U.S. Demographic crash in one chart

This sums up about where we are. Not to fear. Once we have half of central America and Mexico here the divergence will end. Of course the Depends folks won’t be around to support them.

While the Japanification of markets has been a much-discussed topic in recent years, the two nations share another disturbing trend. In 2012, the land of the rising sun saw sales of adult diapers exceed those of baby diapers... and as the following chart from The Wall Street Journal shows, that trend is rapidly occurring in the land of the free..

This Is What an Aging Population Looks Like

The number was up slightly from 2012, but the country’s fertility rate dropped to a record low of 62.9 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age. Meanwhile, over 3 million Americans are now turning 65 each year, according to the Pew Research ”H/T:Zerohedge