Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000

“What’s more, Obamacare increases the fine for billing errors from $11,000 per item to $50,000 without the government even having to prove intent to defraud”.

Does anyone realize what a burden this places on Hospitals and physician offices? I will tell you what this is all about. Proper coding  is the act of giving a code or number to one’s illness,and indicates the amount of reimbursement of funds the Hospital or Doctors office will receive. The number one reason for refusal, or penalty is the incorrect code being assigned. How are the people known as coders, ever going to be able to keep track of all of this? How will the Physician be able to assign the correct code? Even if they do it in good faith, a review will no doubt turn up a discrepancy, and either denial or penalty will be the outcome. This will be the end to medicine. Click to enlarge below: 

HT: Carpe Diem

Medicare’s billing codes are a complicated, convoluted mess and deciphering them can sometimes be more art than science. Both Republicans and Democrats huff and puff against “waste, fraud and abuse” in Medicare. And they have already enacted Stasi-style laws such as the False Claims Act offering nurses, patients and other whistleblowers 15 percent to 30 percent of any money recovered if they report improper billing practices by providers.

More chillingly, however, the administration is defining Medicare fraud down to include “unnecessary” and “ineffective” care. And to root this out, it plans to make expanded use of private mercenaries—officially called Recovery Audit Contracts—who will be authorized to go to doctors’ offices and rummage through patients’ records, matching them with billing claims to uncover illicit charges. What’s more, Obamacare increases the fine for billing errors from $11,000 per item to $50,000 without the government even having to prove intent to defraud.

There is nothing left but the coercive apparatus of the state to keep patients and doctors in line. More at Obamacare hires bounty hunters to come after Doctors

 The war continues Justice Dept declares war on Doctors 

Attorney General Eric Holder testifies before the House Judiciary Committee’s oversight hearing on May 13. In a landmark action against Idaho physicians, the Justice Department has unambiguously stated that refusal to accept government price controls is a form of illegal price fixing.

As I’ve long suspected, “health care reform” has emboldened the Justice Department to take a more active role in enforcing government price controls against physicians. Today the Antitrust Division, joined by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden, forced a a group of Boise orthopedists to accept price controls for worker’s compensation and HMO contracts as part of a settlement accusing the doctors of “price fixing”

The FTC has hinted at this when it’s said physicians must accept Medicare-based reimbursement schedules from insurance companies. But the DOJ has gone the final step and said, “Government prices are market prices,” in the form of the Idaho Industrial Commission’s fee schedule.

24 Responses to “Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000”

  1. U.S. Implements WHO Medical/Diagnosis Codes for the Unvaxed | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] These are internationally recognized codes for very specific medical conditions for insurance and government purposes. They are accessible worldwide should you be overseas and have a health issue that needs to be treated. Under Obama and Obama care Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000 […]


  2. Sebelius to unleash Bounty Hunters on Hospitals and Doctors with new edict | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000 September 16, 2011. Check out the post for the absurdity. A more in-depth look at coding can be found at fellow blogger’s post  Prolonging The Agony Or Averting Disaster? by McNorman’s Webblog. […]


  3. Programming Glitches And Monkey Courts - Page 2 - Defending The Truth Political Forum Says:

    […] Again you would have to be able to understand what you are trying to read. The source is clearly stated in my first sentence as my sister who has and still does work in medical billing. Even this article written over 2 years ago shows where it is headed and knowing that the fine print only gets worse as proven by ACA itself this lines up with her claim., Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! […]


  4. lauren a Says:

    Incorrect billing errors are a huge problem but Obamacare is not going to qoute “destroy the country nor healthcare” the enormous amounts of government money spent on coding fraud is way out of control and punishment for those practices needs to be enforced to deter those actions from continuing. I am a current A grade student in medical coding and reimbursement and if doctors were allowed to charge rates as fee-for-service anyone who understands what that means would see that doctors charging what they believe to be correct prices results in overpayment and most charges of fraud are intentional at PHYSICIANS requests to deepen THEIR OWN POCKETS.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I am in healthcare as well. Most hospitals are under water or close to it. Docs will soon not be able to make a living. Yes, there is fraud and it needs to be rooted out. But this just begs the problems and does not solve it. Thanks for your comment.


