Connecticut to ban gun sales to those on no-fly list

Looks like Governors are catching on to having a “phone and a pen.” What happened to due process? It has already been reported that many mistakes have been made with these lists with it almost impossible to get off one. Those permits already granted will be recinded with confiscation of one’s firearm apparently. Add this story  BREAKING: Obama to Sign Gun Control Executive Orders RedState

Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy proposed Thursday to use an executive order to ban gun sales to those on federal no-fly watch lists.
The Democratic governor said that his order would make Connecticut the first state to do so and that state officials are working with the federal government to get access to the lists.

State Police now perform background checks on those seeking permits to purchase guns in Connecticut. Pending federal approval, Malloy’s order will require State Police to cross-reference the names of those seeking firearm permits with government watch lists.

Permits would be revoked for those who already have them but are found on watch lists.
‘‘If you cannot fly due to being on a government watch list, you should not be able to purchase a firearm while on that watch list as well,’’ Malloy told reporters at the Capitol. ‘‘This is basic common sense. The American people get it.’’

More over at the The Boston Globe

20 Responses to “Connecticut to ban gun sales to those on no-fly list”

  1. Conservative Thinker Says:

    Reblogged this on America at War and commented:
    On it’s face, banning those on the “no-fly” list from buying guns may sound reasonable…………….the problem with this kind of thinking is we have an administration that manipulates branches of government’s actions to fit it’s needs, like when the IRS went after Conservatives. If this becomes the law of the land what stops the Administration from adding your name, my name, and anyone’s name to the no fly list??? Follow me???


  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    I can’t get passed what I think is the obvious question: if these people are on a no fly list why are they in the country in the first place?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jersey McJones Says:

    This is an interesting turn of events for the gun nut crowd. I can just see Hillary next year in the debates reminding the American people, “thanks to Republicans we can’t keep guns out of the hands of terrorists!” In a pretty big way, it’s true. Should be be very interesting.



  4. petermc3 Says:

    This may qualify as precedent should SCOTUS ever hear a case with the second amendment as the defendant.
    Another illegal and wrongful decision , following the traitor John Robert’s sellout, by SCOTUS on this issue will be the second shot heard round’ the world.


  5. Mustang Says:

    Without due process, we are left with tyranny. Government imposes this upon us in little steps, so we won’t notice. The frog boiling seems to be working. It is the reason I argue that we cannot trust government–ever. Damn.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. thoughtfullyprepping Says:

    Just think, all those criminals, terrorists, and average citizens, who can’t fly because some maggot of a government official put them on a no fly list without due process will have to surrender their guns in order to stay within the law.

    I can just see them now reading the newspapers or the Internet quaking in their shoes and thinking:-


  7. Grandtrines Says:

    Reblogged this on Debatable News: Mainstream to Tinfoil Hat and more and commented:
    It really does sound like deprivation of rights without due process (Second Amendment Rights, specifically). See, also:

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Adrienne Says:

    I read somewhere that there was some 5 year old kid who’s been on the no-fly list almost since birth and his parents have been unable to get him off. Hope he’s not shopping for a gun.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Connecticut to ban gun sales to those on no-fly list | Rifleman III Journal Says:

    […] Source: Connecticut to ban gun sales to those on no-fly list […]

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