Dem Rep Norma Torres is sick of all the ‘sex-starved males’ in the House of Rep


Classy! Dem Rep. Norma Torres is sick of all the ‘sex-starved males’ in the House who have the wrong opinion on abortion!

Norma Torres
Representatives for California’s 35th congressional district.


Quote of the day and that is for sure.

As I recall, members cannot personally impugn their colleagues on the floor. Are they not suppose to be censored? But of course not. The House of Representatives descending into chaos.

Torres, is one of the newest members of the House Rules Committee.Rules? What Rules. I would say she broke House Rules.






Still wondering if I am right about Rules being followed? Let’s take a look at a Nadler clip back in May and how he runs his shop. This is how it goes when there is no hearing promotion and just a few are watching C-Span 3.

If there is any question about the functioning of the Committee of Nadler’s Judiciary, take a few seconds out to observe the chaos. The Democrats are opining that Trump is becoming a Dictator?

Chairman Jerry Nadler Running The House Judiciary Committee Chaos Breaks Out – Published May 20, 2019,

Caught by us bloggers who have way to much time watching C-Span!



Other than that, all is well in the swamp.

11 Responses to “Dem Rep Norma Torres is sick of all the ‘sex-starved males’ in the House of Rep”

  1. Mustang Says:

    Toxic hostility is part of the plan to divide and conquer the American people. I do have a solution, but it isn’t politically correct. I’m still trying to understand why anyone with one amp of brainpower would rehire the Democratic Party in the House of Representatives. Maybe they were confused by all the RINOS in the previous house. Hard to tell them apart without a score card.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      It is hard to believe that in the hallowed halls of Congress such nonsense could be uttered. But I am sure it is only the very beginning of this… but indeed, we must hate and be angered at all times.


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    And of course they are going to blame Trump for the disintegration of civility.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Kid Says:

    More Toxic Femininity.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Laura B Mielcarek Says:

    What the heck was that??? What is she talking about? Are women being propositioned or hounded for sex by male representatives or other males working in the House???

    And, if that is happening, what on earth does that have to do with abortion???

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Linda Says:

    …and I am sick of folks like her who are killing innocent babies in and out of the womb. There, I said it.

    Liked by 1 person

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