Nurse Biden Drags Joe Around NATO Ceremony

No big surprise that Joe didn’t exactly equate himself hoofing it around with Macron at the Normandy gathering honoring D-Day. Still it was a beautiful ceremony blessed with good weather.

US President Joe Biden has been mocked online after appearing to make a series of gaffes during the D-Day anniversary in Normandy on Thursday. During the event, Biden seemed unsure whether to stand or sit, awkwardly half-squatting as he searched for a chair.  First Lady Jill Biden, with her hand over her mouth, appeared to be mouthing words of guidance to him. Jill Biden later led him away while French President Emmanuel Macron stayed to greet veterans, some over 100 years old. “The vets look more with it than Biden,” one user wrote on X.

Biden spoke later in the event, pledging “we will not walk away” from Ukraine, drawing a direct line from the fight to liberate Europe from Nazi domination to today’s war against Russian aggression. He called D-Day a “powerful illustration of how alliances, real alliances make us stronger.”

We won’t walk away from Ukraine Joe? Of course not.

A sad commentary to what the day was all about.

This is the man who is running a close tie with Trump?

The best of the swamp.

30 Responses to “Nurse Biden Drags Joe Around NATO Ceremony”

  1. markone1blog Says:

    I was watching the AFP live feed (and, like most live feeds, they didn’t record).

    However, the Daily Mail did provide this (where I overestimated the time Joe tried to sit):


  2. peter3nj Says:

    Ol’ Joe neglected to mention he was in the Army Air Corps as an instructor in WWII training the Tuskegee Airmen.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Now that would have been rich

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      Over many years of casual observation, some of us noted that the 1960s produced “giveaways.” This was a source of irritation to some of us, depending on how our parents raised us.  Imagine — a man goes out to work all day, every day, and can barely make ends meet, while others stay home and watch soap operas all day and get a stipend from the government.  If ever there was a more ruinous program than that, I haven’t seen it.

      And then came along such crap as affirmative action.  It wasn’t enough that you could stay home every day and produce illegitimate children for someone else to pay for; affirmative action meant you could be dumber than a rock, still go to college at someone else’s expense, get a degree, and become a community organizer, a professional activist, or a politician.  Does it get any better?  I don’t think so.

      Now, somewhere around 1960, the light bulb came on, and Joe Biden realized that if a bunch of blacks could benefit from the stupidity of American progressivism/Marxism, so could he.  How else do you graduate from law school as a known cheat and a liar, even if you are at the bottom of the graduating class?

      If there is a poster child for affirmative action, it has to be Joe Biden.  He was not qualified to graduate from law school, and who even knows if he passed the Bar Examination? He was not qualified to serve as a senator … or any committee assignment given to him by the Senate.  He was not qualified to serve as a vice president.  He has no business in the White House now.  And yet … Ole Black Joe is still benefitting from affirmative action and someone else’s dime.

      I don’t understand how the American people can be so gullible … or, if not that, plain stupid.

      Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        How well I recall my Parent’s upsetness over Johnson and his “Great Society” – they warned about the beginning of the end and so it seems to be…

        How anyone can watch Biden’s behavior as Micron and JIll lead him around and still be able to vote for him beats me.

        The final curtain in bizarre behavior of the electorate.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ed Bonderenka Says:

        A complicit media is how.
        The Media discounted the laptop until it ended up in court this week.

        Liked by 1 person

      • rj1913 Says:

        While your version of history is interesting, my understanding of a politician being “qualified” for office is to win the election, something Biden is well accomplished at. He’s been doing it his entire life.

        But if there’s some other qualifier I’m unaware of, I find it difficult to believe that a repeated failed businessman who played the role of a successful businessman on a reality TV show and who I suppose, wrote his own diploma from Trump University, could somehow meet that standard.


      • Mustang Says:

        Respectfully, I disagree. I believe that the key to successful politics lies in honesty and integrity, not in the art of deception.

        As for failed businessmen, I have two questions: (1) How do you measure success, and (2) Which of these two is more successful—Trump or Soros?

