‘40 Explosions In 15 Minutes…’: Ukraine Fires U.S.-Supplied HIMARS At Russia For First Time Amid War

Kyiv has used US weapons inside Russia just days after President Biden approved the tactic for defending Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, officials said.

Yehor Chernev – the deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s committee on national security, defense and intelligence – said Kyiv used the weapons to destroy Russian missile launchers in the Belgorod region, The New York Times reports. 

It is only fitting on a day we remember D-Day we remind ourselves how war starts. This one is with Russia. Biden has escalated the U.S. involvement by approving Ukraine using our weaponry into Russian territory.

As we concern ourselves with Hunter Biden, this foolishness goes on unchecked with Joe Biden and his reckless behavior. Stumbling and bungling along with his foreign policy.

Now that Biden has pushed Russia and China together, Katie bar the door.

Meanwhile NATO makes plan on how U.S. military men and women could once again save Europe.

“Nato is developing multiple “land corridors” to rush US troops and armor to the front lines in the event of a major European ground war with Russia…”

A reminder of what the whole Ukraine thing is about…. a previous post:

Polish President Revealed That Foreign Companies Own Most Of Ukraine’s Industrial Agriculture

What is left for the Ukrainian people, after the “kinetic action” ends, will merely be a carcass of a country. This after the feasting off of the country by the usual players.

Recall as well Zelensky is a loose cannon. In previous posts:   


Ukraine Defies U.S. Order to Stop Attacking Russian Oil Refineries

Here we go, bombs away.

At a NATO meeting in Vilnius last year, NATO leaders agreed to develop new plans to ensure the alliance could provide “300,000 troops at high readiness.”

According to The Telegraph, U.S. troops and armor would land at one of five ports in the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Turkey or Norway from where they would travel through land corridors to NATO countries bordering Ukraine.

These land corridors would be free of bureaucratic local restrictions which in the past have held up the movement of troops and armor, leaving them stuck at borders.

Previous NATO plans only allowed for U.S. troops to land at Rotterdam in the Netherlands, but Ukraine’s experience of long-range missile attacks since the launch of the full-scale invasion has prompted a rethink.

Expanding the number of ports and having multiple land corridors would mean if one was hit, others would still be available to use.

“Everything is created in a way so the necessary resilience exists – robustness, reserves and also redundancies,” Lt Gen Alexander Sollfrank, the chief of NATO’s Joint Support Enabling Command, told The Telegraph.

But concerns remain about NATO’s air defense capabilities that would be needed to protect troops as they move across Europe.

More than two years into Russia’s full-scale war on Ukraine, the air defense capabilities of NATO’s eastern flank are only at 5% of the amount seen as necessary to deter an attack, the Financial Times (FT) reported on May 29, citing sources.

NATO members located in Central and Eastern Europe have publicized plans in recent weeks to improve their collective air defense in response to the Russian threat.

According to unnamed sources who spoke to the FT, the current air defense capabilities of NATO’s eastern flank are far from sufficient.

Air defense is a “major part of the plan to defend eastern Europe from invasion,” a NATO diplomat told the FT.

“And right now, we don’t have that.”

Read more 

More at the New York Post

The best of the swamp.

27 Responses to “‘40 Explosions In 15 Minutes…’: Ukraine Fires U.S.-Supplied HIMARS At Russia For First Time Amid War”

  1. Baysider Says:

    The description of U.S. troops ‘landing” in Europe to fight in Ukraine is chilling. Today Debbie Wasserman Schultz called MTG’s amendment to “defund NATO” unpatriotic. NATO should have been wound down on a schedule after “peace” milestones with the Russians were reached. They moved first in shutting down the Warsaw Pact. After that NATO should have been put on a schedule to extinction. Always a problem when you have permanent buildings and permanent positions you built for yourself.


  2. Baysider Says:

    Well we’re learning a lot about what our stuff CAN’T do.  Maybe it’s better we DON’T send stuff after learning about this:  Firing $200,000 US missiles at Russian tanks?  You can only do it once cuz the tank that’s hit gives off the hottest heat signature, and subsequent missiles go for it instead of other targets.  You think Raytheon is burning the midnight oil over that one?  Ukraine built their own little missiles for $29,000 and deliver them via drone.  “Super high dollar American stuff not doing so well in that battle space.”  And much, much more in Tucker Carlson’s chat with Erik Prince: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLPNqby0AGI

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The Night Wind Says:

    The Diversity Crowd in the Pentagon has been pushing China’s ‘Red Lines’ at the same time. At the Shangri-La Dialogue a Chinese general said that Taiwan declaring independence would mean war and that any foreign power helping them would be considered enemy combatants.

