Voodoo G7 50 Billion Dollar Ukraine loan

Try and make sense of the hocus pocus arrangement for the 50 Billion “loan.” As if Ukraine will every pay it back. Ten years into the future to “Trump proof” the arrangement.

The US and Ukraine have signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the pact would protect not just his country, but the world, from Russian aggression. G7 leaders also backed a multi-billion dollar deal to use the interest from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine strengthen its defenses and pay for reconstruction.

So says the notes to the  video.

A “Trump proof mechanism” in case Biden bites the dust in making sure WWIII remains on the table is more like it. So says the reporter in essence.

One more notch in threatening the dollar by confiscating Russian assets. Best stay our friends otherwise we may just seize your assets. This is what third world countries do.

Does anyone really believe Biden cooked up this nonsense?

Not what the Italian Prime Minister had in mind. she prefers a hand shake.

The best of the swamp.

24 Responses to “Voodoo G7 50 Billion Dollar Ukraine loan”

  1. Baysider Says:

    A “Trump proof” solution. Interesting that Trump is THE touchstone for all their actions. I’m sure they’re still smarting from his abrupt withdrawal from the Paris accords which we all celebrated.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Even through they have such low approval ratings, it never occurs to them to change course. They want the worst way to lock up the US into this nonsense…

      The same here with the Dems… the arrogance is profound.

      Good point…The Paris Accords as well has hitting them up for the stash they owe and telling them they need to start to provide for their security.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    The dog Commander keeps biting the wrong WH inhabitant.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Mustang Says:

    I am horrified by the gross stupidity among the world’s heads of state.  As these buffoons stand on the world stage and congratulate one another, bad times are on the way.  I cannot imagine why Japan would sign on to this madness unless the promises made to them are substantial over the next several decades.  They risk becoming a province of China or Russia.  We are on the road to an epic disaster — and none of the world’s civilized societies seem to care about what is getting ready to happen to them.  Has anyone besides me noticed how quiet the Islamists have become?  Does anyone else have hair standing up on the back of their neck?

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Ten years out? So they think the Ukraine will have men to put into the grinder until at least then? And if there is a peace deal which seems unlikely, committed to what for the next guy?Most of these heads of states are on the way out… but the whole thing was to make sure Trump would be committed some how.

      I am with you Mustang…. war is getting very close… but then, we must suspend our elections because they will be bombing up our election headquarters.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bill Heffner Says:

      I believe the Islamists may have read Sun Tzu, who advised never to interfere with an enemy who is in the midst of destroying himself. Such as by borrowing money to lend to a third party, especially to a third party who obviously cannot pay it back.

      Reminds me of makers of student loans. They were reassured by the fact that such loans could not be discharged in bankruptcy. That is rather worthless when the borrower has neither assets or income. In such a case, bankruptcy or not, the lender still does not get repaid.

      The amount of stupid in the world is expanding exponentially.

      Liked by 3 people

    • petermccullough233 Says:

      The Soros protesters (rioters) are keeping the US and its public preoccupied and at the same time Israel and the big satan are on course to capitulate and give in to Hamas’ and the West’s demands. Then there is Biden who will be known as “The Italian Stallion” after copping a feel and a sniff from Giorgia Meloni while the world smiles.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. nrringlee Says:

    Just plain nuts. I was going to use a Biblical term to describe this level of delusion but it would go over the heads of Biden and company. ‘Just plain nuts’ makes the point without stretching the limitations of their twisted trigger housing groups.

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I remember watching the movie An Ideal Husband. One of the plot devices was a scheme to get government backing for an ill advised canal, that would work to line the pockets of the investors, at the expense of the taxpayers.

    I wonder why I think of that so often when I read about Ukraine?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      That too was one of my favorite flicks and a real sleeper. I caught it by chance and thought wow.. as I recall wasn’t it based on true facts in California?

      This scheme is particularly evil.. most of these heads of states are on their way out….yet they scheme to have it run into the future– ten years? So we will be involved for ten years at the least???

      Liked by 1 person

  6. markone1blog Says:

    In regard to the question asked by Duetsche Welle (Could the use of frozen Russian assets lead to distrust of the West? Ist the West weaponizing the financial system?): Yes on both counts. Therefore, it will likely result in the additional growth of the BRICS (as it that movement needed help).

    Thus, the BRICS might become the controlling economic force of the future.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. markone1blog Says:

    Additionally, have you seen the response by Russia to Biden’s approval of the use of American weapons against targets on Russian soil? If not, refer to my post today.


  8. markone1blog Says:

    As I understand it, the whole of the G7 ministers had to come back out and rescue Biden. He just stood there with the Italian Prime Minister.


  9. Bigus Macus Says:

    Stupidity on a global scale.

    Liked by 4 people

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