Trump ‘The Art of the Comeback’ writes ‘I’m worth minus 9 Million’

Oh this was really hard to figure out Trump and his taxes. Just read the book and the Donald talks about being in the negative. Real spiffy for the NY Times getting that plain manila envelope in the mail with his tax returns and figuring out he probably wrote it off thus no taxes. Clever.Very clever.

The Art of the Comeback


Times Books

One day, while walking down Fifth Avenue, hand in hand with Marla, I pointed across the street to a man holding a cup and with a Seeing Eye dog. I asked, “Do you know who that is?”

Marla said to me: “Yes, Donald. He’s a beggar. Isn’t it too bad? He looks so sad!”

I said, “You’re right. He’s a beggar, but he’s worth about $900 million more than me.” She looked at me and said, “What do you mean, Donald? How could he possibly be worth $900 million more than you?”

I said, “Let’s assume he’s worth nothing (only from the standpoint of dollars)–I’m worth minus $900 million.”

This was an interesting period of time, because as I told the story I realized in my own mind that what I was saying was true. I also began to realize that I had better get back to work!

My net worth had been in the billions. By the spring of 1990 I was deeply in the red; my empire was hemorrhaging value. When the Supreme Court upheld the retroactivity provisions in 1992, I knew that not only for me, but for my colleagues as well, prospects were grim. Even for the awesome Olympia & York, headed by the powerful Reichmann family, the future looked bleak.

More at NY Times

Another turkey spending bill known as a CR passes

Frankly I am sick of all of it. How come when the Dems had the majority they could always manage to figure out a way to get bills through even though they didn’t have 60 or a super majority?  So Reid blackmails the GOP in giving them everything they want. Somehow Reid gets it done. But McConnell that old turkey neck? Held captive. And as for Trump? I am getting about as sick of him as one can get. Frankly, I don’t think after second thought he even wants the job the way he is acting. Recall my post from 2012 

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pledged on Wednesday to change the rules of the Senate so that the minority party has fewer tools to obstruct legislative business. (The GOP is so annoying-don’t you just hate having three branches)?

But I digressed:

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, is furious that yet another bloated bill to keep the government running was approved on Capitol Hill this week and he fears it will only set the stage for an even greater spending binge come December.

“Primarily, it’s not happening because in the Senate, Harry Reid won’t let the individual bills come up for a vote. That’s the way it’s supposed to work,” said Jordan. “He’s been able to win every fight by saying, ‘Look, I’m going to hold up defense spending until you give me the spending I want on domestic issues.”

“What that means is taxpayers get the short end. I think, frankly, our military gets the short end of that deal too and it’s just not good for the country,” said Jordan.
Read more at WND