Obama pays illegals to come here and reap our stash

Obama continues his Cloward-Piven strategy. First I read from the Washington Times; “Slow path to progress for U.S. immigrants, 43% on welfare after 20 years”, but let’s not stop here. Now Obama advertises to encourage these folks to come and reap the benefits. Does anyone still wonder what the plan is? We have a lawless President. From gateway Pundit:

Power Line reported, via Free Republic:

As in so many other instances, President Obama has simply changed the law by executive fiat. In this case the administration acted quietly, so that it took quite a while before others understood how badly Obama had subverted the immigration laws. Yesterday, four Republican Senators wrote to Janet Napolitano and Hillary Clinton; you can read their letter here:

It has long been a sound principle of immigration law that those who seek citizenship in this country ought to be financially self-sufficient. We were thus shocked to discover that both the State Department and DHS exclude reliance on almost all governmental welfare programs when evaluating whether an alien is likely to become a public charge. Your agencies apply a cramped interpretation of the law in this regard, considering reliance on only two of nearly 80 federal welfare programs as evidence of likelihood of becoming a public charge: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

In fact, guidance from your agencies specifically prevents consular and DHS officials from considering the likelihood that an alien will receive SNAP benefits [food stamps], WIC payments, Medicaid, child-care benefits, foster care, energy assistance, educational assistance, other medical and health benefits, and assistance from at least fifteen different nutritional programs.

18 Responses to “Obama pays illegals to come here and reap our stash”

  1. If All You See… » Pirate's Cove Says:

    […] The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Obama welcoming illegal aliens. […]


  2. Matt Ross (@MrEvilMatt) Says:

    You nailed it with Cloward-Piven.


  3. LD Jackson Says:

    Whatever happened to taking care of our own first? They are creating a whole new class of dependents, who’s votes they can count on.


    • bunkerville Says:

      I was stunned to see how many so call immigrants were still on welfare. Not like the days when to enter the U.S. one had to be able to support oneself.


  4. KingShamus Says:

    That chart you threw in there is the visual representation of our nanny state about to implode.


  5. Bob Mack Says:

    But…but…Obama’s a conservative! How do we know? Because the Lefties tell us so. From the Department of Down Is Up, Left Is Right, & There’s No Business Like NO Business: http://washingtonexaminer.com/new-liberal-spin-obamas-a-conservative/article/2504383#.UCNxjJ1lQXc


  6. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Obama wants to “fundamentally change America” into a third country. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Romney to step up to the plate. He is avoiding all controverial subjects so as not to piss off the “independents”. Sigh!


  7. silverfiddle Says:

    Our Feral Government perpetuates itself by creating new generations of needy people dependent on the government dole, which has a Democrat party stamp on it. It’s called vote harvesting.


    • bunkerville Says:

      If we are lucky that is all it is. I am starting to think it is much more and the intention is for the U.S. to commit economic suicide.


  8. Always On Watch Says:

    The Obama administration advertises the fact that anyone is welcome to come to the United States to receive food stamps.

    By executive order, of course.

    There are AMERICANS OF LONG STANDING who have paid their own way and now are suffering in this economic depression. Obama is throwing them under the bus!


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