Wes Clark Jr knees and apologizes to Native Americans over pipeline

Anything to separate and divide and make one feel diminished. Long after permits were given to complete the pipeline the Army Corp rescinds the permit on the altar of perceived P.C. I bet this has the Chinese shaking in their boots to learn how hard it is to get the military to back down. But let us not stop there. We have Wes Clark Jr and his band of bowers, kneeling and apologizing. What is it with this prostrating oneself? Here tis:

Wes Clark Jr., the son of retired U.S. Army general and former supreme commander at NATO Wesley Clark Sr., was part of a group of veterans at Standing Rock one day after the Army Corps announcement. The veterans joined Native American tribal elders in a ceremony celebrating the Dakota Access Pipeline easement denial.

 Lakota spiritual leader and medicine man Chief Leonard Crow Dog and Standing Rock Sioux spokeswoman Phyllis Young were among several Native elders who spoke, thanking the veterans for standing in solidarity during the protests.

Clark got into formation by rank, with his veterans, and knelt before the elders asking for their forgiveness for the long brutal history between the United States and Native Americans:

“Many of us, me particularly, are from the units that have hurt you over the many years. We came. We fought you. We took your land. We signed treaties that we broke. We stole minerals from your sacred hills. We blasted the faces of our presidents onto your sacred mountain. When we took still more land and then we took your children and then we tried to make your language and we tried to eliminate your language that God gave you, and the Creator gave you. We didn’t respect you, we polluted your Earth, we’ve hurt you in so many ways but we’ve come to say that we are sorry. We are at your service and we beg for your forgiveness.”

More at  Salon

31 Responses to “Wes Clark Jr knees and apologizes to Native Americans over pipeline”

  1. JCscuba Says:

    Obama dislikes America and has considered it nothing more than a colonialist superpower.

    Remember the return of Churchill’s Bust from the Oval Office? (Source)

    Since we have observed him during his two terms, he has been short on decisive action and “Long on passive aggressiveness, not two attributes needed in a world leader.”

    That photograph became the model for the Marine Corps memorial next to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C., and forms one of the most iconic images from that era.

    Feb 23rd––U.S. Marines reached the summit of Mount Suribachi.

    But a myth has floated around about this flag-raising ever since it happened.
    Additional background and images from the two flags on Mount Suribachi here. https://whatyouthoughtiwentaway.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=27679&action=edit


    • bunkerville Says:

      The link is in the edit form, thought I would let you know… Yes,,,,you have him down to a tee. He and his wife only have contempt for America. He never fails to bad mouth American abroad and this bowing business is disgusting. All the men that raise the flag were dead within a few months as I understand it.


  2. StBernardnot Says:

    What’s this “we” s–t, whiteman?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Steve Dennis Says:

    I think this might even be worse than Obama bowing to dictators and that is saying something, this cannot end fast enough for me. Only a few more weeks…


  4. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I have some reservations about the way indians were treated.
    But the concern about their “sacred grounds” is ridiculous considering the attacks on Christian beliefs by the same groups that support them.


  5. Just Simply Linda Says:

    sigh…pretty little snowflakes come in all sizes, colors, etc. including Generals sons. (giggling)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Mustang Says:

    Given the time, given the disparate cultures involved, there was no recourse to either side than to inflict pain and suffering upon one another. Anyone who makes the argument that things could have been different between whites and Indians simply does not know American history or native American culture. Side note: there being no authority in the Constitution to send our Armed Forces into non-American states, I suppose it could be true that the Indians, Spain, and France should be entitled to reclaim all the lands now occupied by Americans west of the original thirteen colonies. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Why stop there Mustang.. We should by all means give the whole thing back to Spain… or England.. or…….how about the Natives out of China who crossed the land bridge.. or…


  7. Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

    The actions of people in the past cannot be judged by today’s standards. Behavior that is condemned now was common-place back then. It is absolutely wrong for our generation to be held accountable for what our ancestors did….wrong. I am not responsible for how previous governments screwed them – heck, government screws everyone!!!


    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      To be a victim based on generations ago does nothing to improve one’s lot. No one is forcing Native Americans to stay where they are today. I would have loved to stay in the town where I grew up but there were no jobs and it would be a dead end a miserable life no doubt. So I moved on. Time for these folks the same way.

      Liked by 3 people

    • the unit Says:

      Speaking of the screwing. All part of as Obama says,,,the transforming of America. Been going on long time.
      The cultural assimilation of Native Americans was an assimilation effort by the United States to transform Native American culture to European–American culture between the years of 1790–1920. George Washington and Henry Knox were first to propose, in an American context, the cultural transformation of Native Americans. The men of the Lewis and Clark expedition did their best. Nearly every man of their Corps of Discovery contracted syphilis on the trail. The Native Indian women had been previously cultured by earlier French and British traders. 🙂
      This historical information obtained at Wiki and National Geographic sites.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Lorra B. Says:

      Sing it sista!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Sparky Says:

    I’m really tired of the Victimology (I made that word up) that seems to be permeating the world right now. It’s part of the Wussification of America, Europe, etc. I just wanna take them aside and say “Get over yourself! Grow up!” *sigh*

    Liked by 3 people

  9. petermac3 Says:

    Here’s an interesting tidbit: This morning on a NY metro local station a NJ couple, owners of 11 McDonald franchises, was interviewed and slobbered over by the two the hosts (white) because they are giving out scholarships only to those of “African Amrican” and Caribbean families. And best of all grades and academic standing are not qualifiers. Ain’t no racism be goin on here yo!

    Liked by 4 people

  10. petermac3 Says:

    … just wondering if these clods were comped at the casinos as a reward for the indignity they brought upon there selves? And isn’t it truly amazing though that so many pony soldiers from the late 19th century are still alive and kicking, remorseful and repentant?

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Adrienne S Says:

    It’s time for the Indians to quit being “victims.” “Nuff said.

    Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I sure didn’t do anything to them… and they were savages.. yep said it.. Killing each other in ways unimaginable.

      Liked by 3 people

    • geeez2014 Says:

      I totally agree….there were horrid things done to them….there have been horrid things done to most groups of people….I’m Armenian, Turks killed my people….I’m no victim, believe me.
      If only ALL AMERICANS would suck it up and live their lives with all the privileges granted to all of us here, and stop pandering, stop whining.
      One would think their pride would prevent them from victimhood. I believe the ancestors of these Native Americans would rise up against these whiners….those were a PROUD PEOPLE once.


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