99% of all species that ever lived on earth have died out – before man’s intrusion


“We must act now, consuming less, polluting less, having fewer children” says CNN. Really? Better yet the United Nations weighs in… Save Nature to save ourselves, UN report pleads

More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species, that ever lived on Earth are estimated to have died out. Estimates on the number of Earth’s current species range from 10 million to 14 million, of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.
Extinction – Wikipedia

Each and every one of our forbears became extinct without man’s intrusion effecting the climate.



CNN is advising that unless Americans have “fewer children,” up to a million species could go extinct.



The network’s advice came while reporting on a United Nations report that predicted human activity will spark mass species extinctions within decades.

CNN spoke with controversial Stanford biologist, Paul Ehrlich, who infamously predicted in the 1960s that overpopulation would result in a mass starvation that would claim hundreds of millions of lives by the 1970s.

“For a species that named itself homo sapiens, the wise man, we’re being incredibly stupid,” Ehlrich told CNN. “The other organisms on the planet are our life support systems. You don’t have to worry about them if you don’t care about eating, if you don’t care about breathing, if you don’t care about having fresh water and so on. Then you can just forget about it and die.”

CNN’s Nick Watt echoed some on the far left, such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who blame people having babies for environmental problems.

“As for our rapidly dwindling biodiversity, these experts claim it’s the 11th hour. We must act now, consuming less, polluting less, having fewer children,” Watt said. “One eighth of all animal and plant species on Earth now at risk of extinction because of us. And as this report states, nature is essential for human existence.”

The CNN segment closed with another warning — that President Trump is actively worsening these threats.

For a laugh or two, recall this?

FLASHBACK – MSNBC: Border Wall a Problem: Birds, Bats Might Not Be Able To Fly Over It

MSNBC Is Worried That Birds (Yes, Birds) Won’t Be Able To Fly Over Trump’s Border Wall

Melvin began the segments discussing Rep. Raul Graijalva (D-AZ) and the Center for Biological Diversity’s lawsuit against the federal government over the border enforcement project. In California, the state legislature is considering punishing construction firms that participate in building the wall.

Thanks to WhatFingerNews for the coverage! A great site for all the news.