a game again through my high school career. I was shocked to see them at my high school graduation ceremony. Still they were real unlike the nervous candy ass woke parents 🍭 of today.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. markone1blog Says:

    Is it bad enough yet to vote these idiots out? Considering that McCarthy just handed over a seat to the Democrats in a fit of spite, I would say “No.”


  9. Mustang Says:

    It bends the mind to think that the people who organize and judge athletic competitions would allow something like this to happen. But even if they gorged themselves on the stupid sauce, as Bunker noted, where in the hell are the parents? It is precisely these kinds of parents, themselves brainwashed for most of their formative years in accepting this sort of thing for their own children, that give me ZERO optimism for the future of Western society. When parents refuse to stand up for their own children, the only future possible is a minor footnote.

    No one laugh … this crap is going on in the US too. Take, for example, the moron parents in Colorado who sent their eleven-year-old daughter on a “field trip” to Philadelphia. The school district put this young girl into a bed with a gender-confused boy (who was pretending to be a girl), and the parents became “upset” to learn of it. Have we gone daft? Given these policies, the school superintendent should already be shot to death, and anyone who went on the field trip and was responsible for this disaster should be in hiding for their own safety. But is anyone in the Colorado school district worried? Naw.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Not enough that girls/women are getting injured by male men in the same sport… lets start having them rape. Of course this will make the muslim students very happy that we are not bigots and offer up our children to them in the name of their idol.


  10. peter3nj Says:

    Is Canada leading or trailing the US in gender bending? Considering Newsom’s California perversion of all things normal with the approval of his citizens who are taking it on the chin we win hands down. Following the November election and total collapse of economy and our country that is little more a house of cards will we witness the rainbow and Chinese flags flying above the Stars and Stripes soon after? If there’s a corporate profit to be made ….

    Liked by 2 people

  11. GP Says:

    It should not be allowed!!

    Liked by 2 people

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