Biden NSC Advisor – ‘We Can’t Go Against Israel Until After the Election ‘ Project Veritas Strikes -UPDATE

A White House National Security advisor said that President Joe Biden is waiting until his second term to condemn Israel’s actions during its war against Hamas because a “powerful Jewish influence” is preventing him from doing so now, according to an undercover video of the advisor.

UPDATE:Israel Loses Cool, Hamas Celebrates Ireland, NATO Nations’ Move To Recognize Palestine | Watch – Video at the conclusion.

Sterlin Waters, a cyber policy advisor for the National Security Council, told a Veritas journalist that Joe Biden is a facing a ‘conundrum’ that prevents him from condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza. Waters reports to Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology, Anne Neuberger, who reports to NSA Director Jake Sullivan. On camera Waters refers to his boss Neuberger as “very Jewish.”

Making things even more interesting, Waters works under the deputy national security adviser, who just so happens to an Orthodox Jewish woman – Chani “Anne” Neuberger. A Bais Yaakov graduate, Neuberger quickly rose through the government’s ranks to become the deputy national security advisor, with a specific focus on global and domestic cybersecurity issues.

The story made headline news in the Israeli press. The headlines such as:

EXPLOSIVE: Biden Advisor Caught on Camera: We’ll Make Israel Face Consequences in Second Term

Project Veritas strikes again.

During the six-minute recording, Waters discusses internal White House deliberations about the ongoing conflict in Gaza and admits that “if Biden won again he could be much more forthright about saying ‘No’ [to Israel],” stating that the administration would have more freedom to tell Israel ‘you’re not going to continue to lie, and bomb, and kill all these kids without facing serious consequences.’”

No big surprise about Biden or the Israel policy. The world watches as Biden flip-flops about as he tries to appeal to his Arab voters and yet not lose the main stream voters.

As for Sterlin Waters and his career? He got this particular position last July, let’s see how Anne Neuberger his boss, thinks about his reveal. If these are the folks that are planning our “security” good luck. So much for the NSA.

H/T: Project Veritas

Back in the Obama days, the animus between Netanyahu and himself was palpable. We know who is still running the show. Here is one of Bunks from 2014.

Are Kerry and Obama doing to Israel what was done to Egypt and Libya?

Rocket attacks on Tel Aviv screams the headline on Drudge.

Little coverage is being given to the Israel Palestinian conflict, with Jerusalem itself under attack. Has Obama/Kerry given the green light to Palestine for these attacks? At the least fueling the flames as they did in Egypt and Libya?

Jerusalem “should not take for granted the opportunity to negotiate” such a treaty with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who has proven to be a reliable partner, Gordon said.During the same speech he heaped praise on Mahmoud Abbas as being “committed to non-violence and co-existence and cooperation with Israel” while hammering Netanyahu for not caving in to unreasonable demands made by the Palestinians.

Times of Israel

While it may not have been his intention, Kerry’s statements seem to accept as a fait accompli that the Palestinian alternative to negotiations is the resumption of violence as a policy. His comments were not followed by any qualifier. He gave no indication that the Palestinian leadership would pay a political price for following the path of so-called resistance.

Such apparent acceptance gives an air of legitimacy to a violent Palestinian campaign. It’s as if Kerry is gesturing to the Palestinians that they can use terror and riot tactics after the collapse of negotiations.

Israel Loses Cool, Hamas Celebrates Ireland, NATO Nations’ Move To Recognize Palestine | Watch

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