Macron Decimated by Le Pen’s Populists at Europarl Elections, Calls for Snap Elections

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a sudden election after dissolving the National Assembly. Macron has said there will be legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. This is a reaction to his party’s loss to the far-right National Rally party in the European elections.

This after having to put up with Biden for several days. Add Zelensky and his push for ground troops. Interesting times. Here tis:

Le Pen’s populist-nationalist party got twice as many votes as the governing group of Emmanuel Macron’s globalist centrists in Sunday’s European Parliament election, prompting Macron to immediately dissolve the national parliament and call fresh French elections in a bid to regain authority for the remainder of his presidential term.

Shortly after President Macron announced he was calling fresh elections to buttress his position, National Rally (RN, Rassemblement National) leader Marine Le Pen took to the stage at her group’s election night party in Paris and declared their readiness to fight the snap election.

Hailing the progress of right-wing parties across Europe as the “dawn of a new day dawning for all the nations and peoples of Europe” and expressing her hope the result would finally comprehensively close “the painful globalist interlude which has caused the people of the world to suffer” Le Pen said it also confirmed the RN as the “great force for change for France”.

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Meanwhile in Belgium

Will Europe take a new direction?

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