  5. Monday Night Links: The Vintage Racing Bike Edition | Says:

    […] Bunker: “What’s more, Obamacare increases the fine for billing errors from $11,000 per item to $50,000 w… […]


  6. republicanmother Says:

    The insurance companies under AHIP is the cartel responsible for writing Obamacare. I’m sure this will benefit them somehow. Lately, whenever I’ve gone to doctor, I’ve felt more like I’m heading to Vegas and betting against the house. All the sudden, the insurance doesn’t pay for this or that and you have to be on the phone all day to get it straightened out.

    Everybody ought to be finding their black market health care system now.


    • Bunkerville Says:

      The AMA and the Insurance Companies may have put trust in someone that was a poor choice. I am not so sure they will make out so well in the end, if this continues. I think they were set up.


  7. Phil Johnson Says:

    This is indeed scary, though unfortunately not a big surprise considering how this administration approaches the marketplace. Especially bothersome is the “government prices are market prices” statement. Can you spell RATIONING? We are going to witness a huge shortfall in Docs, most markedly so with GPs. Having insurance, whether private or Medicare/Medicaid, won’t mean much if you have no one to see you.
    Much appreciate your great reporting and heads up, as always. I have passed along your site to a number of friends – so they can benefit from your attentiveness as well. Thanks,


    • bunkerville Says:

      Thanks Phil. Most people do not realize that the majority of Hospitals are on the ropes or close to it. This will finish them.


  8. Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs (Constitution Edition) | SENTRY JOURNAL Says:

    […] BUNKERVILLE: Medical Service Codes Go From 18,000 to 140,000  […]


  9. Angel Says:

    this is so out of control Bunker..sigh…….. keep the faith my friend!!..:)


  10. silverfiddle Says:

    This is part of making healthcare more efficient…


  11. Steve Dennis Says:

    And the hits just keep on coming…..How is it that Obama was able to get those doctors to stand behind him while he signed this bill into law? Obviously they–like the people who voted for it–had no idea what was in it. The sooner we repeal this bill the better off we will be.


  12. Bob Mack Says:

    Nice expose, Bunker. Incorrect coding is a major problem. 25 years ago, I earned $100,000 in my spare time correcting billing errors for just one hospital. I charged the hospital a 10% fee payable only if the re-billing was accepted. I thought the incompetence of both hospital billing departments and the government was unconscionable then (though it proved to be good for me). But now…Obamacare & its healthcare police are going to be a total disaster for the country. It has to go. In fact, the entire Democratic Party as currently constituted has to be repealed.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Hospitals pay their coders nothing compared to what they can lose in reimbursement. You had quite a job Bob. The intention of the law is to find fraud, but I suspect lot of it will turn out to be under payment. Anyone who works in healthcare knows how devastating this will be. It will put many Hospitals out of business with the “Bounty Hunters” that will be out there.


  13. Always On Watch Says:

    I know from personal experience that an incorrect medical code results in bill collectors showing up.

    I stood my ground in that incident in 2009, and, finally, the hospital provided the correct code to the health-insurance company.

    Now that the number of possible codes has mushroomed, it will be even more difficult to track down an error. People are going to end up paying for something they shouldn’t have to pay for (according to the health-insurance contract, that is).

    How are the people known as coders, ever going to be able to keep track of all of this?

    They’ll have to take special courses. Already, these courses have popped up at various schools in the area in which I live.

    Who will pay for these courses? Either individuals or health-care providers. The latter will result in higher medical bills for us all!


    • bunkerville Says:

      AOW with amount of codes, much will be subjective as the example given above. The Government can challenge thus and charge enormous penalites. Coding schools leave much to be desired. One hope the Physician makes the call.


  14. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    This is very depressing. Despite all the clear evidence that the Obama administration is seeing that the people reject their policies, they press ahead anyway and they do it on multiple fronts. They seem hell bent on doing all they can do in their remaining sixteen months to destroy this country. I have no other explanation.


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