Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri – September Bits and Pieces


Politics, animals, kids.. Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings and travelers have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two.

Note: Tweets come and go. If there is no image twitter has taken it down for whatever reason.

Lots of animals this week.


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Good Morning!



We will start out with some Deep Thoughts.

The Deep Thought by President Joe Biden.

The Deep Thought is: Thinking about what you are thinking about.



Our usual Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris. 

The Deep Thought this week is: Work



How about we start with bit of humor first regarding Martha’s Vineyard. Go figure twitter. Sensitive? In your dreams.

Pretty clear the next place to send illegals is Rehobeth.

Time now for Bunker Prime. Enjoy.

I will include the post to a visit with one big White Shark.

On Jan. 15th 2019, Ocean Ramsey and her team encountered what is possibly the largest great white shark ever recorded. Best looked at in full screen.



Wishing you a wonderful day.

17 Responses to “Saturday’s Passel of Potpourri – September Bits and Pieces”

  1. annie Says:

    Lots of smiles and fun. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Baysider Says:

    OMG, I found this one when I was over at Crappy Cheapo Architecture, down below it:

    The otters are my favorite at the aquarium.


  3. Linda Says:

    Thanks Bunk loved all of them, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful rest of the weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Baysider Says:

    I had no idea rays could leap out of the water like that. Man! I’ve seen dolphins do it lots. Never seen a ray. At least not that kind. Maybe too cold here.

    Walking the steel girders is something we can ALL do – 1 foot off the ground. A reminder of how important perception is, and the ability to get get accustomed to whatever “it” is. Loved kitty rocking his little charge. 🥰

    I found the future projections interesting. We have all those things except the ONE THING futurists always tell us we’ll get: more leisure time. Not true, not even in retirement. (Well, mine is a working retirement as I don’t have a fat government pension coming, just fat government caused inflation.)


    • bunkerville Says:

      I never heard of the rays doing it either nor so many and much.. There were some good ones this week… yes, interesting.. If we would not support the world we sure would have a lot more money for ourselves but few put that together.
      Joe must have had his zip medication before his comments!


  5. Terri D. Says:

    Loved them all, Bunk!! Thanks!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. kidme37 Says:

    Be my guest swimming with the sharks

    Liked by 1 person

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