    The Globalists are in no condition to fight a full-scale war on multiple fronts like WW2. I still suspect that all of this escalation and militarization is to create an ‘incident’ that will be used as a pretext for declaring another ‘State of Emergency.’ They seem to be preparing for that already by passing laws against protests and expanding domestic espionage—and they seem to be ratcheting up their muzzling of free speech. I also have suspicions about this sudden concern with the Borders; let’s not forget that closing borders can be used for purposes other than controlling immigration.

    The big concern though is that in spite of their arrogance they might push one of these superpowers too far and start something they can’t finish.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I have been following the China deck chair move around. As I recall a Navy fellow is now head honcho for their military for the first time… one would think they have an inclination for their navy to step forward. Yes indeed, all it takes is a bullet to go somewhere where it shouldn’t including a ship or two.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. peter3nj Says:


    As a convicted felon, Donald Trump has had his handgun permit revoked by the state of New York. As far as we know, as of today, no gangbanger has had their gun license revoked anywhere in the country; probably because they don’t need one to carry.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Mustang Says:

    Thank you, Bunks.  Your post today answers my question: ‘Could the Biden administration and NATO behave more irresponsibly or stupidly?’

    Liked by 2 people

  6. markone1blog Says:

    This gets reported as Dementia Joe dodders along in France among more mentally viable 103-year-old veterans of World War II.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Yep… wait till he tell the tale of his landing there back in the day..


    • markone1blog Says:

      You know, Trump got us out of wars and brokered peace agreements (such as the Abraham Accords). Still, all we got from the likes of Meet the Press, The View, Morning Joe, and other tripe shows was “Will Trump lead us into WW III?”

      All we get from Joe is warmongering stuff like this; however, the press ignores it.

      Just as with my post today, there is a large disconnect in the Biden regime (and for the press) between the past and the present. Last week, “Nobody is above the law.” This week, Hunter is in court with his own book and his own laptop testifying against him, but nobody doubts a pardon.

      For three years, Joe couldn’t control the border on his own (he said). Now, he can issue a weak executive order (but he’s issuing amnesty by the hundreds of thousands).

      Yesterday morning, he criticized Netanyahu. However, after an interview where he seemed to nap, did give incoherent responses, and mumbled, he entered a presser where he defended Netanyahu.

      Liked by 2 people

    • The Night Wind Says:

      I think that Biden doesn’t realize that the Vietnam War is over and he’s thinking about the kind of military we had in the 60s fighting a jungle campaign. I think that he has Putin confused with Nikita Khruschev too.

      There was a report that the Pentagon was collaborating with our ‘allies’ for a war with China and their strategy was straight out of the WW2/Postwar Era including ‘island-hopping’ and naval engagements with battleships and carrier strike groups. Obama had a similar plan during his ‘Pivot to Asia.’ These people have no conception of what modern warfare looks like; most of our Pentagon seem to get their strategic knowledge from watching the History Channel and think that our soldiers are combat ready because they have high scores playing World of Warcraft.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. peter3nj Says:

    Not only the US but Europe, the Middle East and possibly the world are at a tipping point should Bidenbama win re-election this November. Regardless of your feelings personal, political or otherwise it would appear only a President Trump can or will try to stop the madness that is plaguing the swamp. Meanwhile the Soros led American justice system will keep on plugging away in its efforts to hamstring Trump leaving only a Democrat to inhabit the Oval Office and in doing so push a sleeping country over the cliff as it sends its rainbow flag toting cannon fodder into the Eastern European fray.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      This says it all why Trump wants us out of NATO or at least diminished in being responsible for their future. Let them spend their bucks and send their boys.

      Liked by 4 people

      • nrringlee Says:

        True story. A dear old friend, a nuke sub guy has a term he has used for many decades. ‘Things go bump in the night.’ I picked that up from him many moons ago and use it to this day. Unintended consequences spring from unintentional action. That is the concept in a nutshell. When you do not think through consequences those consequences will come visit you at the most inconvenient of times.

        We compared notes on night land navigation in dense jungle to navigating a Los Angeles Class submarine through ‘tight’ waters where enemies abound. Same concept, different environment.

        I remember slumbering through Law of Land Warfare classes and hearing concepts like ‘hosting of a belligerent’ and how it applied to my first war fighting experience in re the PAVN in Cambodia. Are we creating a similar circumstance? And if so, how is Brer Putin going to respond? Do we know? I don’t think so. Fuzzy thinking abounds in Russia House rendering our actions mostly unintentional.

        Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        There are reports that Russia plans sabotage warfare…which makes sense since who knows how many are already here to carry out missions… Even FBI Wray acknowledged that an attack here is unavoidable.. to which I say, look to your boss.

        Wray has made these somber predictions at several Hearings,….. yet zip from Congress.

        Liked by 1 person

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