Obamacare sends voter registration cards to over 3 millions California applicants

A California couple contacted ABC News 10 after they received a voter registration card from Covered California marked for the Democratic Party.

 A local couple called 10News concerned after they received an envelope from the state’s Obamacare website, Covered California. Inside was a letter discussing voter registration and a registration card pre-marked with an “x” in the box next to Democratic Party.

The couple – who did not want their identity revealed – received the letter and voter registration card from their health insurance provider Covered California, the state-run agency that implements President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

They have lived in La Mesa for years and they have always been registered to vote Republican. Now, they are perplexed as to how the voter registration card pre-marked Democrat ended up in their mailbox.

“I’m an old guy and I never would have noticed it, except I have an accountant that notices every dot and dash on a piece of paper as a wife,” said the man who received the mailer.

Covered California began mailing out voter signup cards to nearly 4 million enrollees last week after being threatened with a lawsuit by voting rights groups. But that does not explain the pre-filled out voter registration card.

From Gateway Pundit Posted by Jim Hoft on Saturday, March 29, 2014, 7:38 PM

Rush Limbaugh (3/25/14): “And the longer it is in play, the deeper the tentacles of Obamacare sink throughout the bowels of our society.” Rush of course told us so.

18 Responses to “Obamacare sends voter registration cards to over 3 millions California applicants”

  1. smith dumornisse Says:

    I want some insurance for medical


  2. ComradeMatrix (@ComradeMatrix) Says:

    Its all about votes. Check this out – in Oregon this week, officials confessed that nearly 4,000 illegal immigrants had been “accidentally” steered from the state’s low-income Medicaid program and instead were enrolled in Obamacare in violation of the law. Oopsie.http://washingtonexaminer.com/the-inevitability-of-obamacare-for-illegal-immigrants/article/2545114

    ps…nice to have you back Bunker!!


  3. Always On Watch Says:

    Yet another tyrannical move on the part of the Dems.

    Are any of us surprised? Nope. We did guzzle down the Kool Aid.


  4. bydesign001 Says:

    Reblogged this on PUMABydesign001's Blog and commented:
    As predicted, Obamacare, is not about covering the uninsured, it’s a power play intended to cover the sixes of our Marxist elites.


  5. Steve Dennis Says:

    Why am I not shocked by this?!


  6. gds44 Says:

    Reblogged this on Gds44's Blog.


  7. the unit Says:

    Where there is gumption there’s a way. On election day 2012 I was driving to work at 7;30 am past a cemetery, easily visible from the roadway. Parked on one of those little paved cemetery paths was a car and outside it was someone standing over the grave sites. The car had a magnetic sign for a politician running for office on the door. I chuckled to myself and said…”Ah collecting ballots.”


  8. Gunny G Says:

    Reblogged this on CLINGERS… BLOGGING BAD ~ DICK.G: AMERICAN ! and commented:


  9. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius.com and commented:
    Such negativity! Look at the brighter side. If all the angry voters were now Democrats, they have access to primaries and voting for real jerks to oppose other candidates. The mayhem would be rich!


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