Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 6/15

Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week.  Satire, Memes and Mayhem. Nonsense and animals as well. Time to take a break from the madness.


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Good Morning!

We will start off with our usual “Deep Thoughts”

Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris

Deep Thoughts by Joe Biden

The best of the Bee

I’ll close out the post with a review of the Memes of the week. That was the week that was!



That’s all she wrote. Have a wonderful day.

8 Responses to “Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 6/15”

  1. Patroclinous Hot Links – Tacky Raccoons Says:

    […] Not your grampa’s pocket knife [via Bunkerville]. […]

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Baysider Says:

    Good ones! Babylon Bee has so much material to draw from. I did wonder why the deer did not just leap over the gate. And really enjoyed the mechanics of the pencil sharpeners. GOATS – amazing creatures. They love to slide. I’ve told the story before of my step daughter’s goats jumping up on a visitor’s car roof and sliding down the aerodynamic front. Making thousands of dollars of damage on the new BMW. And then there’s this:

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Loved your video… they sure do like the action! The Bee always makes it hard for me to choose a couple. How about the new one of Biden and the Pope? I double checked to see if it was true and it was!!!

      It is an interesting world and glad you enjoyed. Its a lot of work to find the stuff, and as long as people enjoy its worth the effort…


  3. Bigus Macus Says:

    I liked the Trump sign clip. I had several Trump signs taken from my yard. Odd thing is I never saw any signs for either Hillary or Biden in the Neighborhood. Do you think a Trump support took them?


    • bunkerville Says:

      Sounds like you live on the “right side of the tracks!” My brother did the same thing with his mail box. It was considered good fun to drive along and take out rural mailboxes… He planted his on a steel pole in concrete.. the car was still there in the morning.


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