U.S. Naval Destroyer Attacked in Red Sea as War with Houthi Rebels Heats Up

There was a time when no one attacked a U.S. Navy vessel. Yet we hear nothing about the developing war in the Red Sea.

The U.S. Navy is engaged in intense combat with Iran-backed Houthi rebels from Yemen the Associated Press reported on Friday. Another result of the weakness of the Biden Administration. Here we go:

This conflict, which has been overshadowed by the Israel-Hamas war, is the most significant sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II.

The Houthis have been targeting more than 50 vessels in the Red Sea, leading to a drop in shipping traffic in the crucial corridor to the Suez Canal. The Houthis claim their attacks are to stop the Gaza war and support Palestinians while also trying to strengthen their position in Yemen.

The Navy’s mission to keep international waterways open has led to daily confrontations with the Houthis, who have upgraded from using assault rifles and pickup trucks to drones, missiles, and other advanced weaponry. These attacks have forced U.S. sailors to respond quickly to incoming threats.

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Since November, the Houthis have launched near-daily attacks, including missiles, drones, and other weapons, targeting the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. One notable incident on January 9 involved U.S. ships and aircraft downing 18 drones, two anti-ship cruise missiles, and a ballistic missile.

The Navy has faced similar periods of combat during the 1980s Tanker Wars, but the current conflict is more sustained. The Eisenhower and its supporting ships, including the USS Laboon and USS Cole, are heavily involved, often spending most of their time near Yemen.

Rear Adm. Marc Miguez confirmed Iran’s support for the Houthis, providing financial, intelligence, and military training despite U.N. sanctions. The U.S.-led campaign has carried out numerous airstrikes against Houthi positions in Yemen.

Yemen’s Ansar Allah group, popularly known as Houthis, has launched a big attack. Houthis attacked two civilian vessels and a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea. The American destroyer in the Red Sea was allegedly targeted with multiple ballistic missiles, while the ship named ‘Captain Paris’ was attacked using naval missiles. The Houthis said that the vessel ‘Happy Condor’ was targeted in the Arabian Sea with several drones.

Earlier back in February I posted:

The war is only getting worse.

The worst of the swamp.