        Liked by 2 people

      • Baysider Says:

        Not going to post the same thing twice. But over at Z’s today I posted an excerpt from a Reagan interview in the 70’s that underscores “how the American people can be so gullible.” It’s because they do not know the score. He cites a poll then that only 45% of people could name their congressman, but 86% could not state a thing he stood for. So the media fills in that lacuna with emotion.

        Liked by 3 people

      • rj1913 Says:

        As for businessmen, I consider most anyone that rises from poverty to a billionaire to be successful. Soros did that. Trump did not.

        I would consider Fred Trump as a successful businessman. Simply handing his kid megabucks to squander does not make that kid successful.

        I will hand Donald one thing on the line of succeeding and that’s his ability cheat the system for his own gain. When debating Hillary, he was asked about stiffing contractors and workers after they successfully built one of his casinos. He explained: “I call that good business”. That was my “hard no” moment to never vote Trump. How could I ever vote for someone so dishonest and with such a lack of integrity? His term certainly lived up as we saw a daily if not hourly shitshow of taking mendacity to new levels while undermining the integrity of anything he could get his hands on.

        Most every credible historian survey and study has confirmed this by consistently ranking him as 2nd worse president in U.S. history. The only reason he didn’t wind up dead last was because of his high scoring of his ability of persuasion.

        I suppose there were and are many thugs and mobster and mafia figures who went from rags to riches which could be deemed as “successful”.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Trump licensed his name to several of his so called businesses- casinos that went belly up but he had little to nothing to do with the operation.

        One third of new business go under every= year. Yet that create 40 percent of all the jobs out there. Just a few facts to mull over.


      • Ed Bonderenka Says:

        I was travelling once and ended up in conversation with a guy whom I soon realized was wealthy. He said nothing about his wealth. But I figured out who he was by his modest description of his occupation when he said he was a grocer. I asked him if he was who I thought he was and he admitted to it.
        I said it must be nice to be successful.
        He asked me what success was.
        He then told me a story of a guy he knew who rose from being an alcoholic shrimp boat skipper to the head of a huge frozen dinner (primarily fish) concern. I used to stock the product in a grocery I worked in. It’s an interesting story as to how he built his business.
        As wealthy as he became, he died an alcoholic and had been divorced three times.

        Success comes from something other than wealth.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mustang Says:

        And happiness, as well. Thanks, Ed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sam Huntington Says:

        Most people appreciate consistency in their lives, and I think this is one reason people tend to hold on to meaningful things. I notice, for example, that RJ simply cannot let go of his lack of lucidity.

        Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        It really is embarrassing for him. He seems not to mind. Strange.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Baysider Says:

        “The Media discounted the laptop” under the shield of corrupt 3-letter agencies who officially declared “nothing to see here” knowing it was a lie. But they strung it out long enough to let people settle on their opinion, dismiss it as old news, and ignore the cognitive dissonance.

        Liked by 2 people

      • rj1913 Says:

        Bunkerville, the defense of embarrassment isn’t incumbent upon me but rather the intellectual dishonesty of which you and your league of cohorts, without merit, defend.


      • Bill Heffner Says:

        I was raised by a career (37 years active service) military officer. One of the foundations of living he instilled in his children was that one does not form an opinion on anything until one has obtained sufficient facts on which to form a valid opinion. Corollary to that is that one does not wait facts to come to you. One must engage in active collection of facts and assure that said facts are valid. If one is not willing to do that work, then one is not entitled to form an opinion.

        Today’s world assumes that facts are not needed, and that if they are used at all only such facts as arrive without effort are needed, valid or not. That is why people like Biden get elected.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Sam Huntington Says:

        @ Bill

        As a junior officer, I learned how to form logical and relevant opinions from conducting Navy JAG Manual investigations.  This knowledge has served me well over the past 40 years.


  3. markone1blog Says:

    While reviewing drawings for inclusion in a print book, I listened to some of the incoherent stuff. When he got over a mumble, it seemed that he confused Utah Beach for a stump speach for Ukraine. I do wish that he would just make it official and move to Ukraine so that he could campaign there.

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  4. Nurse Biden Drags Joe Around NATO Ceremony — Der Friedensstifter Says:

    […] Nurse Biden Drags Joe Around NATO Ceremony […]

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